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“Today’s soldiers getting better for Tomorrow’s mission.” -Kyra Alexander.

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2 “Today’s soldiers getting better for Tomorrow’s mission.” -Kyra Alexander

3  Making daily tasks and activities easier  Recovery after injury/ Surgery Lend out a helping hand to those who need it most.

4  Newborns  Pediatrics  Teenagers  Athletes  Elderly

5  Why not practice what you love with the men and women who serve our country ? Serve those who serve us!

6  Are you in college and thinking about starting a career in the military?  Do you see Physical Therapy in your future?  There are many options out there for you !! Become an Army Medical Specialist!!

7  Requirements for becoming a physical therapy student in the army: 1. Rank: Officer 2. Active Duty 3. Must have a Bachelor’s Degree

8  Must have at least 100 observation hours at a physical therapy clinic.  Score a 1000 on the GRE  Minimum GPA of 3.25  21-40 years of age

9  Become an officer through your ROTC program.  There are over 1,100 campuses that offer ROTC programs.  Enroll in ROTC your freshman year and begin taking basic courses that give you the foundation you need to be a leader.

10  During Junior/ Senior year: You will begin the advanced course, where you will begin training.  Upon graduation, you will have all of the tools needed to be an officer in the U.S Army

11 You got your college degree! Now what is next? OCS (Officer Candidate School)  Consists of 12 weeks of intense classroom & field training ▪ 9 weeks= basic training( becoming a soldier) ▪ 3 weeks= Leadership put to the test.  Teaches you leadership development

12  If you have past college credits, the army will pay for you to go to school and join the 2- year ROTC program.  This is a faster program, due to the fact that the candidates have already completed basic training.  Focuses on Leadership skills.  Click here to learn more… Click here to learn more…

13 Continue your Education

14  Make sure you have 100 volunteer hours at a PT clinic  Have you passed the GRE with a 1000?  Did you graduate with a 3.25 GPA?  If you answered yes to all of the above, you are ready to move forward !!

15  One of the best schools for Physical Therapy.  Army + Baylor University  27 month program  Tuition & books paid for by the US army.

16  You have to be willing to serve 6 years active duty !  2.5 years of the 6 will be spent in school earning your degree!

17  You will remain active duty for the remainder of your contract working on a base where you are stationed.

18  There are many places that will happily employ physical therapists in the military.  Finding a job in the Civilian world should not be too much of a hassle with the PAYS program.

19  Partnership for youth success!  Guarantees a job interview with military friendly employers when a person returns to civilian life.

20  Cleveland Clinic  GE Healthcare  Johns Hopkins  Mercy Medical Center

21 Courage Reward Honor Do what you love while helping today’s heroes !!

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