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ModuleTitleMain MessageOutcome/ Action Step Series One Bridges Forming Leaders to Build Bridges within the Parish and Beyond it Building an engaging and.

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Presentation on theme: "ModuleTitleMain MessageOutcome/ Action Step Series One Bridges Forming Leaders to Build Bridges within the Parish and Beyond it Building an engaging and."— Presentation transcript:

1 ModuleTitleMain MessageOutcome/ Action Step Series One Bridges Forming Leaders to Build Bridges within the Parish and Beyond it Building an engaging and evangelizing community calls for pastors, staff and parishioner leaders who entrust ministry to one another, relying on the talents and gifts each has been given, to contribute to the mission of Jesus Christ in the world. To lay foundational understanding of and skills necessary for engagement and strengths based leadership Series Two Establishing the Vision of Servant Leadership The Year of the Good and Faithful Servant Leader Leadership is KEY! When we reflect on our desire to form people as disciples and stewards, we recognize the need for collaborative leadership among parishioners, staff, and clergy. Taking a year to focus on leadership development and the critical skills necessary to form effective servant leaders results in a systemic approach that builds a life-giving and fulfilling community that lives as good and faithful stewards. To develop a vision of servant leadership within the parish, forming concentric circles of collaborative leaders who build bridges to others and lead them more deeply to Christ. Series Three Parish Leadership and Planning Without Vision, and a Plan, the Parish will Languish Developing an actionable plan for parish life, and the structure through which to implement and sustain that plan is essential to the ongoing growth and life of individuals and the parish. To develop a parish plan with the liturgy at the heart of parish life; to develop a parish structure that is capable of implementing and sustaining the plan over time Series Four Essential Pastoral Leadership Skills A Heart for Service, Skills for Leadership We come to parish leadership through our response to Christ’s call to serve. Many leaders, however, have not been taught fundamental skills through which to draw others into service so that all my thrive while contributing to the mission of Jesus Christ in the parish and the world. To develop essential skills in leading projects, managing people, and holding effective meetings in order to build up the Body of Christ, the Church Series Five Parishioner Development Created in God’s Image, Called to Serve Discovering and developing our God-given talents and gifts provides a unique perspective through which to grow as a disciple and good steward. With the awareness of the unique talents of each person, we are more capable of inviting others, welcoming and mentoring them as people of faith. To invite parishioners to discover and develop their talents, recognize their unique giftedness and respond in their relationships with others. CATHOLIC Life & Faith Leadership Development Series Series Overview

2 SeriesModules Series One Bridges 1.Introduction to Bridges 2.Intro to Engagement 3.Defining Expectations 4.Intro to Strengths 5.Strengths-based Teams 6.Servant Leadership Series Two The Year of the Good and Faithful Servant Leader Servant Leadership (see Bridges Series, module 6) 7. Reaching Ministry Coordinators with the Message The Gifted Journey (see Parishioner Development, module 14) 8. Communities within the Community: Calling People to Discipleship and Stewardship Series Three Parish Leadership and Planning 9.The Liturgy at the Heart of the Parish and Life 10.The Pastoral Council and Parish Leadership 11.Appreciative Inquiry 12. Developing and Implementing a Pastoral Plan Series Four Essential Pastoral Leadership Skills 13. Project Leadership 14. Managing Volunteers (even if you are one) 15. Meeting Management Series Five Parishioner Development 16. Living Your Strengths: The Gifted Journey 17. Living Your Strengths: Small Group Facilitator training 18. Becoming a Welcoming Community 19. Becoming a Faith Mentor CATHOLIC Life & Faith Leadership Development Series CLF Leadership Modules

3 ModuleTitleMain MessageOutcome/ Action Step 1. BridgesReaching Out, Drawing In, Leading People to Christ The role of the parish in engaging and evangelizing people today cannot be underestimated. This foundational session explores the religious landscape in the Western world, particularly in the U.S., and proposes three essential bridges that people and parishes can build, reaching out to those within the parish and beyond it, and drawing them in, to a deeper relationship with Jesus Christ. To introduce the vision of the engaging and evangelizing community, identify beginning focus points, and to establish the need for leadership formation for parishioners and staff. 2. Intro to Engagement “Building the Evangelizing Community” Deep belonging among members is key to deepening spiritual commitment among people, leading them to evangelize in the ways articulated by Pope Francis in EG, 24 To offer a deeper sense of welcome and friendship to those who come to our community 3. Defining Expectations “Creating the Parish Covenant utilizing the 4 Pillars of Christian life” People need a clear sense of what it means to be a member of the parish in order to be engaged; a covenant process, rooted in the four pillars of parish life, is a foundational element of building an evangelizing community (Acts 2:42ff; RCIA, 75) To begin the process of developing a parish covenant and to articulate to others the importance of belonging to the parish 4. Intro to Strengths “The Gifted Journey” Discovering, appreciating and applying the gifts and talents God has given each person helps us to recognize the grace of God in our lives, and to value one another as uniquely and wonderfully created in God’s image and likeness (Gn 1:26-27, CCC 356-361) To apply one’s talents and strengths in all aspects of their lives. 5. Strengths- Based Teams “Creating Strengths- based ministry teams” Recognizing and drawing on the talents of others helps us to create a stronger community in which we minister to and with each other more effectively (EN 15, Co-Workers in the Vineyard of the Lord, p.20) To appreciate and leverage the talent of a team as a way to accomplish a goal 6. Servant Leadership “Bringing it all together: Leaders of Good and Faithful Stewards” Recognizing that those who accept leadership roles in the parish, through ministries and organizations, are the primary bridge-builders to those they lead, those they serve, and those who have not yet made a home in the community of faith (Jn 13:1-15, Mt 25: 31-45, LG 33-38) To Identify ways to intentionally build bridges between individuals and other ministry teams CATHOLIC Life & Faith Leadership Development Series Series One: Bridges See pages below for learning objectives

4 TopicDescription 6. Servant Leadership Meet with key parishioners, focusing on their role as servant leaders Communicate the vision of the parish as engaging and evangelizing Encourage increased responsibility among leaders for reaching out to those with whom they serve 7. Reaching Ministry Coordinators with the Message Servant leadership Builders of Bridges Called to Engage and Evangelize 15. Living Your Strengths Retreat: The Gifted Journey Identify Top 5 Signature themes as a way to understand how God’s grace has uniquely formed and created each of us Identify ways in which we can intentionally apply our gifts and talents in all aspects of our lives. 8. The Community within the Community: Calling People to Discipleship and Stewardship A whole community gathering in which people are drawn more deeply to one another A celebration of already-existing ministry within the parish Conversations among ministry members to enhance their service to the community and parish communication about ministry Series Two: The Year of the Good and Faithful Servant Leader CATHOLIC Life & Faith Leadership Development Series

5 Series Three: Parish Leadership and Planning CATHOLIC Life & Faith Leadership Development Series TitlePrimary Objectives 9. The liturgy at the heart of the parish and life Identify principles for putting the liturgy at the center of parish life Identify practices for helping people to put the rhythm of feasts and seasons at the center of their lives 10. The Pastoral Council and Parish Leadership Identify processes through which a healthy pastoral council structure provides key consultation, direction and parishioner leadership Identify practices that provide effective means for parishioner participation in leadership and ministry 11. Appreciative Inquiry Identify the ways in which A-I “fits” with engagement as a positive planning process Identify strategies for using A-I in pastoral planning, ministerial discernment, and individual spiritual reflection 12. Developing and Implementing a Pastoral Plan In conjunction with the A-I course above, further identify the importance of a long- range (3-5 year) pastoral plan Identify key strategies for articulating and implementing the plan once developed

6 TopicDescription 13. Project Leadership Identify the key strategies to leading projects Identify steps to managing projects and keeping them on track 14. Managing Volunteers (even if you are one) Identify the challenges and opportunities to managing volunteers Identify ways to leverage the gifts and talents as the primary way to connect volunteers to specific volunteer opportunities 15. Meeting Management Identify the Four P’s to excellent meetings Identify the keys to Facilitating highly effective meetings Series Four: Essential Pastoral Leadership Skills Note about modules and special topics: Each module and topic will begin with a theological reflection Participants will be invited to assess current state as they think about their current skill/knowledge level Follow learning, participants will be asked after a period of time (3-6 months) to reflect on progress and learning and to determine where they would like to focus next. CATHOLIC Life & Faith Leadership Development Series

7 Series Five: Parishioner Development CATHOLIC Life & Faith Leadership Development Series TopicDescription 16. “Living Your Strengths” Or “The Gifted Journey” retreat Identify Top 5 Signature themes as a way to understand how God’s grace has uniquely formed and created each of us. Identify ways in which we can intentionally apply our gifts and talents in all aspects of our lives. 17. “Living Your Strengths” Small Group Facilitator training Identify the key characteristics and qualities of a highly effective small group facilitator. Learn the “Living Your Strength” 4 week process and leave equipped to facilitate these small groups 18. Becoming a Welcoming Community Assess current parish hospitality and welcoming practices Build and implement a year-long plan for enhancing hospitality Develop a welcoming community that values every person and invites all to discover and offer their gifts and talents 19. Becoming a (Better) Faith Mentor Explore the impact of mentoring and reverse mentoring Develop mentoring skills Create and implement a mentoring plan for the parish as part of a strategic engagement plan

8 Audienc e ModuleTitleMain MessageOutcome/ Action Step Parish Staff/ Ministerial Leader 1. BridgesReaching Out, Drawing In, Leading People to Christ The role of the parish in engaging and evangelizing people today cannot be underestimated. This foundational session explores the religious landscape in the Western world, particularly in the U.S., and proposes three essential bridges that people and parishes can build, reaching out to those within the parish and beyond it, and drawing them in, to a deeper relationship with Jesus Christ. To introduce the vision of the engaging and evangelizing community, identify beginning focus points, and to establish the need for leadership formation for parishioners and staff. CATHOLIC Life & Faith Leadership Development Series Learning Objective 1:Participants will develop a vision of the parish as a local expression of the Church, which is called to evangelize. Learning Objective 2:Participants will explore current research which describes the religious landscape in the Western world, particularly in the United States, including descriptions of the “spiritual but not religious” and the unaffiliated. Learning Objective 3:Participants will develop a greater understanding of key factors to be considered in the development of a plan toward engaging and evangelizing those in the parish and beyond it. Learning Objective 4:Participants will acquire the vision of themselves and those with whom they serve as builders of bridges, including three essential bridges that every individual and parish can build, as evidenced in research and the best practice of engaging parishes: Welcome, Friendship, and Sharing. Learning Objective 5:Participants will increase their understanding of the need for a strategic plan to build engagement and enhance evangelization within the parish community. Learning Objective 6:Participants will conclude the course having identified specific next steps for study, discernment, and planning. Introduction: Bridges

9 Audienc e ModuleTitleMain MessageOutcome/ Action Step Parish Staff/ Ministerial Leader 2. Intro to Engagement “Building the Evangelizing Community” Deep belonging among members is key to deepening spiritual commitment among people, leading them to evangelize in the ways articulated by Pope Francis in EG, 24 To offer a deeper sense of welcome and friendship to those who come to our community CATHOLIC Life & Faith Leadership Development Series Learning Objective 1:Participants will develop a clear understanding of engagement as the underlying dynamic of parish life, and will be able to succinctly articulate this to others. Specifically, participants will come to a greater understanding of the importance of belonging, and that belonging leads to spiritual commitment. Learning Objective 2:Participants will examine and acquire the ability to communicate the theological implications of engagement in relationship to our participation in Christ’s Body, discipleship, evangelization and stewardship. Learning Objective 3:Participants will make essential connections between engagement, evangelization and stewardship. Learning Objective 4:Participants will apply the principle of building on what is working, and building up the engaged who reach out to those who are not engaged to their discussions and initial assessment and planning processes, establishing the strategy and vision for future discussions. Learning Objective 5:Participants will begin a process of assessing practices that may contribute to engagement in their parish, and to discern strategies to increase engagement, based in the research and best practices. Learning Objective 6:Participants will conclude the course having identified specific next steps for study, discernment, and planning.

10 Audienc e ModuleTitleMain MessageOutcome/ Action Step Parish Staff/ Ministerial Leader 3. Defining Expectations “Creating the Parish Covenant utilizing the 4 Pillars of Christian life” People need a clear sense of what it means to be a member of the parish in order to be engaged; a covenant process, rooted in the four pillars of parish life, is a foundational element of building an evangelizing community (Acts 2:42ff; RCIA, 75) To begin the process of developing a parish covenant and to articulate to others the importance of belonging to the parish CATHOLIC Life & Faith Leadership Development Series Learning Objective 1:Participants will understand the relationship between clarifying expectations and building engagement within their parish. Learning Objective 2:Participants will grow in understanding of the four primary pillars of parish life, to worship, connect, grow and serve. Learning Objective 3:Participants will assess current offerings and expectations within each of the four pillar areas. Learning Objective 4:Participants will be prepared to begin a process of clarifying expectations among parish leaders (pastor, staff, parishioner leaders). Learning Objective 5:Participants will also begin to develop a plan for creating and presenting a parish covenant.

11 Audienc e ModuleTitleMain MessageOutcome/ Action Step Parish Staff/ Ministerial Leader 4. Intro to Strengths “The Gifted Journey” Discovering, appreciating and applying the gifts and talents God has given each person helps us to recognize the grace of God in our lives, and to value one another as uniquely and wonderfully created in God’s image and likeness (Gn 1:26-27, CCC 356-361) To apply one’s talents and strengths in all aspects of their lives. CATHOLIC Life & Faith Leadership Development Series Learning Objective 1:Participants will grow in understanding of the talent research behind the StrengthsFinder assessment. Learning Objective 2:Participants will develop a greater understanding of the theology of our unique creation in God’s image (imago Dei) and how talents are among the gifts we are called to steward with our lives. They will also develop a capacity to communicate this theology through their interactions with others. Learning Objective 3:Participants will grasp the developmental nature of talent, and will develop a personal plan through which they will apply their primary areas of talent in their lives to a greater degree. Learning Objective 4:Participants will understand the interrelationship between creating an environment in which all are invited to give of their talents, skills, and resources and increased parish engagement. Learning Objective 5:Participants will begin to examine current parish practices in relationship to the importance for people to have “the opportunity to do what they do best.”

12 Audienc e ModuleTitleMain MessageOutcome/ Action Step Parish Staff/ Ministerial Leader 5. Strengths- Based Teams “Creating Strengths- based ministry teams” Recognizing and drawing on the talents of others helps us to create a stronger community in which we minister to and with each other more effectively (EN 15, Co-Workers in the Vineyard of the Lord, p.20) To appreciate and leverage the talent of a team as a way to accomplish a goal CATHOLIC Life & Faith Leadership Development Series Learning Objective 1:Participants will understand the principles of building strengths based teams. Learning Objective 2:Participants will begin to develop a theological and ecclesiological foundation for shared ministry as articulated in Church documents and pastoral letters such as Evangelii Gaudium and Co-Workers in the Vineyard of the Lord. Learning Objective 3:Participants will understand the essence of the four domains of leadership and will be able to apply the domains in exercises with already-existing ministry teams Learning Objective 4:Participants will develop a plan to apply the principles of strengths based teams to the creation of a new or enhanced ministry team. Learning Objective 5:Participants will assess their current parish practices for inviting parishioner participation in ministry and for the development of ministerial teams in light of the principles of strengths based leadership.

13 Audienc e ModuleTitleMain MessageOutcome/ Action Step Parish Staff/ Ministerial Leader 6. Servant Leadership Recognizing that those who accept leadership roles in the parish, through ministries and organizations, are the primary bridge-builders to those they lead, those they serve, and those who have not yet made a home in the community of faith (Jn 13:1-15, Mt 25: 31-45, LG 33-38) To Identify ways to intentionally build bridges between individuals and other ministry teams “Bringing it all together: Leaders of Good and Faithful Stewards” CATHOLIC Life & Faith Leadership Development Series Learning Objective 1:Participants will develop a greater understanding of their baptismal call to serve, and their role as servant leaders within their parish. Learning Objective 2:Participants will explore the ways their leadership impacts the life of their parish and all who are touched by it. They will identify the contribution their ministry makes and recognize the contributions made by other parish ministries and organizations. Learning Objective 3:Participants will identify ways they may build bridges between the vision and mission of the parish and ministry participants, ultimately strengthening the parish and the way it lives out its mission. Learning Objective 4:Participants will develop a plan to convene parish leaders to communicate the principles of shared ministry, servant leadership, and the role of leaders in building bridges within the parish and beyond it. Learning Objective 5:Participants will develop a greater understanding of the call to be good and faithful stewards of all we are, have and will be, and the role of leadership in bringing this message to the parish.

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