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Department of Assessment, Curriculum, and Instruction Kahle Charles, Director of Curriculum.

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Presentation on theme: "Department of Assessment, Curriculum, and Instruction Kahle Charles, Director of Curriculum."— Presentation transcript:

1 Department of Assessment, Curriculum, and Instruction Kahle Charles, Director of Curriculum

2 SVVSD Elementary Report Card

3 Our Mission To design an organizational structure to make the new Colorado Academic Standards a useful, relevant, instructional planning and reporting tool, and… o increase student achievement by focusing on what students need to know, understand, and be able to do at each grade level and how it is measured o develop and implement with fidelity and accountability a guaranteed and viable curriculum that is standards- based o promote organizational effectiveness

4 The New Colorado Academic Standards Important Design Features o Written with “the end in mind” by defining a prepared graduate (P-16 principles) o Articulated by grade levels, not grade bands (High school Science & Social Studies by standard) o Integrated 21st Century and Postsecondary Workforce Readiness Skills (PWR)

5 The New Colorado Academic Standards Important Design Features o Written to be fewer, clearer, and higher o Concepts, not facts, written for mastery o Common Core Standards for Math and Language Arts

6 21st Century Skills Defined Colorado 21st Century Skills o Critical Thinking and Reasoning o Information Literacy o Collaboration o Self-Direction o Invention These skills are defined within each content area

7 Benchmarking for Rigor Singapore National Curriculum Massachusetts Curriculum Framework Virginia Standards of Learning Finland – National Core Curriculum WestEd Colorado Model Content Standards Review Building Blocks to the Colorado K-12 Content Standards

8 Resources Unit Plans Year-At-A-Glance Curriculum Maps

9 Purposes of a Standards-Based Report Card The Standards-Based Report Card provides more detailed feedback to parents regarding the progress their children are making toward specific learning expectations at their grade level. The report card allows parents and students to understand more clearly what is expected of students and how to help them be successful in a rigorous academic program. To provide traditional grades along with scores for each learning expectation addressed in a grading period.

10 Report Card Changes Alignment to the New Colorado Academic Standards (CAS) New Language to Reflect the CAS Proficient changed to Mastery o Mastery means that a student has facility with a skill or concept in multiple contexts. Can they do it? Can they apply it?

11 Report Card Changes In the past, teachers graded students based on the student’s progress on mastery of the target outcomes by the end of the school year. In the new, enhanced format, teachers grade student mastery of targets for the trimester. This change is meant to help parents and teachers know, more precisely, how the student is progressing during each grading period.

12 How is Academic Achievement Noted on the Report Card?

13 3 rd Grade Sample 2.0 Mathematics Term 123 ACADEMIC ACHIEVEMENT, GRADES K-3 Mathematics Achievement, Grades K-3 INDEPENDENT LEVEL Independent Level LEARNER EXPECTATIONS 3-Add and subtract numbers within 1000 using efficient algorithms 3-Use place value to round whole numbers to the nearest 10 and 100 3-Identify and compare fractions in relation to whole numbers 3-Solve multiple step word problems involving +, -, x, / 3 1.1.a.i (Unit 4) 2 NA 3 4 O +

14 Report Card Information New WebsiteWebsite

15 Questions

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