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Debaters briefing.

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Presentation on theme: "Debaters briefing."— Presentation transcript:

1 debaters briefing

2 organising committee lynne roach eleanor winton andy hume

3 adjudication team andy hume john paul toner meg o’sullivan rob silver

4 briefing format of tournament rules how to debate in worlds style
q & a workshop

5 tournament format 9 rounds round 1 is randomly drawn
rounds 2-9 are power matched top 32 teams break through to knockout rounds esl break – top 8 esl teams outside top 32

6 rules points of information definitions
matter – the content of a speech manner – the structure and style of a speech the role of different teams in the debate marking scheme

7 positions in the debate
prime minister leader of opposition deputy prime deputy leader of minister opposition member of govt member of opp. govt whip opposition whip

8 basic format 15 minutes preparation time
printed or written material permitted electronic equipment prohibited 7 minute speeches

9 points of information : first and last minutes of speech are protected time signal to indicate these points : member offering POI should stand : speaker may accept or decline

10 points of information 1.4.4. POIs should not exceed 15 seconds
the speaker may ask the offering member to sit where the offeror has had a reasonable chance to be understood members should attempt to answer at least 2 POIs in their speech there are no “points of order” or “points of personal privilege”

11 points of information may take any form the offeror wishes
questions, clarification, facts, challenges, rebuttal, even jokes POIs assessed as “matter” – see later

12 how points of information are assessed
effectiveness and persuasiveness member offering point of information speaker answering point of information participation in debate as a whole

13 motions open motions e.g. “this house believes the glass is half full”
semi-closed motions e.g. “this house would alter its genetic code” closed motions e.g. “this house would bomb Iraq”

14 definitions : the definition should state the issue(s) for debate arising from the motion, stating the meaning of any terms in the motion which require interpretation : PM should provide the definition at the beginning of his/her speech

15 definitions 2.1.3: the definition must:
(a) have a clear and logical link to the motion (b) not be self-proving /truistic (c) not be time-set (d) not be place-set unfairly

16 (a) “clear and logical link”
average reasonable person would accept the link between motion and definition, as explained by the speaker semi-closed motions: treat the motion as an issue for debate e.g. “this house would alter its genetic code” closed motions: take stricter approach e.g. “this house would bomb Iraq”

17 (b) self-proving definitions
x should / should not be done, and there is no reasonable rebuttal e.g. “we’re going to argue that murder should be illegal” x is already the case, and so there is no reasonable rebuttal e.g. “we’re going to argue that the murder rate in the US is higher than in Scotland”

18 (b) self-proving definitions
“status quo” cases are not necessarily unreasonable e.g. “we’re going to argue that the european union should adopt the single currency” it’s a fair definition, because there is a reasonable rebuttal

19 (c) time setting “’s You’re about to be introduced to Adolf Hitler, you’ve got a gun in your pocket, and you’re not particularly pleased to see him. We’re going to argue that you should shoot him and save millions of lives...” all debates must take place in the present

20 (d) unfair place setting
: the members should debate the motion in the spirit of the motion and the tournament have regard to the issue being debated have regard to the teams in the debate

21 definitional challenges
2.2.1.: the leader of the opposition may challenge the definition if it violates one of the four criteria in , and he should clearly state that he’s doing so. only the leader of the opposition may challenge the definition – no-one else 2.2.2.: the leader of the opposition should substitute an alternative definition

22 definitional challenges
2.3.2.: the onus to establish that the definition is unreasonable is on the members challenging it. 2.3.3.: where the definition is unreasonable, the opposition should substitute an alternative definition that should be accepted by the adjudicator provided it is not also unreasonable.

23 matter 3.1.1.: matter is the content of a speech
3.1.2.: matter includes arguments and reasoning, examples, case studies, facts and any other material that attempts to further the case matter includes points of information

24 the elements of matter 3.2.1.: matter should be:
relevant to the debate logical consistent – within your speech, with your partner, and also with the other team on your side of the debate

25 the elements of matter 3.2.5.: all members (except the last two in the debate) should present positive matter the govt whip may choose to do so the opp whip may not do so all members (except the prime minister) should present rebuttal

26 manner manner is the presentation of the speech style structure

27 style any element which affects the overall effectiveness of your presentation eye contact voice modulation hand gestures clarity of language and expression use of notes

28 structure structure of the speech should:
include an introduction, conclusion, and a series of arguments use the allotted time properly teamwork

29 the role of teams in the debate
1st govt: definition justification of case rebuttal of 1st opp (deputy prime minister) 1st opposition: rebuttal alternative where appropriate

30 the role of teams in the debate
2nd govt anything which makes you stand out from the debate job is simply to “be better” than 1st govt how does a team do this?

31 the role of teams in the debate
2nd govt introduce new material consistent with 1st govt e.g. new lines of argument e.g. different focus to the case e.g. widening / narrowing of debate repetition of 1st govt isn’t enough

32 summary speeches summarise debate as a whole, with particular emphasis on your own team responsive to dynamics of debate -spend more time on the more important issues no one correct way of doing this speaker by speaker issue by issue thematic

33 ranking teams 5.2.1. : 3 points for 1st place 2 points for 2nd place
1 point for 3rd place 0 points for 4th place : teams may receive 0 points where they fail to arrive more than 5 minutes after the scheduled time for the debate

34 being rude and abusive ...don’t!
: teams may receive 0 points where the adjudicators unanimously agree that the member has harassed another debater on the basis of religion, sex, race, colour, nationality, sexual preference or disability

35 marking scheme A 90-100 excellent to flawless
the standard of speech you would expect to see from a speaker at the semifinal / grand final level of the tournament. this speaker has few, if any, weaknesses. B above average to very good the standard you would expect to see from a speaker in contention to make the break. this speaker has clear strengths and some minor weaknesses.

36 marking scheme C 70-79 average
the speaker has strengths and weaknesses in roughly equal proportions. D poor to below average the speaker has clear problems and some minor strengths. E very poor the speaker has fundamental weaknesses and few, if any, strengths.

37 feedback and complaints
oral adjudication queries and clarification “polite and non-confrontational” adjudicator evaluation form adjudication team all complaints will be followed up

38 questions

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