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One Search box to rule them all Cataloguing in a Discovery Layer world Presented by: Karen Stone, Manager, Database Services State Library of Queensland.

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Presentation on theme: "One Search box to rule them all Cataloguing in a Discovery Layer world Presented by: Karen Stone, Manager, Database Services State Library of Queensland."— Presentation transcript:

1 One Search box to rule them all Cataloguing in a Discovery Layer world Presented by: Karen Stone, Manager, Database Services State Library of Queensland 21 October, 2010 2010 ACOC Seminar Describing resources in a web services world

2 What is the ‘Discovery Layer’ New style of presentation or visual layer of the OPAC Provides access to all resource types regardless of the origin of the data Generally independent of and interoperable with the ILS

3 Multiple search interfaces Pre-Discovery Layer Single search interface

4 Discovery layer world

5 Discovery Layer A single portal for discoverability One Search box to rule them all

6 Discovery Layer Provides the ability to combine catalogue search with federated database search Provides additional functionality Faceted searching Relevance ranking Library 2.0 functions - tagging, reviewing, etc.

7 Discovery Layer Scope MARC records DC metadata XML Access databases Journal articles eBook contents Websites Many and varied

8 Current offerings

9 Brave new world Should it mean anything? Should reusing the metadata outside of the local OPAC have any affect on cataloguing or indexing practices? What does this mean for the cataloguer?

10 Brave new world Voyager Marc records for published material Marc index records (i.e. convict records) DigiTool DC for Picture Queensland MARC for Original Materials MARC for digital videos Metalib Federated database searching Primo at SLQ

11 Should it mean anything? Primo at SLQ

12 Normalisation Process of transforming metadata for seamless search & display Applies a set of rules to harvested metadata for use in the Discovery Layer Facilitates efficient discovery and delivery No need for display or search changes for different metadata What is it?

13 Primo at SLQ Necessary requirements for Primo’s normalisation rules to work. Right data in right fields Requirements for changes, large or small Maintaining MARC integrity Possibility of manipulating Primo’s rules to suit our coding and data Compatibility of data to Primo requirements

14 Primo at SLQ Primo exploits MARC coding Being pedantic in the past can pay dividends in the future. Worked within normal MARC rules but bent them slightly May not always meet suggested coding Compatibility of data to Primo requirements

15 Resource Types Pre-search filter Post-search facet Display of a resource type icon Used for

16 Assignment of a resource type depends on fixed field coding LDR positions 6 & 7 008 positions Did the rules match our records and our needs? Resource Types

17 Almost all records did map to the expected resource type Some refinement was needed in order to break up a larger group separating databases from websites Used existing coding options in the 008 field for separation Made a slight change to the normalisation rules Resource Types

18 Problem areas Why did some videos have ‘other’ as resource type? Set of records where decision made to skimp on coding (many, many years ago) Same problem with a set of posters Able to identify each set and fix coding in batch job

19 Facets Used extensively as facets In full Broken down into components Eg. – geographical, chronological, form Subject headings

20 Primo 3 Subject headings as facets

21 Endeca Subject headings as facets

22 Correct subfield coding and correct order essential To pull out the subdivisions To group subject headings together Primo at SLQ Subject headings as facets

23 Changes to cataloguing practices Form subdivision with old ‘x’ coding Primo at SLQ Subject headings as facets

24 Used for - Pre-search filter Post-search facet Languages Facets

25 Primo at SLQ Languages Combination of fixed field coding and MARC tags 008 (35) 041 Correct coding Correct mapping of codes to headings

26 Lessons learnt Your past mistakes will come back to haunt you Errors or omissions clearly displayed Typos Coding errors Short cuts in coding or description Errors & past sins

27 Lessons learnt …realized during the demonstrations that the software, to function really well, might require us to do some database maintenance. Specifically adding information to our bib records that for one reason or another hadn't been added many years ago... mostly because neither she nor I nor anyone else was psychic and therefore couldn't predict that certain cataloging policies would come back to bite us in the...(fill in the blank) given the technology at the time. Errors & past sins

28 Lessons learnt Records not changed retrospectively Can give unexpected results Eg. – Microform Will prevent data from appearing in facet lists E.g. – form subdivisions still coded at ‘x’ Old coding rules/changes in practice

29 Lessons learnt Know how the normalisation rules work Understand why a resource type comes out wrong Why the work they put into a record doesn’t get used in the display or doesn’t work the way it should Cataloguers need to -

30 Lessons learnt Need to consider how to meld records from different sources and different schema Voyager MARC DigiTool MARC DigiTool DC Managing metadata

31 Lessons learnt Mapping ‘like with like’ MARC – Author DC – Creator Published – 300 Physical descriptionArchive - extent Which label do you use? Managing metadata

32 Metadata’s travels Need to always keep in mind that data is used in many places OPAC Local discovery layer Libraries Australia Trove WorldCat Each uses the data in different ways Where else is our data going?

33 Metadata’s travels Can also be used in - Blogs Web pages Google maps Where else is our data going?

34 Metadata’s travels Standardisation of data essential Internal balanced against external Effective search & display in all interfaces Where else is our data going?

35 Brave new world Does it mean anything for the cataloguer? Yes – need to understand the Discovery Layer service and make it work for us Yes – need to ensure provision of full & accurate coding, description & authorities

36 Brave new world Does it mean anything for the cataloguer? Yes - Need to understand how cataloguing decisions for one format can have an impact on how all records are displayed

37 Brave new world Does it mean anything for the cataloguer? No – it shouldn’t dictate how we code data remembering our data does ‘travel’

38 Future Tags, reviews, & comments Add the community created content to the bib record? Exploiting data

39 Future Collection & index records Using more & using better Deepen use of MARC data Geotags LCSH subdivisions Exploiting data

40 Future It is now that we have installed Primo that I am finding the bad cataloguing I have let slide over the years. Now I have a mechanism to use all those weird tags and fields, I am having to go back and fix the records. It is only now that I am appreciating that while some say MARC is too complex, it is this complexity that can now can allow me tease out for the facets of Primo, almost anything I want by defining what is to be in each tag and each position. Almost everything I want in a facet is a combination of the contents of tags and fields. Exploiting data

41 Future New data Content, media, carrier Relationships Basic FRBRisation now Improved relationship display with WEMI records? Impact of RDA

42 Future Retain or retire? Essential for now for circulation Can be confusing for clients May not remain forever Original OPAC

43 Contact details Karen Stone, Manager, Database Services, State Library of Queensland e:

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