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May the Church like its Master tremble and give thanks because the believers are no longer under the influence of the flesh but of the Spirit. The.

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Presentation on theme: "May the Church like its Master tremble and give thanks because the believers are no longer under the influence of the flesh but of the Spirit. The."— Presentation transcript:




4 May the Church like its Master tremble and give thanks because the believers are no longer under the influence of the flesh but of the Spirit. The flesh, that is humanity marked by sin, the world under the yoke of death. But the power of the Spirit is victorious. Yes, may the Church never cease saying and repeating to the baptized: « The Spirit is your life! »

5 The Living announces the victory of life: « I will open your graves and you will live » What he has promised, God fulfils in His Son and Christ proclaims: « I am the resurrection and the life. » Today, he seems deeply moved by the death of a loved one. However, the resurrection of Lazarus is the ultimate and decisive « sign » wrought by Jesus. The Spirit will make us cross the darkness and hear the one who with a loud voice says: « Get out! » This process of transition towards life has been ongoing since our baptism which gave birth to our faith.

6 How to instil courage in our countrymen, exiles of the second generation among the Babylonians? Some have decided to settle on site and no longer dream of a possible return to the country that has lost all identity. Ezekiel is among those who, in the name of their faith, resist. Is the Lord not the living God? He is therefore not only capable of lifting up his people, to revive them, but he must do so in the name of who he is: « You will know that I am the Lord. »

7 The psalm formulates in other words the same conviction of faith as the prophet Ezekiel. From a human point of view, there is no hope for those who turn away from the Lord, and therefore for the people they form. This ensures the final annihilation. « If you O Lord should mark iniquities, Lord, who could stand? » But the Lord is the Lord, and near him « is love» and « abundant redemption. » A new life is possible for the people: « He will redeem Israel from all its iniquities. »

8 Paul tries to present his faith to the christians of Rome, and it is not an easy task. If it is not possible for us to see God with our own eyes because he is the All Other, we are, however, animated by his breath, his spirit. By the Lord Jesus, we inhale the breath of God: Our death can not destroy this divine life.

9 John choses to write a lengthy account about Lazarus, but the main character is "Jesus," the Lord. The outline is Easter faith. Jesus demonstrates by his actions that God is the God of the living, the God of life. The return to life of Lazarus refers to the death and resurrection of Jesus. Easter is not a simple return to an uninterrupted life, but the emergence of another life, all new, God’s very life.

10 Prayer The Master is there, he calls us. We entrust to him with our prayer. We entrust to you prisoners, all those who are trapped in graves of sadness and anxiety. Opens their graves, break their chains. Are you not their land of freedom and of peace? We entrust to you those who cry to you from the abyss of their distress. They expect you more than a watchman awaits the dawn. Bring upon them your sun of joy. Are you not the dawn of eternal Day?

11 We entrust to you the sick, the dying. Send them a Martha or a Mary who will speak to them of your love. Are you not Lord, their eternal healing? We entrust to you those who mourn the departure of a husband, a wife, a child, a friend. Alleviate their pain, dry their tears. Did you not cry at the tomb of Lazarus? From the depths we cry to you, Lord, Lord, hear our voice. You are our life and our resurrection. We want to bless you in eternity. Amen. + Lucien Deiss C.S.Sp.


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