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SAR & HAC 규격동향
SAR (Specific Absorption Rate) 송신기로부터 인체에 흡수되는 단위질량 당 전자파의 양을
Definition of SAR SAR (Specific Absorption Rate) 송신기로부터 인체에 흡수되는 단위질량 당 전자파의 양을 에너지로 표시한 것. 단위는 watts per kilogram (W/kg).
ICNIRP Guidelines 국제비전리방사보호위원회(ICNIRP)가 전자파 인체노출
한계에 대한 Guideline을 제시 2 W/kg (10g) SAR Limit Occupational exposure limit General public exposure limit Whole Body 0.4 W/kg 0.08 W/kg Partial Body (head & trunk) 10 W/kg 2 W/kg (limbs) 20 W/kg 4 W/kg
유럽 미국 일본 한국 2 W/kg (10g) 1.6 W/kg (1g) *더 엄격한 기준임 SAR Limits
CE SAR Criteria Test Standard : EN50630 2001
Test Method : EN Test scope of SAR Evaluation Only Portable Device, Not Mobile Device Head SAR Measurement only Output power is more than 20mW In case of Mobile Device applying a far field RF exposure calculation according to EN50385/ EN50383
FCC SAR Criteria Test Standard : 47CFR Part 2.1093
Test Method : OET Bulletin 65, Supplement C(July 2001) Test scope of SAR Evaluation Transmitter use distance < 20cm from Body Head and Body SAR Measurements Use distance ≥ 20cm applying MPE calculation SAR Evaluation Criteria 가 제품의 사양에 따라 다소 복잡함. FCC에서는 KDB (Knowledge Data Base) 문서를 통해 Handset과 laptop 등의 Multi-transmitter 적용방법을 Issue함.
Overview RF Exposure KDBs
KDB Mobile and Portable Device RF Exposure Procedures and Equipment Authorization Policies General SAR thresholds and conditions Simultaneous-Tx(동시전송) 을 하지 않는 devices KDB or 에서 다루지 않는 Simultaneous-Tx(동시전송) 가능한 multi-Tx product 적용방법 Laptops, tablets, body-worn, and hand-held devices 등 KDB SAR Evaluation Considerations for Laptop Computers with Antennas Built-in on Display Screens 주파수, 출력, 안테나 거리에 따른 test reductions 정의 등. KDB SAR Evaluation Considerations for Handsets with Multiple Transmitters and Antennas
HAC (Hearing Aid Compatibility) ?
보청기사용자들은 무선전화기를 사용할 때 RF field 에 의한 Interference 등으로 불편을 호소 HAC는 무선기기와 보청기간의 호환성을 시험
Backgrounds 미국인구의 약 10%가 청력에 문제가 있으며 그 중 약 80% 가 보청기를 사용함
전세계적으로 약 5억 명이 청력장애를 앓고 있음 2003년 7월 FCC는 무선기기 제조사와 사업자에게 보청기 와 호환성을 갖는 단말기를 소비자에 공급하게 하는 rule을 채택
ANCI C63.19 1996년 ANSI C63은 SC8 (medical devices) 아래 Task Group을 결성함
ANSI C 의 Standard가 완성되어 현재 2007 Version까지 발행 800 ~ 3000 MHz 범위의 무선단말기와 보청기에 적용 되는 기준 무선단말기의 RF-Emission, T-coil mode와 보청기의 RF Immunity 시험에 적용
T Rating Category의 Level이 변경 됨.
ANCI C 2007 Version 주요 변경사항 구 분 2006 Version 2007 Version RF Emission 측정거리 단말기로부터 1cm 단말기로부터 1.5cm T-coil Rating T Rating Category의 Level이 변경 됨. 2006, 2007 Version 을 2009년 까지 모두 적용이 가능 2010년부터는 2007 Version만을 적용해야 함.
Operation of Wireless Device and Hearing Aid
Organization and use of ANSI C63.19
RF Emissions Test RF E-field Emission, RF H-field Emission Measurement
RF E & H field Emission Measurement of WD
The Grid is 5X5 area that is divided into 9 evenly sized blocks or sub-grids. Example E-field Scan
RF E & H field Emission Measurement of WD
M-Rating Determination Multiply the peak emissions values by an appropriate probe modulation factor. For GSM signal, Crest Factor = 26frames X 8times-slots =8.3 25frames used For ideal) Probe Modulation Factor =√ Crest Factor = 2.88 Peak Field Intensity = 20 · log ( Raw X PMF)
Articulation Weighting Factor (AWF)
RF E & H field Emission Measurement of WD M Rating Determination : M3, M4 가 PASS Articulation Weighting Factor (AWF) AWF shall be used for the standard transmission protocols
T-coil signal Test Three quantities are measured and evaluated.
1. Field intensity of desired signal at the center of the audio band. 2. Frequency response of the desired signal measured across the audio band. 3. Signal quality, which is defined as the difference between the desired and undesired magnetic field levels.
T-coil Measurement setup in call mode
T-coil Measurement setup in call mode
AMMI PC Base Station Simulator AMCC WD AM 1D Probe
T-coil Performance Axial and Radial Field Intensity Frequency Response
All Orientations of the magnetic field, in the axial, horizontal and Vertical position along the measurement plane Shall be ≥ -18 dB (A/m) at 1KHz, in 1/3 octave band filter. Frequency Response Signal quality
T-coil Performance Frequency response
Magnetic field frequency response for WDs with a field between ≤ -15dB (A/m) at 1 kHz
T-coil Performance Frequency response
Magnetic field frequency response for WDs with a field that exceeds -15dB (A/m) at 1 kHz
T-coil Performance Signal quality
Hearing Aid compatibility
System performance classification table
FCC Requirement for Manufacturers & Service providers
2008년 Manufacturer requirements M3 이상의 레벨을 최소 1/3 이상의 모델에 적용 T3 이상의 레벨을 최소 두 모델 이상의 단말기에 적용 2009년 2월부터 50%의 모델에 M3이상을 요구하며 매년 기준을 강화 2008년 Service provider requirements M3 이상의 레벨을 최소 50% 또는 8대 이상의 단말기에 적용 T3 이상의 레벨을 최소 1/3 이상의 모델에 적용 2009년 2월부터 매년 기준을 강화 각 통신방식(CDMA, GSM) 에 따로 적용함
Definition of a Model No differences in form, features, or user capabilities, or that only differentiate particular carrier ► Not counted as distinct models Change in the hearing aid compatibility rating ► give a new model name/number Change in M or T rating ► “form, features of capabilities.” in change
Bands and Modes without Standards
2007 ANSI C63.19 establishes standards only for certain air interfaces in the MHz and GHz bands Testing cannot be performed, and no rules currently apply, outside these bands/interfaces FCC adopted streamlined process for adopting future expansions of Standard
Multi-Band/Multi-Mode Phones
handsets must meet standards in all frequency bands, all air interfaces. Technical standards exists No multi-band/multi-mode phones without standards currently exist. Except for Wi-Fi Multi-band/multi-mode phones with Wi-Fi voice capability ► Be counted as Hearing aid-compatible under FCC rules ► Labeling must disclose that handset is not rated for Wi-Fi operation ANSI ASC C63 consider new technologies & deciding what rules to establish going forward
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