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City of Tshwane & City of Oulu Cooperation 17 March 2009.

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1 City of Tshwane & City of Oulu Cooperation 17 March 2009

2 City of Tshwane Profile Merger of 13 municipalities in 2000 POPULATION: 2,2 million LOCATION - City of Tshwane is situated in the Province of Gauteng and lies 50km north of City Johannesburg. It is also situated on the axis formed by two major Southern African roads (The N4 Platinum Highway which is a section of the Maputu SDI linking Mozambique, South Africa Botswana and Namibia on the east-west axis; and the N1 Highway linking all major South African cities to the south of Tshwane with the African continent north of Tshwane) MUNICIPAL AREA 219864 ha, or 2198 km², or 849 miles² NUMBER OF ELECTED COUNCILLORS: 76 MUNICIPAL STAFF EMPLOYED: 13,100 13 Municpalities consolidated into 1

3 COOEPRATION VISION AND OBJECTIVES Integrated Smart City Plan - Exchange of competence – to help in development and implementation of Smart City Plan Broadband Connectivity– Exchange expertise and knowledge around wireless connectivity to assist the City of Tshwane. - Expertise to develop the strategy to accelerate the roll out of broad band technology Exchange Programme – Broad but not limited to Council Officials, universities and students Business-to-Business Programme

4 EXPECTATIONS FROM SOUTHERN PARTNER Availability of experts in Telecoms operations Experts in City Strategy Development Identify opportunities for Tshwane & Oulu Enterprises Identify needs for student exchange programme

5 The Team City: Febridge Lebea (CIO) James Masonganye (Ops) Caiphus Chauke (LED) Khanya Matlhare (Marketing) Innovation Office Butana Mboniswa Gift Mphefu Mbali Nkomonde The Innovation Hub Tsietsi Maleho Jeanette Morwane Johan Swart

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