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CTE Coordinators Update

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1 CTE Coordinators Update
KACTE Summer Conference CTE Coordinators Update


3 KSDE CTE Team Purpose Support and empower schools in developing quality pathways that lead students to college and career readiness



6 Here’s what we’re facing…

7 Kansans with “Some Post-secondary”
52% Some Post-secondary = Credential through Advanced degree

8 Kansas Class of 2012 Percentage of 2012 Graduates enrolled in Post-secondary (2 & 4 yr. institutions) 76% Percentage of 2012 Graduates completing 1 year of post- secondary 49%

9 System for Education Enterprise in Kansas (SEEK)
Authenticated Application containing building-level data related to student performance in post- secondary KSDE - Authenticated Applications

10 College and Career Ready in Kansas
College and Career Ready means an individual has the academic preparation, cognitive preparation, technical skills, and employability skills to be successful in postsecondary education, in the attainment of an industry recognized certification or in the workforce, without the need for remediation.

11 IPS Webpage Individual Plans of Study

12 What is an IPS? Product - Multi-year educational plan based on career interests Process – Providing students access to career development It’s NOT just a graduation plan

13 What are the obstacles in moving students toward quadrant D, high rigor and high application?
1. Living in the Past – Always done that way 2. Scheduling 3. Licensure 4. Carnegie Units 5. Finances 6. Different levels of High Rigor per student 7. Lack of support to provide PD to teachers for the changes 8. Limited opportunities for work-based learning in community

14 What do we need to start doing to move students into Quadrant D?
1. Cause students to think critically 2. Integration/Team Teaching 3. Differentiated Teaching Strategies 4. Increased Relevance

15 What do we need to stop doing to move students into Quadrant D?
Less Standards – Higher/Fewer/Clearer (Common Career Technical Core) No Competency Profiles

16 Which one of the following seven areas in CTE do you feel you need the most support and guidance from KSDE during ? Integration Innovation Career Awareness and Guidance Strategic Planning Instructional Practice Partnerships Support and Recognition

17 Register here for 2014 CTE Drive-Ins
September 3rd – Civic Center, Dodge City September 4th – NW KS Service Center, Oakley September 17th – Webster Conference Center, Salina September 22nd – Greenbush Service Center, Girard October 1st – Johnson County Community College, Overland Park Register here for 2014 CTE Drive-Ins

18 Approved Pathways by Cluster 2013-14
Agriculture – 361 Architecture & Construction – 301 Arts, AV, Comm. – 241 Business Management – 94 Education & Training – 65 Finance – 179 Govt. & Public Admin. – 10 Health Science - 62 Hospitality & Tourism – 97 Human Services - 333 Information Tech. – 208 Law, Public Safety – 15 Manufacturing – 102 Marketing - 88 STEM – 92 Transportation – 50 Total (+99 from )

19 Approved Pathways by Cluster 2014-15
7/28/2014 Agriculture 356 Architecture & Construction 299 Arts, AV, Comm. 267 Business Ent. & Management 102 Education & Training 79 Business Finance 181 Govt. & Public Admin 11 Health Science 62 Hospitality & Tourism 108 Human Services 348 Information Tech. 214 Law, Public Safety 25 Manufacturing 105 Marketing 91 STEM 135 Transportation 49 Total 2471 (+176 from ) K-ACTE KSDE/CTE Update

20 Success of Senate Bill 155 2011 2012 2013 2014 HS Headcount 3,475 3,870 6,101 8,208 College Credit Hours 28,000 28,161 44,087 60,799 # Credentials (Public & Private) 711 1419 $ Incentives for Credentials $ 694,167.50 $ 1,419,000 # Districts Participating 108 160 In 2014, College CTE courses taken by HS students - a 112% increase in headcount and 116% increase in college credit hours over the baseline year 2012) 1,419 secondary students earned industry-recognized credentials leading to a high demand occupation - an increase of 159% over the 548 credentials earned the baseline year (2012) Major areas for secondary student certifications: 73% Health; 9% Construction; 7% Manufacturing; 6% Automotive; 4% Agriculture

21 Senate Bill 155 Funding 25,719,784 11,750,000

22 Statewide Articulation Agreements
7/28/2014 Currently have statewide agreements with 12 post-secondary institutions 77 total statewide agreements 29 Pathways have statewide agreements K-ACTE KSDE/CTE Update

23 Additions to the Pathway Changes Fact Sheet for 15-16
Changes to Pathways for School Year Old Code Title New Code 22250 Career & Community Connections 45250 12108 Advanced Accounting 33108 12168 Marketing Communication 35168 18506 Environmental Resources & Wildlife Science 37506 21111 GIS Technology 21058

24 15-16 Pathway Application Updates In Progress
New Pathway Improvement Plan format Drop down menu of certifications in addition to the open text box will provide more options No advisory committee meeting minutes (keep on file locally) address for advisory committee members will not be required District-level Pathway application option “Change”, “No Change” button on each section except for Section 2b to inform consultant 8th grade intro. course credit will count towards 3.0 credit minimum requirement for pathway

25 Career Pathways Assessments System (cPass)
General CTE– summative college/career ready assessment (academic, 21st century skills, leadership, employability) Specific End-of-Pathway assessments – technical skill assessments

26 New Licensure Regulations
Summary of HB 2506 STEM – degree in STEM-related field (finance and accounting as well) + 5 years of related work experience + offer from a school district CTE – IRC + 5 years related work experience OR - IF less than 0.5 teaching position, verified occupational competency (exam, license, IRC, 4000 hrs. work experience)

27 Cluster Lead Consultant Last Year Reviewed Year to begin Review Agriculture Food & Natural Resources Kurt Dillon Architecture & Construction Peggy Torrens Arts A/V Technology & Communications Gayla Randel Business Management & Administration Kirk Haskins Education & Training Finance Government & Public Administration Don Gifford Health Science Wenda Pickell Hospitality & Tourism Human Services Information Technology RJ Dake Law, Public Safety, Corrections & Security Manufacturing Marketing STEM Melissa Fast Transportation, Distribution, Logistics

28 Creating a Quality Pathway Improvement Plan

29 Pathway Assessment Rubric
Developed in response to requests from schools for guidance with: Creating meaningful improvement plans Engaging advisory committee members

30 Pathway Assessment Rubric
Voluntary Will not be shared with KSDE BEST PRACTICE – Teacher(s) of a Pathway complete the assessment along with Advisory Committee Contains four components of a quality Pathway (all four are part of a draft of the CTE Accreditation Model) Partnerships Physical Environment Instructional Practices Professional Development

31 IV. Instructional Strategies
Component IV. Instructional Strategies A. Instruction is balanced between classroom & laboratory instruction, experiential learning, and leadership & personal development Missing or non-existent. Needs Improvement—One component of the classroom and laboratory instruction, experiential learning, and leadership and personal development dominate the curriculum, while others are minimally addressed or ignored. Improving—While one component of the curriculum is clearly dominating the instruction, there is a plan for bringing the deficient area(s) into balance with input from the advisory committee and state staff. Promising-Evidence exists that an attempt is made to balance the curriculum across all components utilizing input from the local advisory committee. Exemplary—A well-planned balance exists among all curriculum components. The balance is documented and is a result of collaboration with all stakeholders and state requirements. Indicator Stages

32 “Score” a Pathway Think of one Pathway
Assess the Pathway in only ONE component Under each indicator, check boxes next to the stage that best fits the current status of the Pathway

33 Reflection Questions What indicators did you score at the exemplary stage? (These will need to be maintained to remain at this stage) Which indicators did you score at the improving or promising stage? (These are indicators of inclusion in your pathway improvement plan.) Which indicators did you score at the struggling or missing (non-existent) stage? (These are considered critical areas your pathway improvement plan should address.)

34 3 yr. Pathway Improvement Plan Template
Use the results from the Pathway assessment rubric to develop SMART (specific, measurable, attainable, realistic, timely) goals for each component Very similar to the new template of the Pathway Improvement Plan in the Pathway application

35 If you feel the Pathway assessment rubric would be a valuable tool, please use it during your fall Advisory Committee Meeting More time and training will take place during the Fall CTE Drive-In Workshops

36 Have a fantastic start to the school year!

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