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Seed Entrepreneurship for Economic Development and Food Security (SEEDFS) project Project Outline.

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Presentation on theme: "Seed Entrepreneurship for Economic Development and Food Security (SEEDFS) project Project Outline."— Presentation transcript:

1 Seed Entrepreneurship for Economic Development and Food Security (SEEDFS) project Project Outline

2 27/04/2015 2 Project Objectives Overall objective: To increase food security and incomes of farming communities through enhanced seed sovereignty for 100,000 rural small scale farmers

3 27/04/2015 3 Specific Objective: To increase access and timely supply of good quality seeds and other agricultural inputs suitable for 100,000 farmers

4 27/04/2015 4 Anticipated results 1. Increased production of diverse quality seed in ten districts 2.Increased availability and access to foundation seeds of locally (community) bred and improved seeds by seed growers in Zambia

5 27/04/2015 5 Anticipated results 3. An enabling environment created for production, distribution and marketing of seeds and other agricultural inputs 4. Increased agriculture productivity through use of sustainable agriculture methods

6 27/04/2015 6 Targeted Beneficiaries Seed Growers Associations our primary target Five SGAs reasonably well established. This action to raise profile of five existing consumer/producer groups to level of registered SGAs

7 27/04/2015 7 Emphasis  Strengthen SGAs  Promote growing of quality and certifiable seed  Empowering SGAs and its members with seed production technologies  Commercial production and marketing approach  Strong coordination between MACO, SCCI, Research Institutes and private sector

8 27/04/2015 8 Targeted Locations Central Province: Chibombo Lusaka Province: Kafue Eastern Province: Chipata, Lundazi and Katete Northern Province: Mpika North-Western Province: Solwezi and Kasempa Western Province: Senanga and Kaoma

9 27/04/2015 9 Partners EPFC: Chipata and Katete KZF: Solwezi, Kasempa, Senanga and Kaoma MK-SAP: Lundazi OPAD: Kafue, Chibombo and Mpika

10 Duration & funding Project duration : 22 months Funding source : EC & SHA Total Project budget:€ 1,206,300 27/04/2015 10

11 27/04/2015 11 Other Key Stakeholders Ministry Agric & Cooperatives (MACO) Seed Control & Certification Institutes (SCCI) ZARI and other research institutes Commercial seed breeder Commercial seed companies

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14 27/04/2015 14 END

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