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CLUB EXCELLENCE WEBINAR Revised Process and Criteria.

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Presentation on theme: "CLUB EXCELLENCE WEBINAR Revised Process and Criteria."— Presentation transcript:

1 CLUB EXCELLENCE WEBINAR Revised Process and Criteria

2 2 AGENDA 1. General Overview a) Purpose of the Program and Progress b) Opportunities for Clubs involved 2. Process and Timeline for Application and Assessment a) March 31st Letter of Intent b) OSA Staff role (Governance/Administration & Technical) c) September 30th submission date 3. New criteria in the application a) Governance changes b) Technical content by LTPD area c) Scorecard

3 3 GENERAL OVERVIEW Purpose: Provide a framework for Clubs to work within Share Best Practice Proactively address trends (legal, social or cultural) Build a better soccer structure for Ontario Progress: 90 Clubs and counting Shared model with National Sport Organizations and Provincial counterparts Presented at Canadian Sport 4 Life Conference Launch pad for 15 of 16 OPDL license holders

4 GENERAL OVERVIEW Opportunities for Clubs involved: CSA/OSA event involvement CSA Box at 2 TFC games Club recognition from peers, community and funders Club specific projects

5 LETTER OF INTENT (Step 1) Submitted by mail or email from Club President Received at OSA Office by 5pm March 31st States the Club Name, Award goal and Champion An email confirming your involvement will be sent within 24 hours.

6 APPLICATION (Step 2) April –May Baseline review of Club June-September 30 th Ongoing support through OSA Staff (Governance/ Administration and Technical) District Associations will be informed of your entry into the program, confirm your status of good standing District Associations are also there for ongoing support as always.

7 SUBMISSION (Step 3) September 30th (5pm) deadline Hard copy & electronic format. Sectioned to reflect each criteria as presented in the Scorecard.

8 GOVERNANCE-ADMINISTRATION Increase from 32 to 52 criteria. Clearer sections related to: OSA Policy(6), Club Administration (22), Workforce (10) and Risk Management(14). Bronze remains almost identical requiring OSA mandatory requirements. Built in rubrics for graded sections.


10 TECHNICAL CONTENT Technical content by LTPD area: Player Development (26) Match Officials (7) Talented Pathway (4) Soccer For Life (3) Board Awareness (4) Site Visit to observe technical delivery in action.


12 SCORECARD Living document. Baseline moving towards final submission. Built in links with resources to OSA and external websites. Ongoing notes and discussion with OSA Staff to track progress.

13 OPERATIONS & DELIVERY Operations East, West and North split Administration/Governance through Membership Services Team Technical through Player Development Team Delivery Site Visits Conference Calls Webinars

14 TRANSITION Award YearAction Needed Awarded in 2012 or earlier Award expired. Must reapply under 2015 criteria. (Unless renewed/upgraded in 2013 or 2014 then see below). Awarded in 2013Renew or upgrade with new criteria. Awarded in 2014Renew in 2016 with new criteria. Applying in 2015 Apply, renew or upgrade with 2015 criteria. Applying in 2016Submission with new criteria.

15 BRANDING New logos released for 2015 Current Awardees encouraged to move to new formats On successful completion of the Award a Club will be provided with the appropriate new versions in jpeg, ai. and pdf versions. Clubs encouraged to use this in a high profile manner on websites, letterhead, team jerseys or event releases.

16 SUMMARY General Overview Letter of Intent – Application - Assessment Deadlines New criteria and Scorecard

17 FINALLY! Questions and Letters of Intent should be directed to A regularly updated FAQ will be visible on the OSA Club Excellence webpage. Get that Letter of Intent in before March 31 st !

18 THANK YOU @ClubDevelopme nt

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