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JRC Place on dd Month YYYY – Event Name 1 GMES and Africa What is it? Expectations and Prospects Jean P. Malingreau Head of Strategy and Work Programme.

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Presentation on theme: "JRC Place on dd Month YYYY – Event Name 1 GMES and Africa What is it? Expectations and Prospects Jean P. Malingreau Head of Strategy and Work Programme."— Presentation transcript:

1 JRC Place on dd Month YYYY – Event Name 1 GMES and Africa What is it? Expectations and Prospects Jean P. Malingreau Head of Strategy and Work Programme Unit Joint Research Centre of the European Commission in collaboration with colleagues in Commission Services Belgium Presidency Brussels 16.09.2010 High Level Conference « Space for the African Citizen »

2 JRC Place on dd Month YYYY – Event Name 2 Earth Observation from satellites offers essential tools for Generating Knowledge (ecosystems, climate, hydrology, geology..) Planning & Management (resources, environment) Control and Verification (commitments, regulations, enforcement) Diversely, they are also instruments of national sovereignty, for setting up common regional/continental grounds and for peace keeping Belgium Presidency Brussels 16.09.2010 High Level Conference « Space for the African Citizen »

3 JRC Place on dd Month YYYY – Event Name 3 Africa has been watched day in and day out by a broad range of satellite sensors for over 25 years

4 JRC Place on dd Month YYYY – Event Name 4

5 5 What is GMES & Africa? A long term political initiative by the EU and the AU, undertaken in the context of the Lisbon agenda (Dec. 2007), to significantly improve availability, access and conditions of use of earth observation data and technologies to better deal with requirements for information associated with the sustainable management of natural resources, the protection of the environment and the provision of security for the citizens in Africa Belgium Presidency Brussels 16.09.2010 High Level Conference « Space for the African Citizen »

6 JRC Place on dd Month YYYY – Event Name 6 The meeting point between the demand (better management of natural resources, environment, security) the offer (satellite technologies, ICT, GIS, Expertise etc..) With “champions on both sides…..” a. user driven – answering needs b. technology driven – “a good offer makes a good demand” Belgium Presidency Brussels 16.09.2010 High Level Conference « Space for the African Citizen » GMES

7 JRC Place on dd Month YYYY – Event Name 7 A vision for GMES & Africa 2020 To become the earth observation reference system directly operated and exploited by African users as a key tool in resources, environment and security management at continental, regional, national and local levels. made possible through a strong partnership EU-Africa Belgium Presidency Brussels 16.09.2010 High Level Conference « Space for the African Citizen »

8 JRC Place on dd Month YYYY – Event Name 8 Added value of GMES & Africa is - assurance of continuity in political support - provision of a framework guaranteeing data as defined by needs - maintenance of a long term perspective: towards services - continuous identification of emerging needs - support to institutional capacity building - a pan-African (sum of regions and countries) perspective - an eye on the technology (adoption, anticipation ) Belgium Presidency Brussels 16.09.2010 High Level Conference « Space for the African Citizen »

9 JRC Place on dd Month YYYY – Event Name 9 CONCRETELY…… A light management structure providing impetus, strategy, validation, evaluation, management. Around a GMES Africa Office providing intellectual, political and technological leadership, branding, facilitator of access, brokering of agreements, recognition+ coordination… Early results in provision of services. Answering critical issues related e.g. to food security, forest mgt, soil/water resources conservation, Establishment of shared infrastructure for access, data management, communication,analyses. via an investment plan associated with Partnership 8 including on the EU side, the Commission, Member States, ESA, EUMETSAT and other Space Agencies on the African side the AUC, ACP, Regional Structure and key States. Belgium Presidency Brussels 16.09.2010 High Level Conference « Space for the African Citizen »

10 JRC Place on dd Month YYYY – Event Name 10 Specificity of the African situation Building blocks exist - Elements of GMES & Africa found in existing activities (FORAF, Sth Africa Space Programme, AMESD, GSE, PUMA, TIGER, Bilateral projects etc..). - The link to the Lisbon Agenda is via the AU-EU Strategic Partnership Programme N°8 “science, information society and space”. - The AUC is the coordinator of the process; it integrates the African interests - The Regions (REC) and the States significantly contribute to the setting up of the Agenda - Expertise exists in many African institutions and SMEs - GMES (EUROPE): “a tool for cooperation linked to development, humanitarian aid and emergency situations worldwide and, more specifically, with Africa” – GMES Regulation 2009/10 Belgium Presidency Brussels 16.09.2010 High Level Conference « Space for the African Citizen »

11 JRC Place on dd Month YYYY – Event Name 11 Specificity of the African situation (Cont’d) Because of existing institutional situation the political mandate must be clarified and sustained Investments are needed in short term - competence centres, expertise - diffusion networks, data sharing (e.g potential extension of GMES data policy to Africa) - supporting demonstrations, early results long term - space instruments responding to needs (e.g sharing of GMES Sentinel series, PROBA-V and others) - ground facilities (networks, stations etc) Belgium Presidency Brussels 16.09.2010 High Level Conference « Space for the African Citizen »

12 JRC Place on dd Month YYYY – Event Name 12 GMES & Africa – emerging elements Research must be part of the agenda: priority to remote sensing sciences, data management, system engineering (training, involvement African Universities, innovation opportunities) Reconizing the “market pull”? Towards a thriving added value sector? Recognizing that there are new models of data access/analysis/validation (e.g. Google, Geo-wikki, Globo Amazonia, etc…) GMES and a future African Space Agency Belgium Presidency Brussels 16.09.2010 High Level Conference « Space for the African Citizen »

13 JRC Place on dd Month YYYY – Event Name 13 !!!!!!!! Many Earth Observations activities are taking place in Africa - national levels (Sth Africa, Nigeria, Algeria and others) - bilateral relations (European countries/Africa) - south/south links with emerging “space nations” - under the drive of other space powers (US, Japan, China, Korea, Brazil etc..) Under the aegis of GEOSS, GMES EU-Africa partnership must play a driving role in securing optimisation of overall investments, interoperability of systems (GE data sharing principles, Global Inf. System) efficiency of investment procedures. Belgium Presidency Brussels 16.09.2010 High Level Conference « Space for the African Citizen »

14 JRC Place on dd Month YYYY – Event Name 14 !!!!!!!! A window of opportunity for establishing GMES Africa as a significant initiative at pan-African level is still open. However, it may be slipping away and immediate concrete steps are to be taken. On the EU side, the efforts of the Belgian Presidency of (as well as of those of Portugal) in persuading other Member States and European Institutions of the urgency and importance of this task are acknowledged. This Symposium will hopefully develop a strong consensus in that direction. Belgium Presidency Brussels 16.09.2010 High Level Conference « Space for the African Citizen »

15 JRC Place on dd Month YYYY – Event Name 15 Contributions by Philippe Mayaux, Paolo Roggeri, Etienne Bartholomé, Alan Belward, Olivier Léo, Delilah Al Khudairi, Stéphane Flasse, Emilio Barisano, Harry De Backer, Alessandro Annoni, Francesco Pignatelli are gratefully acknowledged GMES & Africa = the framework to integrate the various facets of this vision Belgium Presidency Brussels 16.09.2010 High Level Conference « Space for the African Citizen »

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