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Smart-ES Ecosystems for Smart CPS Applications Market Addressed Ecosystems of different kinds of mixed-criticality Cyber-Physical Systems for Smart Applications.

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Presentation on theme: "Smart-ES Ecosystems for Smart CPS Applications Market Addressed Ecosystems of different kinds of mixed-criticality Cyber-Physical Systems for Smart Applications."— Presentation transcript:

1 Smart-ES Ecosystems for Smart CPS Applications Market Addressed Ecosystems of different kinds of mixed-criticality Cyber-Physical Systems for Smart Applications Kung-Kiu Lau The University of Manchester

2 Project Idea Ecosystem Business Models Multi-Product Lines Open Variability Open Variability Open Integration Open Integration Co-development Co-development Distributed Quality Assurance Distributed Quality Assurance Ecosystems of Smart Applications

3 R&D and Technical Excellence Research Domain & ECSEL MASRIA Indication Market Innovation and Impact ARTEMIS: CESAR, CRYSTAL; FP7: IDENICA 6. Key Applications 7. Essential Technologies 7.2 (Design Technologies) 7.2 (Design Technologies) 7.3 (Cyber-Physical Systems 7.3 (Cyber-Physical Systems 6.2 (Smart Society) 6.2 (Smart Society) 6.3 (Smart Energy) 6.3 (Smart Energy) 6.4 (Smart Health) 6.4 (Smart Health) 6.5 (Smart Production) 6.5 (Smart Production)  Multi-product lines, ecosystems, with quality assurance  New level of co-development flexibility  New business models with sound product line foundation

4 Consortium Status Available Key Partners Missing Capabilities and/or Partners Initial consortium formed LESME Pure Systems (DE), Reden (NL), Hi-Iberia (ES), Tecnalia (ES), ITI (ES), HISBIM (TR) Siemens (DE), Danfoss (DK), Philips (NL), SenSoftia (FI), SAP (UK)  LE as coordinator  SMEs & companies in some countries PRO Fraunhofer IESE (DE), U Manchester (UK), U Hildesheim (DE), U Twente (NL), TU Eindhoven (NL), TU Tampere (FI), U Mondragon (ES), U East London (UK), U Aalborg (DK)

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