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Brave as a Mountain Lion Edited by Meg Randolph realistic fiction.

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Presentation on theme: "Brave as a Mountain Lion Edited by Meg Randolph realistic fiction."— Presentation transcript:

1 Brave as a Mountain Lion Edited by Meg Randolph realistic fiction

2 reservation land set aside for Native Americans Soon the reservation would be covered with darkness.

3 dreaded to be afraid or scared of dread Tonight he dread his father’s coming.

4 stomping Walking heavily Soon he heard the sound of his father and his brother, Will, stomping the snow from their boots.

5 inform To tell Dear parent, I am pleased to inform you that your son has qualified for the spelling bee.

6 qualify able or fit I am please to inform you that your son has qualified for the spelling bee.

7 Mountain lion A large wild cat that lives in the mountians. mountain lion Above his head hung a picture of a mountain lion his dad had painted.

8 mysterious strange; difficult to sense mysterious But Spider thought she was talking to him in her own mysterious way.

9 peg a wood dowel used to hang things on Please hang your jacket on the “J” peg. Other important words to know.

10 emblem a symbol Which emblem stands for first aid?

11 dan g le hang freely Look at that spider dan g le below its web.

12 gymnasium a building used for sports training Our class exercises in the gymnasium.

13 depend to have faith in I depend on the love of my family.

14 livestock farm animals Ranchers care for their livestock.

15 beam a ray of light Beamssunlight Beams of sunlight shine through the clouds.

16 mural a large painting, usually on a wall Does your school have any murals?

17 platter a large shallow dish used for serving food Mother served us meats on a platter.

18 shove push roughly It isn’t nice to shove someone.

19 spirit energy of soul; inner life force Those who are brave are strong in spirit.

20 swirl a spiral; the shape of something rotating The wind swirled the leaves in the yard.

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