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Visitation Team and Website Training 2015 Please sign in:

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1 Visitation Team and Website Training 2015 Please sign in:

2 All: Mary, Mother of Jesus and our Mother By the power of the Holy Spirit, you received the Word of God to take flesh within you, and gave birth to the Savior of the world. Prayer to Our Lady Before a Meeting Leader: Let us begin our prayer, in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Amen

3 Leader: We turn to you now seeking your privileged intercession: A: For greater reverence, to see Christ in the young people we are called to serve; B: For greater knowledge, to recognize God as the Origin and Destiny of our lives; A: For greater understanding, to discern what is true and good in light of our faith; B: For greater right judgment, to know how to meet the needs of students in our care;

4 A: For greater courage, to confidently and patiently carry out our work; B: For greater wonder and awe, to honor God’s Presence all around us; A: For greater wisdom, to know and walk in God’s ways. Leader: We entrust our prayer to you, Repeating the words spoken by the millions Who seek your help each day: All: Hail Mary…

5 Agenda Please sign in: Explore the website Break Visitation Protocol Ask questions as we go All materials are available on both of our websites

6 Exploring the website First Login: Update Profile Password: “password” Click the menu lines to see the options. The ARCA Guide in Resources has specific details on how to use the website.

7 Current Year Profiles – edit school; add assistants General School Materials – optional upload area ARCA

8 Front page of each Domain Comments and Evidence at the Standard Level Add files or links

9 Benchmarks Edit to indicate the Level of Compliance Comments and Evidence Added at Benchmark Level

10 Resources Guides, Checklists, Presentations Available

11 Site Visits View – General Visitation Information Review – School’s CIPA Work

12 Annual Report Profile ProfilesReportsARCA

13 Level of Compliance School Comments and Evidence Team’s Comments

14 Accreditation Visitations Accreditation is a process of school improvement based on a set of educational standards. FCC Accreditation Committee determines the accreditation status of a school based on the validated level of compliance with benchmarks.

15 Process CIPA Visitation FCC Accreditation Committee Accreditation Status

16 Purpose of the Visitation Validates of the Compliance Level on the Benchmarks Validates of the Action Plan Provides Feedback to the Accreditation Committee and the School The FCC Accreditation Visitation Team

17 Visitation Handbook On the Resources Module Step by step website use and visitation protocol Chairperson Guide Checklists for the principal and the chairperson

18 Attitude, attire, and comments must be professional in all circumstances. Comments, suggestions, and recommendations should be as objective, as possible, based on best practices and research. The FCC Accreditation Visitation Team Representative of the FCC Accreditation Program

19 Do dress professionally Don’t wear clothes or shoes that are too casual Do make constructive comments and recommendations to assist the school in moving forward Don’t tell the stakeholders how things are done in your school Basic Dos and Don’ts Representative of the FCC Accreditation Program

20 Do smile and be friendly Don’t be too casual in your interactions Do introduce yourself, mentioning your school and position Don’t forget that you represent the FCC Accreditation Program during this visit Do call the FCC Accreditation office with any questions Don’t struggle with issues or questions on your own Basic Dos and Don’ts Representative of the FCC Accreditation Program

21 Preparing for the Visitation Receive information from the FCC Accreditation Office Login to view the school’s materials Site Visit Module Gives a big picture of the school Reviewing the Reports Reviewing the Benchmarks

22 Preparing for the Visitation Reviewing the Reports Steering Committee (Action Plan) Domain Committee Reviewing the Benchmarks Level of Compliance Comments Evidence

23 Benchmark Activity Reviewing the Benchmarks Level of Compliance Comments / Evidence Questions or observations

24 Prior to the visitation The Chairperson Talks with / Meets with the superintendent and the school administration Sends team members assignments and schedule The School Personnel Makes lodging arrangements Works with the team members to determine transportation

25 The Visitation Two School Days Begins with either a team meeting or a tour Validating the Benchmarks Reviewing evidence Observing in classrooms Meeting with the pastor, administration, staff, parents, and students Team Work Sessions Discuss findings and determine level of compliance / comments by consensus Discuss action plan and comments or recommendations Prepare exit report

26 Classroom Observations 10 to 15 minutes in each classroom Classroom 1.4 Mission Statement Visible O Yes O No Comments: O Yes O No Comments: O Yes O No Comments: 2.6 Catholic Culture Visible O Yes O No Comments: O Yes O No Comments: O Yes O No Comments: 4.5 Evidence of supporting faith life O Yes O No Comments: O Yes O No Comments: O Yes O No Comments: 7.3 Instruction allows students to become evaluators, problem solvers, decision makers O Yes O No Comments: O Yes O No Comments: O Yes O No Comments: 7.4 Instruction prepares students to be excellent users of technology O Yes O No Comments: O Yes O No Comments: O Yes O No Comments: 7.5 Instruction addresses affective dimensions O Yes O No Comments: O Yes O No Comments: O Yes O No Comments: 7.6 Instruction engages and motivates all students O Yes O No Comments: O Yes O No Comments: O Yes O No Comments: Types of student work Type of instruction

27 Classroom Observations 1.4 Is the mission statement visible in the classroom? 2.6 Is the Catholic culture visible in the classroom? 4.5 Is there evidence of the teacher supporting the faith life of the community? E:\New Visitation Docs\Benchmark Guides\Domain A Mission and Catholic Identity Benchmark Guidelines.docx

28 Classroom Observations 7.3 Does the curriculum and instruction for 21st century learning provide students with the knowledge, understanding and skills to become creative, reflective, literate, critical and moral evaluators, problem solvers, decision makers, and socially responsible citizens? 7.4 Does the curriculum and instruction for 21st century learning prepare students to become expert users of technology, able to create, publish, and critique digital products that reflect their understanding of the content and their technological skills? – Authentic integration

29 Classroom Observations 7.5 Is classroom instruction designed to intentionally address the affective dimensions of learning, such as intellectual and social dispositions, relationship building, and habits of mind? 7.6 Is classroom instruction designed to engage and motivate all students, addressing the diverse needs and capabilities of each student and accommodating students with special needs as fully as possible? E:\New Visitation Docs\Benchmark Guides\Domain C Academic Excellence Benchmark Guidelines.docx

30 Meeting with the Pastor How are you involved with the students, staff, and administrators (5.5)? Do you see Catholic identity, scripture, Catholic Tradition, and Catholic social teachings integrated into all subject areas (2.4, 2.5, 2.7)? How do you see the staff as role models for the students (3.4)?

31 Meeting with the Administration How is the mission statement used (1.2)? How often and by whom is the mission statement reviewed (1.3)? How do you communicate and work with the pastor (5.5)? Have you established networks of collaboration throughout the school community (6.4)? How is school-wide data used to plan for academic excellence (6.5)? E:\New Visitation Docs\Benchmark Guides\Domain B Governance and Leadership Benchmark Guidelines.docx

32 Meeting with the Parents Do you know the mission statement (1.5)? Do you understand it? Do you see all staff members as role models for your children (3.4)? How has the school assisted you in educating your children in the faith (4.2)? How has the school assisted you in growing in your own faith (4.3)? How have you been involved or invited to be involved in the service programs (4.4)?

33 Meeting with the Parents Do you see every staff member supporting the faith life of the school community (4.5)? How does the administration communicate with you and you with the administration (6.7)? How is student achievement data shared with you (8.2)? How have you been invited to be involved with the school, teachers, or students (9.1)? How are you given information regarding tuition and tuition assistance (10.7)?

34 Meeting with the Students The school selects 2 students from each grade 5-8 Do you know the mission statement (1.5)? Do you understand it? Are your teachers and other people on the staff role models for you (3.4)? How? How do you use technology in your classes (7.4)? What does your teacher do when you don’t understand something (7.6)?

35 Meeting with the Teachers and Staff Do you know the mission statement (1.5)? Do you understand it? How are Catholic identity, scripture, Catholic Tradition, and Catholic social teachings integrated into all subject areas (2.4, 2.5, 2.7)? How do you see yourself as a role model for the students (3.4)? Do you have vertical and horizontal team meetings (7.1)? Have you mapped any of the curriculum (7.1)? Do you have professional learning communities or data teams (7.7, 8.5)? What student data is used in planning and how is it used (8.1, 8.3)? What criteria is used to evaluate student work and how is it reported (8.4)?

36 Benchmark Guide Activity Using the Benchmarks Guides Questions to ask Possible evidence Questions or observations

37 Team Work Sessions Discuss findings and determine level of compliance / comments by consensus Work directly on the website Indicate level of compliance Comments (required when levels differ)

38 Team Work Sessions Discuss action plan and comments or recommendations Complete Addendum Visitation Team Addendum to Report School Name: Action Plan – Please describe any comments, recommendations, or commendations to the action plan here: Executive Summary – Please describe any comments, recommendations or commendations to the executive summary here: If the team has any other comments to make, please write them here:

39 Team Work Sessions Prepare oral exit report: A few highlights from each Domain, including some of the recommendations and some of the comments from the stakeholder meetings A few comments regarding the Action Plan, including some of the recommendations Appreciation for hospitality Template: E:\New Visitation Docs\Exit Report Template 2015.docxE:\New Visitation Docs\Exit Report Template 2015.docx

40 End of Visit Oral Exit Report Voucher Forms Give the chairperson materials used

41 After the Visitation FCC Accreditation Committee Reviews the report Determines the accreditation status The school has access to the site The school receives its accreditation certificate

42 Contact Information Mary Camp Office: 850-224-7906 Cell: 850-728-4272 General Website: Website for ARCA and Visits:

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