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International Water Conventions
Transboundary Waters
Water Rights Him Though the water running in the stream is everyone's, in the pitcher it is his only who drew it out John Locke, Second Treatise on Government, p. 18. Water rights are legal instruments for water allocation between citizens in state/national settings. What do we have in international settings? Extend notions of sharing from human interactions to those between nations Not Him!
Some Terminology Watercourse - A system of surface waters and groundwaters constituting a unitary whole and normally flowing into a common terminus (UN 97) Riparian - Beside or along the bank of a river Transboundary - extends over several nations
Water Rights Systems Water rights systems provide a basis to
Allocate resources among users, Protect existing users from having their supplies diminished by new users, and Govern the sharing of limited streamflow and water in storage during droughts Generally play a greater role in arid areas than in humid areas Entitlement defining owner's Rights, privileges, and limitations Right to use, not to own
Water Rights Must be well defined Should be: Two Systems
Quantity that may be diverted and consumed Time and place of diversion Quality of delivered water and place of application Should be: Universal - Privately owned and completely specified Exclusive - Benefits and costs accrue to the owner Transferable - Entirely voluntary Enforceable - Secure from seizure or encroachment Two Systems Riparian Appropriative
Appropriative Water Rights
Based on protecting senior water users from having their supplies diminished by newcomers Not based on land ownership No preference to riparian landowners First in time, first in right Priority established by date water is appropriated Early users senior to later users Right to use, not to own Use it of lose it Beneficial use is required
Riparian Water Rights Owner of land bordering a stream or lake has right to take water for “reasonable use” on that land Early users have no priority over later users Rights of upstream and downstream users are coequal States own the water and permit its use Sometimes with conditions to prevent harm to other users
U.S. Water Rights U.S. water management policy (Postel and Richter, pp. 92 – 97) No overarching national vision or goal Deferred to the states (water allocation, use, and management) If state law conflicts with federal, federal wins International treaties should win over federal law Water resources of the Rio Grande, Colorado, and Columbia Rivers Allocated by treaties between nations (US-Canada, US-Mexico) Within states, water rights allocate water to River authorities, municipal water districts, cities, irrigation districts, farmers, industries, and citizens Water districts or river authorities Distribute water to customers by contract
Transboundary Settings
Nationally Water rights and institutions are devised to rationally and equitably develop and use the resource Internationally Water rights don’t exist between countries Laws are enforced by international agreements between countries, not by an overarching authority
Water in Transboundary Settings
International law guides sharing of water in transboundary settings Principles generally hinge on notions of Equality, Reasonableness, Avoidance of harming ones neighbors Prevention of conflicts through Information sharing, Notification and consultation of neighboring riparians of proposed works
International Water Law
Helsinki Rules (see also new Berlin Rules) “Rules on the Uses of the Water of International Rivers” (ILA, Helsinki, 1966) Helsinki Convention “Convention on the Protection and Use of Transboundary Watercourses and International Lakes” (UN-ECE, Helsinki, 1992) UN Convention “Convention on the Law of the Non-navigational Uses of International Watercourses” (UN, New York, 1997) Intended to be framework documents Provide guidance for more specific multilateral agreements governing particular transboundary situations
Sovereignty Nation is supreme authority within a territory
National interest in protecting independence Nations recognize that some problems require international cooperation Most international treaties constrain a nation’s sovereignty
Absolute territorial sovereignty
Nation may use water flowing into its territory for consumption or disposing of pollution with no regard for downstream nations U.S. Attorney General Harmon’s 1895 response to Mexico's protest over U.S. diversions from the Rio Grande river "[T]he rules, principles and precedents of international law imposed no liability or obligation on the United States” – Judson Harmon Rio Grande/Bravo
Absolute territorial integrity
A downstream nation has a right to flow from upstream countries Implies a veto power for downstream riparian Example - Nile Nile Basin
Limited territorial sovereignty
Every nation bordering a watercourse has the right to use water flowing in its territory, provided that the use does not harm other nations (riparian rights) Basis of Helsinki Rules Examples 1929 treaty (UK – Egypt) and 1959 treaty (Sudan and Egypt) on the Nile Johnston Plan for the Jordan Rio Grande
Helsinki Rules Distribution among riparians governed by:
Contribution to the drainage basin area Climatic factors Prior use Economic & social needs Population Costs of meeting needs by alternative means Availability of other resources Avoidance of undue waste & damage downstream
UN Convention 1997 Riparian states can utilize the resource in an equitable and reasonable manner in order to achieve optimal and sustainable utilisation Includes right to utilize the watercourse and the duty to cooperate in use, development and protection
Factors Relevant – UN 1997 Geographic, hydrographic, hydrological, climatic, ecological and other factors of a natural character; Social and economic needs of the States concerned; Population dependent on the watercourse in each State; Effects of the use of the watercourses in one State on other States; Existing and potential uses of the watercourse; Conservation, protection, development and economy of use of the watercourse and the costs of measures taken to that effect; Availability of alternatives, of comparable value, to a particular planned or existing use. Weight given to each factor is determined by its importance in comparison with other relevant factors States shall enter into consultations in a spirit of cooperation
No Significant Harm – UN 1997
Take all appropriate measures to prevent the causing of significant harm to other watercourse States Take all appropriate measures to eliminate or mitigate such harm and, where appropriate, to discuss compensation
Example: Tigris – Euphrates
Shared between Turkey, Syria, Iraq Turkish projects motivated search for agreement Characterized by unilateral development (upstream) Country positions: Iraq: Historic rights Syria: Shared resource Turkey: Reasonable & Equitable Utilization
Mekong MRC China missing
1) Originated from the east edge of Tibet belongs to Yung-Nan Province in China and run down to the south 2) Run through the border of Laos PDR and Myanmar 3) Continue running to the south and run through the border of Laos PDR and Thailand 4) Take some right tributaries from Thailand and then run into Cambodia 5) Take some right tributaries including Tonlesap River from Great Lake 6) Start breaking up into plural flows and form vast Mekong Delta in Viet Nam and finally run into the South-China Sea
Aral Sea Basin Upstream-Downstream conflicts Water and Energy
Legal and institutional frameworks
Legal Basis (i.e. is it based on a Treaty, Memorandum of Understanding etc.) Member States (what states are parties to the agreement, are there observer states or groups) Geographical Scope (what is covered within the framework) Legal Personality (what is the body that implements the framework) Functions (what does the framework seek to do)
Legal and institutional frameworks
Organizational Structure (what are the institutional designs and how do they interact) Relationships (i.e. with multilateral, domestic and non-water sectors) Decision Making (how are decisions within the institution made) Dispute Resolution (is there a specified method for preventing and dealing with disputes among members) Data Information Sharing, Exchange, and Harmonization (how do the countries share and exchange data with respect to the shared waters) Notifications (how are members notified of changes to the framework) Funding and Financing (how are operational costs paid for in both the long and short term)
Legal and institutional frameworks
Benefit Sharing (how are the benefits of the framework distributed among members) Compliance and Monitoring (how do members ensure they are applying the agreement properly, and are there any reporting or evaluation mechanisms) Participation and the Role of Multiple Stakeholders (how are civil society, youth and private sector groups engaged) Dissolution and Termination (how is the agreement terminated) Additional Remarks (any pertinent information that falls outside any of the identified criteria) Websites and References (helpful websites and citations to supporting information).
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