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Vrije Universiteit amsterdamPostacademische Cursus Informatie Technologie Basic OO Technology Technology determines the effectiveness of the approach.

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Presentation on theme: "Vrije Universiteit amsterdamPostacademische Cursus Informatie Technologie Basic OO Technology Technology determines the effectiveness of the approach."— Presentation transcript:

1 vrije Universiteit amsterdamPostacademische Cursus Informatie Technologie Basic OO Technology Technology determines the effectiveness of the approach

2 vrije Universiteit amsterdamPostacademische Cursus Informatie Technologie Concepts Encapsulation Data hiding Inheritance Polymorphism

3 vrije Universiteit amsterdamPostacademische Cursus Informatie Technologie Encapsulation An object contains data and methods It provides a boundary: to the world outside to its ‘children’

4 vrije Universiteit amsterdamPostacademische Cursus Informatie Technologie Information hiding Reduces complexity Allows you to defer implementations Remember: Ignorance is bliss Helps in decoupling components

5 vrije Universiteit amsterdamPostacademische Cursus Informatie Technologie Inheritance A mechanism for code-sharing Supports incremental development Organize by classification Allows for abstract interfaces

6 vrije Universiteit amsterdamPostacademische Cursus Informatie Technologie Polymorphism An object may have multiple types An abstract type: when it is used A concrete type: when it is created An object’s type is determined by its behavior An object’s type is determined by the messages it allows

7 vrije Universiteit amsterdamPostacademische Cursus Informatie Technologie

8 vrije Universiteit amsterdamPostacademische Cursus Informatie Technologie Design by Contract formal basis -- pre and post conditions refinement -- by inheritance or polymorphism runtime checks -- division of responsibility see Ch. 3, Contracts

9 vrije Universiteit amsterdamPostacademische Cursus Informatie Technologie Design by Contract Abstract Data Types ADT = state + behavior Object-Oriented Modeling data oriented

10 vrije Universiteit amsterdamPostacademische Cursus Informatie Technologie Responsibilities what rather than how to specify behavior Client client/server model makes request to perform a service Server provides service upon request

11 vrije Universiteit amsterdamPostacademische Cursus Informatie Technologie object = information + responsibilities Contracts a set of services Behavioral refinement improving contracts

12 vrije Universiteit amsterdamPostacademische Cursus Informatie Technologie Conformance -- behavioral refinement if B refines A then B may be used wherever A is allowed

13 vrije Universiteit amsterdamPostacademische Cursus Informatie Technologie Attributes refine more information Services better services Contracts more and better services A better service fewer restrictions for the client more obligations for the server

14 vrije Universiteit amsterdamPostacademische Cursus Informatie Technologie Object-Oriented Modeling prototyping, specification, refinement, interactions OOP = Contracts + Refinements

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