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Interpretation and Evaluation By Anton Mararenko.

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1 Interpretation and Evaluation By Anton Mararenko

2 Interpretation and Evaluation  Interpretation and Evaluation are two great tools that help us understand the message behind a work of art.  Together, they piece all the elements of the artwork together and allow us to judge them.  Such elements could be techniques, the terrain, or even something as simple as emotions within the artwork.

3 The Good Stuff is in the Middle  A work of art is like an Oreo cookie, the good stuff is in the middle.  Interpretation and Evaluation help us go through the layers of an artwork and understand each on its own.  Then we understand the meaning behind it.

4 Inanimate Objects  Also, think of the dark cookie as a barrier that has to be overcome to understand the meaning of an artwork.  The cookie can represent inanimate objects that we may not analyze closely and take for granted.  For example, something as simple as a traffic sign.  We will see such an example later on.

5 So what’s the point of Interpreting and Evaluating?  Good question.  Interpretation is a process when the mind scopes in on individual details and stores it in “files” in the brain.  Once enough details have been gathered, we begin to evaluate what these details mean and make one statement.  These processes help break through that ambiguous dark cookie and get to the clearer picture which in this case, is represented by the creamy inside.

6 Some works of Art are repulsive.  Not true.  Although some photographs or paintings may not be our cup of tea, there is a reason for this.  It is because the artist did a very good job hiding all the elements and the message itself in the work that we simply take it for granted and turn it away.

7 Astor Place, 1932 by Francis Criss  First I will give you an opportunity to consider this scene, and think about what you see.

8 Astor Place, 1932 by Francis Criss

9 Furthermore,  If we think, many paintings that are found in exhibits are usually not grass fields with beautiful flowers or a nice sky with clouds.  They’re usually intriguing and some point, a little odd.

10 Astor Place, 1932  First notice how the shade occupies a large portion of the scene.  Next notice the billboard that advertises Steel.  Also notice the 2 light traffic sign and the keep right symbol. These are two inanimate objects we may have over looked at first.  There are also 2 nuns on the corner.  However, where is the Church?

11 Astor Place, 1932 by Francis Criss







18 Evaluate  Now we can use the details we interpreted and evaluate them.  First the billboard. It is large and in the middle of the scene, so it must be of importance.  Next, the sign is shining brightly on the billboard. This adds emphasis.  Also, the keep right sign is pointing in the direction of the billboard and away from the shade.  It is almost as if it is try to guide us in the “right way”.  Finally, the 2 light traffic light is either red or green.  This could mean that you’re either in the business (of steel) or not. There’s no time to think.

19 Walter Miller Shooting from Woolworth Building, 1912-1913  In this photograph we see a man sitting on a steel beam that is protruding from the unfinished skyscraper.  This photograph emphasizes the power and dominance of large buildings, or in respect to the previous painting, to steel.

20 Walter Miller Shooting from Woolworth Building, 1912-1913  Now let’s consider the photographers perspective on this photo.  He took the shot from the top down.  This was done to give a birds view of the entire city.  Also, this helps emphasize on the grandiose achievement made by the engineers on creating such a massive building.

21 Interpretation and Evaluation  As demonstrated by the examples, Interpretation and Evaluation are two incredible ways to understand a work of art.  Furthermore, the two processes help us understand the meaning behind an artwork and also appreciate how the artist hides such details but also connects them.  Through thorough Interpreting and Evaluating, we can also get a rush of emotions because we can easily connect with the scene.

22 What happens next?  Well, if you carefully Interpret and Evaluate a work of art, then you have a feeling of satisfaction because you solved the puzzle.  Personally, I feel great when I figure out the message behind a photograph and I appreciate the hard work and creativity the artist put into it.

23 So,  Never give up on an artwork.  All artworks have a hidden message behind them and a meaning.  And be sure to never judge a work of art by your first impression, give it a chance.

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