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Julius Family. And who said it? a.Molestus b. Strythio c. Vilbia d. Latro e. Rubria And who said it? a.Molestus b. Strythio c. Vilbia d. Latro e. Rubria.

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Presentation on theme: "Julius Family. And who said it? a.Molestus b. Strythio c. Vilbia d. Latro e. Rubria And who said it? a.Molestus b. Strythio c. Vilbia d. Latro e. Rubria."— Presentation transcript:

1 Julius Family

2 And who said it? a.Molestus b. Strythio c. Vilbia d. Latro e. Rubria And who said it? a.Molestus b. Strythio c. Vilbia d. Latro e. Rubria

3 Reading Comp  Who is more in love with who?  Modestus Vilbia Strythio Hercules

4 What is the correct case for the Perfect Participle in the sentence below? illa Vilbia, heri te conspicata, statim adamavit. A. Accusative Plural B. Dative Singular C. Nominative Singular D. Ablative Plural


6 What gift did Modestus give to Vilbia that another girl had given to Modestus? Choose the correct picture below by deleting the two other pictures:

7 A): KIND, HANDSOME, HONEST, B): KIND, NOBLE, CARING, AND GENEROUS. AND HONEST. C): KIND, GENEROUS, NOBLE, D): KIND, BRAVE, GENEROUS, AND HANDSOME. AND NOBLE. What were the characteristics that Vilbia described Modestus as, according to Strythio?

8 Which noun is the perfect participle describing in the sentence below? “Vilbia, fibulam adepta, mihi respondit...”

9 Grammar 1) What is the correct translation of this sentence? “tibi hanc fibulam gratis dat.” 2) Who Said This? Vilbia Modestus Strythio Hercules

10 Why is it tough for Modestus to avoid those troublesome girls? A.they know where he lives B.they are always following him C.Modestus is just too good looking D.Modestus is always flirting

11 fortasse inest Vilbia, quae te tamquam deum adorat. what is the correct translation of this sentence? A.perhaps Vilbia will be inside, whom you worship like the gods. B.perhaps Vilbia will be inside, whom you worship like a god. C.perhaps Vilbia will be inside, who worships you like a god. D.perhaps Vilbia will be inside, who worships you like the gods.

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