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The impact of late applications of N-fertilizer on the grain protein of wheat in the Mediterranean climatic region of Western Australia Jairo A Palta Bill.

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Presentation on theme: "The impact of late applications of N-fertilizer on the grain protein of wheat in the Mediterranean climatic region of Western Australia Jairo A Palta Bill."— Presentation transcript:

1 The impact of late applications of N-fertilizer on the grain protein of wheat in the Mediterranean climatic region of Western Australia Jairo A Palta Bill Bowden Senthold Asseng Supported by

2 Introduction 1. The AWB has recently introduced payments for wheat grain protein in order to improve its marketability

3 Grain protein prices for Western Australia wheat in 2000-2001

4 Introduction 2. These payments have made decisions on the application of fertilizer N to wheat more critical for profits.

5 N applications, early growth and grain protein content 3. Grain protein can be increased by pre-tillering applications of fertilizer-N through an improved early vegetative growth.

6 Pre-tillering N applications and grain protein content N applied (Kg/ha) N at maturity (g m -2 ) Grain N yield (g m -2 ) NHI Grain protein (%) Grain yield (t/ha) 155.2 3.5 0.68 10.2 1.94 15/15 30/30 l.s.d. (P=0.05) 1.32 0.710.030.790.32

7 Leaching of N 4. Water loss by deep drainage can occur in early winter when vegetative growth and N uptake is slow. Low recoveries of N-fertlizer Leaching of N

8 Leaching of N and rainfall distribution 5. Leaching of N is mainly a consequence of the distribution of rainfall. 70% of the annual rainfall is received between May-July.

9 Mediterranean-type environment Western Australian wheat-belt ET pot sowing grain fill

10 Information on management of grain protein 6. Growers are seeking information that delay decisions and expenditure on N fertilizer until late in the season when weather, yield potential and grain prices are clearer. Aim Evaluate the efficacy of post-tillering applications of N-fertilizer in increasing the grain protein content in wheat.

11 Post-tillering N applications and grain protein content Wongan Hills in the central wheatbelt of WA. 390 mm annual rainfall Deep yellow earthy sand (USDA Typic Xeric Psamment).

12 Post-tillering N applications and grain protein content Seeding N (kg/ha ) Post-tillering 15 N-fertilizer SE(DC25 ) B (DC42 ) A (DC61) 0 30kg/ha 50 30kg/ha





17 Conclusions Post-tillering applications of N-fertilizer to wheat can increase grain yield and protein content in seasons when: 1. There are not losses of water and N from deep drainage. 2. Late rains are capable to keep the soil surface moist for long enough to allow the fertilizer-N to be taken up by the crop.

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