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Christian Healthcare in a pluralistic world Matthew 5: 13-16 Salt and light.

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Presentation on theme: "Christian Healthcare in a pluralistic world Matthew 5: 13-16 Salt and light."— Presentation transcript:

1 Christian Healthcare in a pluralistic world Matthew 5: 13-16 Salt and light

2 World view (basic beliefs) + healthcare God Human being Ethics/Values/Norms Truth/Science/Research Health/Disease/Death Vision of healthcare Healthcare practice

3 Common problems of the Christian care-giver  Dualism: sacred-secular split  Pluralism: non-integrated compartments  Individualism: few/no deep friendships  Intellectualism: emotionally underdeveloped  Professional helper: neglect own psyche  Therapon = priest: religion underdeveloped

4 How deal with common problems?  Integrated life under the Lordship of Jesus  Heart / family / church / profession / society  Prayer, evangelism, discipleship  Restoring link local church - healthcare  Personal growth and development  Relationship with Jesus strong and healthy  Follow example of Jesus in relationships  Family / friends / church / profession / society  Professional growth and development  Purposeful interaction other Christians in healthcare

5 Main entrance of the Creeds Apostle’s Athanasian Nicene Mansion of Christianity Relationship Christians BaptistCatholicOrthodoxPentecostalLutheran Other What is a Christian?

6 Not yet Relationship Christian Obedient Relationship Christian Disobedient Relationship Christian Wall of Sin I II What is a Relationship Christian?

7 Relationship Christian: some characteristics  Reciprocal love towards God, 1 John 4: 19  Orthodox beliefs / creed, Acts 2: 42  Bible final authority over all, 2Tim 3: 16-17  Christ is Lord over all, Ps 2; Rev 19: 16  Saved by grace through faith, Eph 2: 8-9  On the throne of my heart, Gal 4: 6; John1: 12  In every sphere of life, Eph 1: 20-22  Serve Him whole-heartedly, Rom 12: 1-2

8 1. TRADITIONAL APPROACH  Dualistic scientific medicine 2. “NEW” APPROACH  Pluralistic semi-scientific medicine 3. A VIABLE ALTERNATIVE  Christian healthcare: Total Patient Care Three approaches to healthcare

9 Dualistic scientific healthcare  God: atheism / agnosticism  Human: matter; the sum of the parts  Ethics: Duties / Virtues / Goals  Spirituality: denial thereof or dualism  Health: (pneumo)-socio-psycho-somatic (WHO)  Healthcare: technology; empiricism; EBM  Aim: restore lost functionality; kill the germ  Driving force: at best, humanitarian love  Care-giver: technologist

10 Pluralistic semi-scientific healthcare  God: polytheism / monism / animism mixture  Human: energy/matter mixture  Ethics: consequential / virtue mixture=relativism  Spirituality: humanist /eastern / animist mixture  Health: energetic / spiritual harmony  Healthcare: technology / spirituality mixture  Aim: repair disharmony  Driving force: ecological-spiritual concern  Care-giver: complementary mixture therapist

11 Christian healthcare: TPC  God: Theism; for Christian: Christ-centred  Human: imager  10-facetted whole  Ethics: authoritative framework re good/evil  Spirituality: In relation to God through Christ  Health: 10-facetted shalom  Healthcare: focused 10-facetted ministry  Aim: specific contribution to shalom  Driving force: agape-love  Care-giver: called professional steward

12 Total health: Optimal shalom in all of life MinimumMaximum 1.Faith 2.Ethical 3.Judicial 4.Aesthetic 5.Economic 6.Social 7.Linguistic 8.Cultural/technical 9.Psychological 10.Somatic WHO: 4 of 10

13 Healthcare, salt and light  Salt:  Healthcare inside the national system  Influence in personal area of authority  Working in secular institutions  Battling in dualistic / pluralistic reality  Light:  Developing models alongside the national system  Influence through inspiring examples  Working in Christian institutions  Seeking to integrate all under the Lordship of Christ

14 Christian care-giver or care-giving Christian? Care-giving Christians have maximum potential to be salt and light for the glory of God Let us seek the kingdom of God and His righteousness in our lives and in our professions together Matthew 6: 33 Relationship Christians are care-giving Christians

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