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CAUL, Brisbane, September 2005 The work of the SCONUL e-Learning Taskforce e-Learning and Libraries in the UK – Where are we now? Where are going?

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Presentation on theme: "CAUL, Brisbane, September 2005 The work of the SCONUL e-Learning Taskforce e-Learning and Libraries in the UK – Where are we now? Where are going?"— Presentation transcript:

1 CAUL, Brisbane, September 2005 The work of the SCONUL e-Learning Taskforce e-Learning and Libraries in the UK – Where are we now? Where are going?

2 CAUL, Brisbane, September 2005 The evolution of learning and teaching – and libraries’ role to influence and develop this – must be at the heart of our professional strategic focus

3 CAUL, Brisbane, September 2005  Aim to identify and assess e-Learning issues for SCONUL, focusing on the learner and learning rather than technologies  A sharing of perspectives  An iterative and creative process  Linked to SCONUL strategic context and repositioning  Why a separate position and strategy? The SCONUL e-Learning Taskforce

4 CAUL, Brisbane, September 2005  Develop a vision and position statement  Develop key strategic objectives  Assess how e-Learning is currently addressed by existing SCONUL activity (and how this can be built upon)  Explore strategic partnerships The SCONUL e-Learning Taskforce

5 CAUL, Brisbane, September 2005 E-learning is learning facilitated and supported through the use of information and communication technologies (LTSN Generic Centre) Concept of Blended learning or Supported Online Learning – a spectrum along which different models can be placed Process focused not tool and technology focused E-learning should seek to enrich the learning experience

6 CAUL, Brisbane, September 2005  Political context  DfES Towards a Unified E-Learning Strategy  HEFCE Strategy for e-learning  Demise of the UKeU  HEFCE capital funds for e-learning (2005-6)  Role of the JISC and HE Academy  Rising profile of learning teaching generally  HE Academy - E-learning research  Centres for Excellence in Teaching and Learning (2005- 2010) E-Learning Developments

7 CAUL, Brisbane, September 2005  Blended learning concept adopted/ focus on e- pedagogy  VLE adoption and use (UCISA survey)  “…overall picture is one of evolutionary consolidation. Centralisation is increasing..”  Establishment of E-Learning Development Units and teams  New role of the Learning Technologist  E-learning as a force of change (LTSN e-Learning Guides, 2003)  “…will require change at all levels…and for all categories of staff.” E-Learning Developments

8 CAUL, Brisbane, September 2005 “..dozens of innovative learning technologies to cloud the online learning landscape” (Bonk, 2004) Assistive technologies Course Management Systems/ VLEs Conferencing/ Discussion forums (synchronous and asynchronous) Digital libraries Mobile technologies – beyond the classroom Videostreaming Making the connections between emerging technologies and enhanced pedagogies E-Learning Developments

9 CAUL, Brisbane, September 2005  Diverse roles, wide variation:  Resource discovery and embedding (digital library)  Design of materials (learning objects)  E-support and e-tutoring (pedagogy)  Management and Strategy See SCONUL Information Support for e-Learning: principles and practice (2004)  “Exploiting new technologies to reinforce their existing position” OR  Developing new roles, partnerships and repositioning OR  Libraries can and will be bypassed in e-Learning developments E-Learning Developments and Libraries

10 CAUL, Brisbane, September 2005  (SCONUL/Libraries) will enrich the learning experience through the development and embedding of e-Learning  Principles:  E-Learning in its widest sense  Integration  Innovation – the art of the possible  Partnership  Learner-focused  Underpinned by research and scholarship A vision for libraries and e- Learning

11 CAUL, Brisbane, September 2005 Exploring the issues Identified FacetsConsiderations Learners’ Skills and learner supportInformation literacy E-literacy Pedagogic role of LIS staff – e-facilitators Changing roles of staff Learning Infrastracture – provision, management, evaluation, future proofing, fitness for purpose Learning spaces Digital libraries MLEs Role of JISC Content managementLearning objects Learning repositories Metadata Rights management Accessibility

12 CAUL, Brisbane, September 2005 Exploring the issues Identified FacetsConsiderations Skills and roles of staffHow LIS staff are working with other professionals? Impact on existing roles New roles Partnership working with academics and learning technologists Broader learning and teaching agenda Multi-professional team models Influencing strategy and national agendas HEFCE strategy for e-learning JISC ALT/UCISA/SCONUL Group Research and evidence-based practice To inform developments Questions we need answering

13 CAUL, Brisbane, September 2005  Blended not E-learning but political dimension  Integrate and embed as much as possible  Refocus SCONUL strategy – eg. From Buildings Learning Spaces From Information Learner support and literacy skills  Partnership and multi-professional approaches  SCONUL November conference – E-learning strategy through partnerships: the art of the possible Lessons learnt

14 CAUL, Brisbane, September 2005  A very political agenda – locally and nationally  It’s really just about learning  Towards the ‘e’ team  Impact on professional identities and practices  Newly established SCONUL Working Group on e-Learning to take forward this agenda and provide a focus  Trident Group partnership – ALT/UCISA/SCONUL Future actions and possibilities – Where are we going?

15 CAUL, Brisbane, September 2005  Beetham et al (2001) Career development of learning technology staff: a scoping study  Bonk, C. (2004) The Perfect E-Storm  Currier (2002) INSPIRAL: INveStigating Portals for Information Resources And Learning final report  Generic LTSN E-learning series (2003)  HEFCE strategy for e-learning (2005)  SCONUL e-Learning Taskforce Final Report (2005) Additional Resources

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