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“There is nothing more important than our customers” ©2012 Enterasys Networks, Inc. – All rights reserved State of West Virginia Dept of Education 2013.

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Presentation on theme: "“There is nothing more important than our customers” ©2012 Enterasys Networks, Inc. – All rights reserved State of West Virginia Dept of Education 2013."— Presentation transcript:

1 “There is nothing more important than our customers” ©2012 Enterasys Networks, Inc. – All rights reserved State of West Virginia Dept of Education 2013

2 “There is nothing more important than our customers” ©2012 Enterasys Networks, Inc. – All rights reserved

3 Smart Edge Smart Edge Command & Control New Data Center Fabric Scalable Distribution/ Core Scalable Distribution/ Core 3 Secure Networks TM Architecture Strong Differentiation  – Higher performance, expanded visibility & control  Best-in-class wired and wireless technologies with industry-best unified management  Optimized for seamless application availability & client experience  Lowest operational expense  Maximum reliability & agility  Most comprehensive lifetime warranty  Industry-best services & support

4 OneFabric Architecture IdentiFi™ bolsters OneFabric Edge OneFabric Data Center Core Networking Services Application Provisioning and Delivery OneFabric Edge Integrated Wired/Wireless Solution – Mobile IAM OneFabric Security Mobile IAM (BYOD) Managing Devices, Users, Applications, etc. Control Center (Unified security and management) 4 4

5 Industry’s fastest growing Network Company Wi-Fi Solutions S6 Switch Forrester Wave NAC Leader Info-Tech WLAN Top Innovator Security Secure Access Management Isaac

6 Enterasys Supports K-12 Nationwide +28% year over year growth in K-12 6000 schools in 550 districts!

7 Managing the Endsystem Explosion 7 Number of Connected Devices IP Printers Facility Management Building Control VoIP Phones System/OS Diversity (Virtual) servers PC Personally Owned Devices “ X Factor “ Smart Phones “xPads” Access Control Laptops IP Video Surveillance Network Complexity Where’s the Security Enforcement Point? Wired & Wireless

8 Everyone can no longer be grouped together Provide the level of resource and Internet access permitted for each student tied to their needs and responsibility Offer a seamless end-user experience CIPA compliance Providing Personalized Network Access… For Personalized Learning

9 Digital Signature on the Network The industry’s best BYOD profiling engine Access Type(s) Application Provision Authentication Virtual Device Identity(s) Device Type(s) Physical Device Identity(s) Location Time of Day Authorization Health Access Profile Apple Lion OSX v10.7 Android v4.0.4 Wednesday, April 11, 2012 9:41:00 AM EST Building-A Floor-2 Conference Room-7b Apple MacBook Air Samsung Galaxy Note Windows v7.5.3 MAC-Auth: 28:37:37:19:17:e6 PWA: 00:00:f0:45:a2:b3 802.1X: 00:0D:3A:00:a2:f1 Wireless Associated AP: wifi-243 SSID: Prod-Guest BSSID: 0-1a-e8-14-de-98 Role: Sponsored Guest Sponsor: Jane Doe Internet Access Shared Engineering Servers Web (HTTP): 5Mb download Email (SMTP): 2Mb download All other Services: DISABLED Symantec Anti-Virus: Enabled Signature Update – v10.4.3 OS Patches – Up to date Peer2Peer Service: DISABLED 43 Services Running Network Behavior Security Events Smith, Joe 9

10 One SSID – Multiple Topologies – Multiple Solutions – No VLANS… StudentDistrict Device Access to Internet at line rate speeds and district network in Classroom StudentPersonal-DeviceAccess to Internet at line rate speeds but not district in Classroomnetwork, after registering the device to their username for tracking purposes StudentPlay Station PortableNo Access StudentPersonal-Device Access to Internet at line rate speeds and district network. w/ DDL in Classroom Elevated browsing capabilities like Facebook, Twitter Admin District DeviceFull Access Guest ClassroomNo Access GuestCommon AreaInternet access, but rate limited sponsored to 128k AllWireless VoIP HandsetCorrect QoS and CoS for high priority voice services 10

11  Basic Access rate limited  Access only to district owned resources  Most restrictive filtering  Basic +  Allowed to register Personally Owned Devices  Elevated access to online resources  Access to District Owned Resources  Embedded Network AUP  Most restrictive access to resources  Basic + DDL +  Access to Social Media Resources via Personally owned devices  Most unrestricted access to network and online resources Penalty Box DDLBasic Advanced How can a network support Digital Citizenship

12 Info-Tech WLAN Vendor Landscape

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