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Published bySaul Tutton Modified over 10 years ago
FARADILA ANGGIE FAJRI, 2201404555 THE CORRELATION STUDY BETWEEN STUDENTS READING HABIT AND THEIR WRITING ABILITY IN NARRATIVE TEXT (A Case Study of the Eighth Grade Sudents of SMP Negeri 21 Semarang in the Academic Year of 2008/ 2009)
Identitas Mahasiswa - NAMA : FARADILA ANGGIE FAJRI - NIM : 2201404555 - PRODI : Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris - JURUSAN : BAHASA & SASTRA INGGRIS - FAKULTAS : Bahasa dan Seni - EMAIL : swity_angie pada domain - PEMBIMBING 1 : Dra. Rahayu Puji Haryanti, M.Hum. - PEMBIMBING 2 : Widhiyanto, S.Pd., M.Pd. - TGL UJIAN : 2009-02-23
Judul THE CORRELATION STUDY BETWEEN STUDENTS READING HABIT AND THEIR WRITING ABILITY IN NARRATIVE TEXT (A Case Study of the Eighth Grade Sudents of SMP Negeri 21 Semarang in the Academic Year of 2008/ 2009)
Abstrak This is a study about “The Correlation Study Between Students’ Reading Habit and Their Writing Ability in Narrative Text (A Case of the Eighth Students of SMP Negeri 21 Semarang in the Academic Year of 2008/ 2009)”. The aims of the study were:(1) to describe the reading habit of the eighth grade students of SMP Negeri 21 Semarang in the academic year of 2008/ 2009; (2) to describe the writing ability in narrative text of the eighth grade students of SMP Negeri 21 Semarang in the academic year of 2008/ 2009; (3) to find out whether or not there is significant correlation between students reading habit and their writing ability in narrative text. The findings of this research were: (1) may be useful as information to the teachers to be creative in teaching learning process, especially in teaching reading and writing narrative; (2) may be useful for the students to develop their writing ability, especially in narrative text by doing much practice; (3) the procedures and outcomes of this research hopefully will inspire interested other researchers to conduct studies with similar themes. This research was held on December, 1st and 5th, 2008. The sample was 75 students of class 8C and 8E of SMP Negeri 21 Semarang. In collecting the data the writer used questionnaires to asses the students’ reading habit and writing narrative text to asses the students’ writing ability. The group level of students’ reading habit was 74.67%, so almost all of the eighth grade students of SMP Negeri 21 Semarang, especially 8C and 8E students had a good enthusiasm in reading. While the group level of students’ writing ability of the eighth grade students of SMP Negeri 21 Semarang in narrative text was 54.66%. Thus, almost half of the students are able to make narrative text, although some of them still make a few mistakes. And the rest of them still lack of ability in writing, especially in the components of grammar, vocabulary, spelling, and content. After the writer got the result of computation; the writer compared it with r table value. The Product Moment Correlation result was 0.520 and r test table in the level of significance 95% in n = 75 were 0.227. So, the Product Moment Correlation result > r table is (0.520 > 0.227). The hypothesis which stated that there was a correlation between students’ reading habit and their writing ability in narrative text of the eighth grade students of SMP Negeri 21 Semarang in the academic year of 2008/ 2009 was accepted.
Kata Kunci Reading, Writing, narrative text.
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