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PREPOSITION Pertemuan 12

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1 PREPOSITION Pertemuan 12
Matakuliah : G0592/ Bahasa Inggris 2 Tahun : 2007 PREPOSITION Pertemuan 12

2 By the end of the lesson, students will be able to:
Learning Outcomes By the end of the lesson, students will be able to: Students should be able to use adjectives and adverbs in writing Bina Nusantara

3 By the end of the lesson, students will be able to:
Learning Outcomes By the end of the lesson, students will be able to: Students should be able to use preposition in writing Bina Nusantara

4 Materi 1: Recognize incorrect preposition
Contents Materi 1: Recognize incorrect preposition Materi 2: Recognize when prepositions have been omitted Materi 3: Exercises Materi 4: TOEFL EXERCISE Materi 5: TOEFL REVIEW EXERCISES Bina Nusantara

5 Problems with prepositions
Recognize incorrect prepositions Sometimes incorrect preposition is given in a sentence. Discuss these sentences : The game was called on because of rain. - I knew I could count in you to do a good job Bina Nusantara

6 Recognize when prepositions have been omitted
Sometimes a necessary preposition has been omitted from a sentence in writing expression questions on TOEFL test. Discuss the following sentences : Bina Nusantara

7 Can you wait me after game? (incorrect) It is necessary  wait for me
Omitted prepositions Example : Can you wait me after game? (incorrect) It is necessary  wait for me Bina Nusantara

8 Above, over, on At To Out into Below, under By Out of From In Through
Bina Nusantara

9 Reading Longman, page 321-324
Bina Nusantara

10 Language Review Dependent Preposition Additional Exercises :
Bina Nusantara

11 Bina Nusantara

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