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Level 2 Technology External Standards Lesley Pearce 2011.

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1 Level 2 Technology External Standards Lesley Pearce 2011

2 AS 90360 Inform own technological practice through characterisation of an existing production process

3 Information from… Visit a factory/company Watch a video Case study Visiting technologist

4 Step 1 Characterised the production process Create a flow diagram/chart/written description of each key stage Show quality controls Show critical control points (Time, temperature, tolerances)

5 Step 2 How did the characterisation of chosen production process show students how/what to do in developing their own outcome Or How did identified parts in characterisation inform own practice Excellence -Discuss how knowledge enhanced own practice

6 Evidence How knowledge informed student practice - shown throughout practice and/or in final report or a separate report

7 Evidence required in relation to the production process sub-setting into sequential and parallel operations flow-sheeting defining batch, continuous or semi-continuous operating characteristics defining the nature of inventory management systems recognising the limitations imposed by legislation, regulations or codes of practice and societal elements such as religious beliefs.

8 Characterising a key stage defining inputs outputs and yields defining the purpose, i.e. storage, transportation, delay, inspection, transformation (with a description of the specific transformation) of the operation defining levels of key operating variables to be maintained, e.g. temperature, linear measurement, volume, etc recognising the most limiting (bottleneck) aspect of the stage.

9 Evidence includes identification of quality parameters that can be used to judge whether the process is operating within acceptable limits an outline of measurement techniques such as: physical, e.g. temperature, length, velocity, rotational speed chemical, e.g. concentration electrical, e.g. voltage, current, charge, power, drawn biological, e.g. number of cells per unit volume performance, e.g. rate of response to change. a description of appropriate quality control strategies.

10 Technological Knowledge AS 90361 Examine tech knowledge in bio tech AS90363 Examine tech knowledge in electronics and control AS90365 Examine tech knowledge in food technology AS90367 Examine tech knowledge in ICT AS90371 Examine tech knowledge in materials AS90373 Examine knowledge in structures and mechanisms

11 Knowledge gained relates to student practice Don’t let students do it as an after thought the assessors know! It is all about identifying, explaining and discussing how knowledge informed the students own practice

12 Choice.. Examine a technologists practice (visit, video, report) Examine an existing technological outcome developed by a technologist

13 Identify key knowledge about the outcome Disassembly techniques – Materials/ingredients/properties – Components – Construction/joining – Design and/or technological principles (colour, layout, appearance) – Ergonomics – Technological practice (planning tools, stakeholder consultation, production processes, roles required, price range etc

14 Linked to student work “Pine was used in this outcome I will use pine because…” This website uses white as the background for easy reading, this is a good idea which I will use in my website.” “because Andrea Moore uses this method, I did my skirt like this because…”

15 Example of Template Existing outcomes of Materials…Properties… Key physical and functional specifications Construction/joining techniques… Ergonomics… Components…. How information is to be used…..

16 Knowledge sourced at various stages.. Break it into the stages of testing and trialing of testing materials, techniques etc throughout the students practice Explain how this timely “research” guided their decision making

17 Excellence 2 or more outcomes/technologists’ practice Details of key knowledge Compared underpinning knowledge – Selected aspects useful to own development Justified reasons why knowledge influenced own thinking Reflected, explained how and where acquired knowledge was used to inform student practice

18 Discussion on how quality of own outcome had been enhanced by acquired knowledge Throughout whole practice that the knowledge from the technologists or other outcomes were continually considered and decisions made or whether to use it and why and what difference it made to their practice or outcome – “ If I had done more research on …I could have..”

19 To Gain an Achievement with Excellence At least two profiles are completed with thorough detail. A conclusion for each profile which describes in detail how things such as the design principles, key attributes, materials used, price, techniques used, and technological principles meet the product/s specifications. e.g. related to target market, product type care instructions, price range

20 Literacy Strategy- to “Explain” is to - describe in detail because is reflected in demonstrated by that means that this is produced by for example contributes to caused by as a consequence resulted in therefore leading to brought about an effect of

21 AS 90773 Examine how technological practice is influenced by responsibilities to the wider community

22 Steps Students to identify operating practices and identify the technologists responsibilities which affect and/or must be considered within this operating practice Identify from a technologist practice issues which concern or affect the wider community when designing, manufacturing or using products E.g. web page – privacy act

23 Identifying Operating Practices Methods for carrying out technological practice that have either evolved within a community of practitioners (e.g. product developer, event manager, landscape designer, ICT systems developer) or are widely applicable across communities Such as: Preparation of briefs, project management e.g. plans of action, Gantt charts and critical path analysis,designing, manufacturing

24 Such as… Fostering innovation e.g. focus groups, idea generation and screening Prototype testing e.g. surveys, trial marketing Outcome manufacture e.g. production processes and quality assurance Implementation of technological outcomes e.g. commissioning, acceptance testing, guarantees and warranty periods

25 To Gain Achievement use a case study on a technological practice based on the production of a technological outcome i.e. a product. include identifying social responsibilities within operating practices that technologists are influenced by in the development and or production of their outcome.

26 Idea: develop a chart A chart to show these responsibilities in relation to the operating practices they are related to. Then relate how knowledge helps throughout own practice. Operating PracticeSocial ResponsibilityType of responsibility - legal, ethical or moral E.g. Client ConsultationAll communication with the client in developing an outcome is in strict confidence Including client requirements and costs involved. Ethical and maybe legal if a contract has been signed.

27 Responsibilities to the wider community include – Legal responsibilities including: Acts and Standards – Ethical responsibilities including: professional (e.g. stipulated by codes of ethics developed by professional associations) and cultural and / or religious (e.g. in keeping with the accepted practices of cultures and religions) – Moral responsibilities driven by the beliefs and values of the technologist.

28 Wider community includes living organisms and the environments they live in that might be affected by the practice of the technologist including the outcomes they develop.

29 To Gain an Achievement with Merit Complete a chart as for Achieved… Then EXPLAIN this knowledge so… Write a conclusion which describes in detail how operating practices are influenced by the technologist’s responsibilities to the wider community.

30 Literacy Strategy- to “Explain” is to - describe in detail because is reflected in demonstrated by that means that this is produced by for example contributes to caused by as a consequence resulted in therefore leading to brought about an effect of

31 Sentence enablers The responsibility to the consumer is always that main concern of the technologist. This is reflected in/For example/demonstrated by… Technologists are constantly concerned with… The main reason/s for technologist’s to be influenced by responsibilities to the wider community is/are…. The environment is equally important to the technologist as part of the wider community so that is why…

32 This …is to ensure This is to done to check that… The legal requirements of manufacturing food products are… The consequences for not doing this are… The advantages of doing this are… If … is not adhered to… If the (operating practice) does not comply with… this may cause… This (social responsibility) is important to the consumer because… This responsibility is important to (operating practice) because…

33 Problems that could arise from not completing this thoroughly… A problem with this could be… It is important that checks like these are done regularly because… An example of this would be… The importance of this is demonstrated by… This method means that… Consumers are concerned with … that means that….

34 Explain how this knowledge helps you throughout your project. The following will be/ was important … because … I will use/used the following knowledge about … in my project by… This knowledge about … will help/helped me to… I realised that I would need to develop my own… because… The reason for using… means that…

35 The main things I learnt from using this knowledge were… It was important I considered … because… My final outcome was helped by applying…this is demonstrated by… I was successful in developing my outcome … because I … I ensured the quality of my outcome by… This is demonstrated by.. Using … contributed to …

36 To Gain an Achievement with Excellence Complete a chart as for Achieved… Now discuss this knowledge so… A conclusion explains and discusses the interaction between operating practices that are influenced by the technologist’s responsibilities to the wider community.

37 Discuss words… although on the other hand this differs from in contrast to even though at the same time however another reason on the other side cause and effect

38 Sentence enablers The (operating practice) must adhere to this (responsibility) otherwise… Another reason for doing this is… This … interacts with … by… The reason for this differs from… Even though this operating practice could be done without … It is important for … to be considered at the same time. An example of this is…

39 This operating practice… is in contrast to/differs from… The technologist is concerned with … in contrast to the consumer who wants… The consumer is on the other hand concerned with… Although this means ….. for the technologist it is important for the consumer to know… If … is not done at this stage in the operating practice it could mean that…

40 Relate to student practice Discuss how the quality of (student) own technological outcome has been influenced by the interactions between the knowledge gained and your practice. Provide good evidence clearly indicating how the interactions that (the student) has discussed earlier that have influenced the quality of the final outcome produced.

41 Discuss words although on the other hand this differs from in contrast to even though at the same time however another reason on the other side

42 Sentence enablers I used the following knowledge about … in my project by… This knowledge about … helped me to… The reason for … This is in contrast to… The main things I learnt from using this knowledge were…These are demonstrated by… These have helped me to understand …

43 It was important I considered … because… On the other hand I had to remember that… I had to consider … in my practice even though… I used … in my practice to ensure… When I used testing methods I considered… I realised that… was important to consider if I wanted to…

44 When I did … I used…however I could have… In considering … I also had to consider… I tried to incorporate … to ensure… and this led to… I was successful in… because I … My final outcome was helped by applying…this is demonstrated by… The quality of my outcome was enhanced by… due to…

45 If I was to continue developing this product to manufacturing I would need... By ensuring I did … I have adhered to/complied with … Although this was not needed legally I felt it was important to ensure the consumer knew…

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