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The New Dynamics of the Information Supply Chain Debbie Dore Chief Commercial Officer.

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Presentation on theme: "The New Dynamics of the Information Supply Chain Debbie Dore Chief Commercial Officer."— Presentation transcript:

1 The New Dynamics of the Information Supply Chain Debbie Dore Chief Commercial Officer

2 Impact of the economic crisis  Speed of change is increasing already existing trends  Everyone wants paying earlier and to pay later  No-one can any longer afford to subsidise anyone else  Short term decision making increased – long term impact not really considered  Ideas/thoughts finally turned into action

3 New dynamics  Tendency to move into other people’s space to look for new revenues  What is really important becomes clearer  Rebalancing of priorities and resources  All parties are impacted and the willingness to collaborate is increased

4 Role of the agent remains unchanged Services provided to and revenues generated from both parties

5 For many organisations margins are reducing  Buying power of consortia  New commission/charging models  Changes in buying and payment behaviour  The space within which to manoeuvre is smaller  There remains a demand for services

6 How clear are you on what your customer really values?

7 The Starting Point should always be the Customer  What does your customer really value?  What do you spend time on internally which never turns into customer value?  What are essential items and nice to have?

8 How to further increase that value whilst reducing cost

9 Range of opportunities  Cut costs – range of initiatives underway  Increase revenues  Charging more for value add services  Add new services which attract a higher margin  Move into new aligned areas  To really make a difference however you need to find new ways of working or ways to remove non value add costs

10 Process and Cost Improvements  Technology – electronic exchange of data  Service differentiation  Outsourcing  Process improvements

11 Content Creator Price & title info Order/renewal Invoice Payment Supply subscription Offer/renewal Order/renewal Invoice Payment Supply subscription Customer (Library) Interaction at every stage

12 Electronic Data Exchange  Moving what was a very manual data entry business to a seamless electronic one  Uploading publisher prices electronically  Updating invoice information  Sending electronic output wherever possible Accuracy, speed of service and timeliness all improved

13 Many integration opportunities that remain untapped  Library Management system integration is still low  Almost all have the capacity to integrate invoicing avoiding the need for double entry  Aleph, Voyager, Innopac, Millennium, Unicorn and SirsiDynix can manage claims and invoicing  Innopac can also upload packing slips from consolidation  ICEDIS and EDIFACT format for publisher adopted by some but not others  Entering data directly yourself removes a whole process for both parties

14 Service Differentiation Customers and publishers can be serviced in different ways:  Online  Service team/Helpdesk  Person-to-person by phone  Face-to-face

15 Service Differentiation  Each service comes at a different cost and a different value depending on the nature of the query  Currently all options are open to all customers and publishers but can this be maintained in the future?  Different profiles of customer value different things  80/20 rule on revenue applies but our costs are not aligned to these in the same way  We have to find new ways of servicing equally well all customers

16 Service Differentiation  It is not just about cost but also about the relevant solution to the query and finding the best resolution  If service quality can be shown to have improved it becomes more about changing behaviours and accepting multi channel service rather than one size fits all  Every party in the supply chain should be able to have a service that fits their needs but also accept the cost of that service depends on the choices they make

17 Low value add services  Many businesses have outsourced work with different degrees of success  Critical to retain internally the services customers value most but what about the behind the scenes activity?  Benefits to involving third parties:  They are an expert in what they do  Have the volume of business to invest in the latest technology  Don’t have the same seasonal variations in workload

18 Outsourcing - piloting  Data entry  Fulfilment services Both have produced:  a lower unit cost  improvements in quality  added new innovation to the process

19 Issues checked in straight on to Swets system

20 Investment in technology provides a light system to ensure correct issues are put in the correct lane and box, reducing errors and speeding up process

21 Conveyor belt used to move issues around. The light system picks up where issues need to be unloaded to be packed

22 Voice recognition and finger scanner used to double check that the right issues are in the right bin

23 Process Improvements  Internally many are underway from the claiming process for fulfilment to the order-invoicing for customers and e-access claims  Current process map of the industry shows mass duplication in every part of the chain and we are keen to solve it  Open up our systems to each other and administration costs could be reduced with more money spent on increasing value to your customer

24 In Summary  Financial pressure is increasing the speed of change  Being clear on the value you add is key  Many opportunities exist to improve process and reduce costs  Working together is the only way to ensure a successful future Thank you for listening

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