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Board Governance Workshop An Orientation & Introduction to the Lasallian Heritage Part II.

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Presentation on theme: "Board Governance Workshop An Orientation & Introduction to the Lasallian Heritage Part II."— Presentation transcript:

1 Board Governance Workshop An Orientation & Introduction to the Lasallian Heritage Part II

2 Goals  Informational ReflectiveReflective

3 Agenda  Common Terms  Our Mission  Our Founder  Essential Characteristics of Lasallian Ministries

4 Common Terms  St. John Baptist de La Salle  De La Salle, or La Salle  Lasallian  Lasallian Schools

5 Common Terms  Fratres Scholarum Christianarum (FSC)  Brothers of the Christian Schools  De La Salle Christian Brothers  Lasallian Partners or Colleagues

6 Common Terms Institute Superior GeneralSuperior General Brother ÁlvaroBrother Álvaro Generalate, RomeGeneralate, Rome General ChapterGeneral Chapter International Mission AssemblyInternational Mission Assembly District Visitor: Brother Donald, SF (Napa) Brother Tim, NO-SF (Covington) District Chapter District Mission Assembly

7 Saint John Baptist de La Salle and the Gospels OneCommitmentLeadsToAnother

8 Rheims, France - 1679 The Need – What can be done to break the cycle of economic and spiritual poverty?What can be done to break the cycle of economic and spiritual poverty? The Situation – Rampant PovertyRampant Poverty Multi-GenerationalMulti-Generational

9 Meanwhile, on the other side of town…

10 John Baptist de La Salle 1679  Newly Ordained  Privileged Background  A Person of Deep Faith Committed to Doing God’s WillCommitted to Doing God’s Will  A Path for the Future? Whatever God Desires…Whatever God Desires… Education Does Not Appear to Be in the Cards…Education Does Not Appear to Be in the Cards…

11 However…

12 One Commitment Leads to Another  Assists Adrien Nyel  Works With Teachers  A Challenge: Trust in Providence  Establishes a Teaching Community

13 I had not thought of doing this before, but not because others had not suggested that I do such work … The Gentle Persistence of God

14 And if I had ever thought…

15 …one commitment led me into the next one without my having foreseen this in the beginning. God, who directs all things with wisdom and gentleness…

16 One Commitment Leads to Another  To help open a school  To assist teachers  To establish a community of educators – “Brothers”  To dedicate his life “in association” with these Brothers  To provide an education to those who did not have access to a quality, Christian education

17 Who are the Brothers? 17  serve others through education  live in community, praying together daily  consecrate themselves to God  live in the spirit and charism of a long, living tradition  share their mission in a global “Institute”

18 Our Worldwide Mission The purpose of this Institute is to provide a human and Christian education to the young, especially the poor, according to the ministry which the Church has entrusted to it. -- The Rule of the Brothers of the Christian Schools

19 Video Overview  De La Salle – A Reflection Brother Gerard Rummery, FSCBrother Gerard Rummery, FSC AustraliaAustralia General Councillor for 14 yearsGeneral Councillor for 14 years Significant Contributor to Lasallian StudiesSignificant Contributor to Lasallian Studies Focus Question:Focus Question: If you were sitting around a campfire with people who had never heard of John Baptist de La Salle, what would you tell them?If you were sitting around a campfire with people who had never heard of John Baptist de La Salle, what would you tell them?

20 Stop and Reflect  I learned…  I was surprised…  I rediscovered…  I’m beginning to wonder…  I’m getting clearer about…  I have a question about…

21 Essential Characteristics of Lasallian Ministries

22 Curriculum Co-Curricular Programs Campus Ministry Student Service Programs Admissions Hiring School Policies Development Parent Programs Board Work Essential Characteristics

23 Essential Characteristics of Lasallian Ministries Faith in the Presence of God Concern for Those in Poverty and a Commitment to Social Justice Quality Education Inclusive Community Respect for All Persons

24  Let us remember…  Made in the Image and Likeness of God  Realistic Optimism  God is present in our midst 1.Faith in the Presence of God

25 2.Concern for Those in Poverty and a Commitment to Social Justice  Fullness of Life for All  Special Consideration Given to Those in Greatest Need  Concern extends beyond the school community  Both Social Action and Social Change are valued

26 3.Respect for All Persons  “re” + “spect” = “to see again  Respect is not earned  Respect is a verb  Rights mean Responsibilities

27 4.Quality Education   Holistic Education: “To have a life as well as make a living” – – Intellectual – – Physical – – Emotional – – Spiritual – – interpersonal   A challenging environment

28  “catholic” – focus on inclusion  Everyone Finds a Place  Hospitality for All  Focus on Quality Relationships 5.Inclusive Community

29 Essential Characteristics  Remembering the Presence of God  Special Concern for Those in Poverty and a Commitment to Social Justice  Respect for All Persons  Quality Education  Inclusive Community

30 Video Overview  The Experience Reflections of students and graduates (some of whom are now educators) on their experience of Lasallian educationReflections of students and graduates (some of whom are now educators) on their experience of Lasallian education  Watch and listen... what is a Lasallian school?

31 Stop and Reflect  I learned…  I was surprised…  I rediscovered…  I’m beginning to wonder…  I’m getting clearer about…  I have a question about…

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