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QUESTIONS OR COMMENTS? Send us your questions regarding GASB 68 throughout the presentation. Follow these steps to submit your question electronically:

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2 QUESTIONS OR COMMENTS? Send us your questions regarding GASB 68 throughout the presentation. Follow these steps to submit your question electronically: 1.Text ‘GASB68’ to 66746 2.Wait for confirmation message 3.Reply with your question

3 Questions? Text ‘GASB68’ to 66746

4 Public Employees sell their labor to a public employer in exchange for wages and a benefits package, which includes the promise of a future pension. Particularly because the wages were historically often lower than the private sector, the pension promise is part of the “basis of the bargain.” Questions? Text ‘GASB68’ to 66746 “The Employment Exchange” Rationale:

5 The Employment Exchange GASB 68 will require public employers to include the proportionate share of the unfunded part of this promise on the Statement of Net Position. Query: Is this unfunded liability enforceable as an obligation of the public employer? Questions? Text ‘GASB68’ to 66746

6 Pension Protections Vary Questions? Text ‘GASB68’ to 66746

7 The Ohio Environment In Ohio, the amount a public employer must contribute to its pension obligation is capped by law – an act of the Ohio General Assembly. Questions? Text ‘GASB68’ to 66746

8 The Ohio Environment If pension liabilities of the five systems continue to be unfunded, the impact could be shouldered in various ways, or a combination: The local government Individual employees Further reforms from current contributors Capital shifts from non-mandated benefits (health) Questions? Text ‘GASB68’ to 66746

9 The Ohio Environment The Challenge: Depending on the manner in which the liability is apportioned, GASB 68 could require reporting of a liability by a local government that it is not responsible for, and never becomes responsible for – dramatically distorting the financial report of that local government. Questions? Text ‘GASB68’ to 66746

10 The Ohio Environment Failing to follow GASB 68: will result in modified audit opinions will mean that Ohio governments fail to follow accounting standards We wanted to find a way to accurately report Ohio governments’ financial positions while following accounting standards. Questions? Text ‘GASB68’ to 66746

11 AOS Proposed Guidance Report the unfunded pension liability as a separate line item on the Statement of Net Position (for multiple pension systems, see footnotes for detail) Include language in the MD&A that explains Ohio’s legal environment and the limitations on enforcement of unfunded pension liability as against the local government. Questions? Text ‘GASB68’ to 66746

12 AOS Proposed Guidance Include in MD&A a statement that: Because of the discussion below, many end users of this financial statement will gain a clearer understanding of the Government’s actual financial condition by adding deferred inflows¹ related to pension and the net pension liability to the reported net position. ¹ deferred outflows would be subtracted: if applicable Questions? Text ‘GASB68’ to 66746

13 AOS Proposed Guidance Questions? Text ‘GASB68’ to 66746 MD&A Net Position Summary Refer to page 3 in your handout

14 AOS Proposed Guidance Questions? Text ‘GASB68’ to 66746 Statement of Net Position Refer to page 7 in your handout Long-Term Liabilities: Deferred Outflows of Resources

15 AOS Proposed Guidance Questions? Text ‘GASB68’ to 66746 Statement of Activities Refer to pages 8 and 9 in your handout

16 AOS Proposed Guidance Note that the liability is proportioned between governmental activities and individual enterprise funds. Questions? Text ‘GASB68’ to 66746

17 AOS Proposed Guidance Note XX on Pension Liability Net Pension Liability represents a liability to employees for pensions Represents the government’s proportionate share Pension Liability is reported on the accrual basis Questions? Text ‘GASB68’ to 66746

18 QUESTIONS OR COMMENTS? Send us your questions regarding GASB 68 throughout the presentation. Follow these steps to submit your question electronically: 1.Text ‘GASB68’ to 66746 2.Wait for confirmation message 3.Reply with your question


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