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 Pocahontas was born in Werowocomico,Virginia  She was born in the year of 1595  Kings Dominion Amusement park  Her father Powhatan rasied her 

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3  Pocahontas was born in Werowocomico,Virginia  She was born in the year of 1595  Kings Dominion Amusement park  Her father Powhatan rasied her  She had brothers, half sisters, and her father  She lived a classic life she lived in a home and it was made out of wood and twings

4  Pocahontas hobbies were hunting bears  She was home-schooled  Didn’t attend to a school  She finished her schooling to become a hunter  Pocahontas was a wonderful student  She had lots of strengths with hunting

5  Pocahontas was famous for saving captin John smith  Her role models were her father and brother  She has to bring a bow and arrow  She had to pick berries everyday  She was a positive role model to the Indian children  Pocahontas did not get an award but she did accomplish her dream

6  She was interesting because she accomplished things at a young age  She married John Rofle and she had a son named Thomas Rofle  She became famous she had to be a leader for the Indian children and help them pick berries

7  Pocahontas died  She died because of a disease at the age of 21  Her death effected the Indians and others

8  My purpose for doing Pocahontas is because when I saw the movie she seemed liked a very brave girl and her name was really cool


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