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© 2003-2005 WIDS-WTCSF Curriculum Alignment Techniques and Tools for Making it Work Innovations 2005 Judy Neill Wisconsin Technical College.

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Presentation on theme: "© 2003-2005 WIDS-WTCSF Curriculum Alignment Techniques and Tools for Making it Work Innovations 2005 Judy Neill Wisconsin Technical College."— Presentation transcript:

1 © 2003-2005 WIDS-WTCSF Curriculum Alignment Techniques and Tools for Making it Work Innovations 2005 Judy Neill Wisconsin Technical College System Foundation, Inc. ® Worldwide Instructional Design System

2 © 2003-2005 WIDS-WTCSF Curriculum Alignment Model Process Tools Products Reflections

3 © 2003-2005 WIDS-WTCSF What does learning alignment mean to you?

4 © 2003-2005 WIDS-WTCSF WIDS 05 Learning-Centered Alignment Focuses on learning Lays the groundwork for documenting learning results Sets the stage for teaching and learning excellence Encourages continuous improvement

5 © 2003-2005 WIDS-WTCSF WIDS 05 All Learning Experiences Courses Programs Majors Degrees Aligned Learning Model

6 © 2003-2005 WIDS-WTCSF WIDS 05 Learning Activitie s Assessment Learning Outcome s What? Who? When? How? Identify learning needs. Teach the right thing. Assess what we intended to teach. Teach what we intend to measure. Aligned Learning Model Learners

7 © 2003-2005 WIDS-WTCSF WIDS 05 WHO WHAT WHEN HOW Learning Colleges Align Learning.

8 © 2003-2005 WIDS-WTCSF WIDS 05 Why Align?  Enhance the quality of student learning  Ensure national or professional occupational standards are met.  Infuse program outcomes.  Examine the duplication of course content.  Incorporate new content and/or update existing content.  Facilitate collaboration among faculty.

9 © 2003-2005 WIDS-WTCSF WIDS 05 Aligned What How When Competencies Learning Objectives Performance Standards Exit Learning Outcomes Linked External Standards Rubrics Assessment Activities Assessment Items Learning Activities Learning Materials/Objects Delivery Modes Courses Workshops Other Learning Experiences Seminars Aligned Learning Experience

10 © 2003-2005 WIDS-WTCSF WIDS 05 Horizontal Alignment Aligned Learning Model College to College (Transfer)

11 © 2003-2005 WIDS-WTCSF WIDS 05 Horizontal Alignment Vertical Alignment Aligned Learning Model Level-to-Level (Articulation)

12 © 2003-2005 WIDS-WTCSF WIDS 05 Aligned Title Performance Standards Exit Learning Outcomes Linked External Standards Within a College Within a Program Across a Department Across a System Aligned Course – Multiple Iterations Competencies Description Credit Configuration Course Number Grading Rationale

13 © 2003-2005 WIDS-WTCSF WIDS 05 Aligned Title Performance Standards Courses titles descriptions credits Across Colleges Across Levels Horizontal Vertical Aligned Program– Multiple Iterations Competencies External Standards Program Number Program Outcomes Description Entrance Requirements Prerequisites

14 © 2003-2005 WIDS-WTCSF WIDS 05 What Isn’t Aligned in Program Alignment – Multiple Iterations?  College Core Abilities  Learning objectives  Learning activities  Assessment activities  Delivery mode  Course sequence  Textbooks  Specific General Studies Courses  Electives Decisions made by college, department, or individual faculty members.

15 © 2003-2005 WIDS-WTCSF Wisconsin Technical College System Health Occupations Statewide Alignment Wisconsin Technical College System Health Occupations Statewide Alignment

16 © 2003-2005 WIDS-WTCSF WIDS 05  All 16 colleges offered Health Occupations programs.  Shortage of healthcare workers led to pressure from industry align programs.  Programs had different entrance requirements.  Programs had different science requirements.  Students couldn’t transfer between programs.  Expanded online offerings increased issues of transfer/articulation among colleges. Wisconsin Situation Wisconsin Health Occupations Alignment

17 © 2003-2005 WIDS-WTCSF WIDS 05  Boost enrollment in health occupations programs.  Ease course transferability among colleges.  Facilitate collaboration among faculty state-wide (make use of best practices.)  Maximize the use of statewide curriculum development dollars.  Facilitate development of online courses.  Align programs but allow individual teaching differences in learning objectives, learning activities, textbooks, etc. Wisconsin Goals Wisconsin Health Occupations Alignment

18 © 2003-2005 WIDS-WTCSF WIDS 05  Same entrance requirements  Same program configuration (courses/credits)  Same course titles and descriptions  Same program outcomes  Same course competencies  Same performance standards for assessment Solution: Aligned Curriculum Wisconsin Health Occupations Alignment

19 © 2003-2005 WIDS-WTCSF WIDS 05 Solution: Aligned Curriculum Wisconsin Health Occupations Alignment Anesthesia Technology Clinical Laboratory Technician Cardiovascular Technologist Dental Assistant Dental Hygienist Diagnostic Medical Sonography Health Unit Coordinator Medical Assistant Medical Coding Nursing (AD, PN, and Nursing Assistant) Radiography Technologist Surgical Technologist

20 © 2003-2005 WIDS-WTCSF WIDS 05  Facilitate alignment process.  Provide a consistent curriculum model, format and terminology.  Define “above the line” and “below the line.”  Allow teacher differences in learning plans and assessment tasks.  Link to Professional Standards, DACUM, and Program Outcomes.  Disseminate and store the curriculum electronically. Partnership with WIDS Wisconsin Health Occupations Alignment

21 © 2003-2005 WIDS-WTCSF WIDS 05 Aligned Core Skills Assessment Approach Professional Development Across Colleges Across Levels Horizontal Related Occupations Aligned Core Curriculum– Multiple Programs Performance Indicators External Standards “Plug and Play” Learning Activities Implementation Strategies

22 © 2003-2005 WIDS-WTCSF Wisconsin Technical College System Critical Core Manufacturing Skills Statewide Alignment Wisconsin Technical College System Critical Core Manufacturing Skills Statewide Alignment

23 © 2003-2005 WIDS-WTCSF WIDS 05  WI manufacturers face cost and competition challenges that call for the implementation of new production efficiency measures along with automation and technology strategies.  Growing sense of concern about availability of skilled workers.  Concerned that manufacturing industry image is making it difficult to recruit and maintain the right workers.  Industry called on WI Technical Colleges to help position manufacturing as a continuously vital part of Wisconsin’s economy. Wisconsin’s Manufacturing Situation Wisconsin Critical Core Manufacturing Skills Alignment

24 © 2003-2005 WIDS-WTCSF WIDS 05  Identify high level, critical core skills that are needed by all manufacturing graduates and incumbent workers.  Infuse the critical core skills into all Wisconsin Technical College manufacturing programs.  Develop strategies for assessing the critical core skills.  Provide resources for teaching the critical core skills across the curriculum of all manufacturing programs. Wisconsin Critical Core Manufacturing Skills Alignment WTCS Critical Core Skills Project Goals

25 © 2003-2005 WIDS-WTCSF WIDS 05  Industry focus groups to identify the critical core skills.  Twelve critical core skills and performance indicators designed to infuse across all manufacturing programs.  Portfolio template with plans to go to electronic portfolios.  “Plug ‘n Play” LAP’s (Learning Activity Packets). Wisconsin Critical Core Manufacturing Skills Alignment Solution: WTCS Critical Core Skills

26 © 2003-2005 WIDS-WTCSF WIDS 05  Provide a consistent curriculum model, format and terminology.  Facilitate development of performance indicators.  Assist in linking Critical Core Manufacturing Skills to national standards.  Assist faculty writers in the development of LAP’s.  Develop the portfolio template and research the use of electronic portfolio’s.  Provide tools and model for designing professional development. Wisconsin Critical Core Manufacturing Skills Alignment Partnership with WIDS

27 © 2003-2005 WIDS-WTCSF WIDS 05 The Process

28 Define high performance. Competency Establish WHAT learners will learn. Design learning and assessment. WIDS Learning Design Process Deliver learning and evaluate effectiveness for continual improvement. Exit learning Outcomes Core Abilities Gen Education Program External Standards Mission DACUM Performance Assessments Assessment Assessment Objects/Items Assessment Activities Criteria Scoring Guide/Rubrics Learning Plans Learning Learning Activity Learning Objective Learning Objects/Materials Program Level Course Level All Levels

29 © 2003-2005 WIDS-WTCSF WIDS 05 How Long Does It Take?  1 planning day with deans and other decision-makers  3-4 days pre-work by WIDS consultant  3 two-day collaborative faculty sessions (6 days)  3-4 one-hour conference calls with deans/program managers  WIDS consultant work before, after, and between sessions The Alignment Process

30 © 2003-2005 WIDS-WTCSF WIDS 05 The Alignment Process 1.Establish criteria for the finished product.

31 © 2003-2005 WIDS-WTCSF WIDS 05 2.Identify External Standards and Exit Learning Outcomes [Program, General Education, and Core Abilities]. The Alignment Process Note: Use accreditation requirements and standards to guide the process Link external standards to competencies and course to lay the groundwork for standards matrices reports.

32 © 2003-2005 WIDS-WTCSF WIDS 05 3.Brainstorm general areas of content or skill. 4.Write competencies for each area. 5.Perform final review of competencies. The Alignment Process

33 © 2003-2005 WIDS-WTCSF WIDS 05 6.Divide competencies into logical segments of learning, determining sequence and scope of competencies. 7.Create courses – competencies, title, descriptions. 8.Assign credits (3-6 competencies per credit). The Alignment Process

34 © 2003-2005 WIDS-WTCSF WIDS 05 9.Determine course prerequisites and sequence. 10.Configure into semesters if applicable. 11.Develop performance standards for each competency (criteria and conditions for assessment). The Alignment Process

35 © 2003-2005 WIDS-WTCSF WIDS 05 The Tools

36 © 2003-2005 WIDS-WTCSF WIDS 05 WIDS Software: Supports the design of learning and assessment.

37 © 2003-2005 WIDS-WTCSF WIDS 05  Use only the modules that relate to your project  Follow color and icon coded flowcharts as you work

38 © 2003-2005 WIDS-WTCSF WIDS 05  Describe program  Designate external standards NLN Standards MN Nursing Abilities NCLEX Content  Establish exit learning outcomes Program Outcomes (discipline specific) Core Abilities (Critical Life Skills) General Education Outcomes (degree/program level)  Configure courses  Link outcomes to courses WIDS Program Design Module

39 © 2003-2005 WIDS-WTCSF WIDS 05  Identify General Course Information  Develop Course Level Outcomes Competencies and Performance Standards Learning Objectives  Link Competencies to Exit Learning Outcomes Program External Standards Certification Exam Content (As needed) Program Outcomes Core Abilities  Build Syllabi  Plan Learning  Plan Assessment WIDS Learning Design Module


41 © 2003-2005 WIDS-WTCSF WIDS 05 Use libraries for helpful references

42 © 2003-2005 WIDS-WTCSF WIDS 05 A verb library for writing competencies and other outcomes (Select by Bloom’s domain and level)

43 © 2003-2005 WIDS-WTCSF WIDS 05 A health care library with sample competencies (Includes sample performance standards for assessment)

44 © 2003-2005 WIDS-WTCSF WIDS 05 A performance assessment task library

45 © 2003-2005 WIDS-WTCSF WIDS 05 Pre-designed performance assessment tasks-- use “as is” or adapt to your needs

46 © 2003-2005 WIDS-WTCSF WIDS 05 Link program and other outcomes to competencies to infuse them through the learning

47 Dissemination

48 © 2003-2005 WIDS-WTCSF WIDS 05 What Is Posted?  Project reports/issues  Discussions  Alignment Documents WIDS Program Files Program File Reports Sample Program Configuration WIDS Course Files Course Outcome Summary Reports WIDS Analyzer Reports Zip Files  Model Learning Materials (when available)

49 © 2003-2005 WIDS-WTCSF WIDS 05 The Products

50 © 2003-2005 WIDS-WTCSF WIDS 05 Alignment Documents  Program Outcome Matrices  Program Profile  Course Outcome Summary (Syllabus) All aligned programs Developed through eTech for selected programs. Developed by individual colleges for others.  Learning Plans  Assessment Tasks  Learning Materials/Objects Above-the-Line Below-the-Line


52 © 2003-2005 WIDS-WTCSF WIDS 05 Help! 1.Our standards have changed! 2.We forgot something! 3.We need more time! 4.We have too much time in this class! 5.I can’t figure out how to teach this!

53 © 2003-2005 WIDS-WTCSF WIDS 05 Review Process 1. Conference call with deans annually 2. Conference calls with teachers of individual courses (professional development) at the conclusion of each semester 3. Face-to-face meetings as needed Facilitate:

54 © 2003-2005 WIDS-WTCSF WIDS 05 Reflections

55 © 2003-2005 WIDS-WTCSF WIDS 05 Challenges  Achieve consensus among multiple stakeholders with diverse needs and interests  Move forward in the face of overt and hidden complexities and risks  Produce high quality products (curriculum) that can be deployed on the frontlines of learning  Coordinate a process that is effective, affordable, manageable, timely and flexible

56 © 2003-2005 WIDS-WTCSF WIDS 05 Keys to Success  Partnership  Informed Commitment  Instructional Design System  Defined Deliverables  Process: Effective, Efficient, Flexible  Easy Dissemination

57 © 2003-2005 WIDS-WTCSF WIDS 05 Partnership WTC System Leadership Funding 16 Wisconsin Technical Colleges Leadership Resources Deployment WIDS Facilitation ID Expertise and Tools

58 © 2003-2005 WIDS-WTCSF WIDS 05 Informed Commitment  Enhancement of learning and increased access for learners will drive the design process.  The aligned program will be different from existing programs.  The program at each college will change, causing each college to do things differently  Faculty members will be likely to teach different courses – perhaps in different ways.  The process will be collaborative, focusing on best practices leading to measurable results that can be benchmarked to standards for excellence in learning and teaching.

59 © 2003-2005 WIDS-WTCSF WIDS 05 WIDS Instructional Design System  Centers on learning.  Based on performance of learning outcomes  Incorporates external standards.  Links exit learning outcomes (program, general education, and core abilities) to course outcomes and performance standards.  Connects learning outcomes to learning and assessment strategies.  Provides software tools to support the process.

60 © 2003-2005 WIDS-WTCSF WIDS 05 Defined Deliverables

61 © 2003-2005 WIDS-WTCSF WIDS 05 Process: Effective, Efficient, Flexible  Build buy-in  Clarify expectations  Align curriculum  Monitor and review

62 © 2003-2005 WIDS-WTCSF WIDS 05 Easy Dissemination CurriculumBank Central source for most current alignment products Easy to access Provides discussion/review forum Easy to update Cost effective

63 © 2003-2005 WIDS-WTCSF WIDS 05 Benefits of Alignment “This is better than the curriculum we had before. Our old curriculum reflected the biases and preferences of our own faculty. This one is based on the best thinking of teachers from 16 colleges!” Nursing Instructor, Western Wisconsin Technical College

64 © 2003-2005 WIDS-WTCSF WIDS 05 “Curriculum used statewide is more cost- effective than developing individual programs at each college. An aligned program is easier to evaluate. Competencies are linked to standards. The colleges now submit one curriculum the accrediting agency, jointly.” Kay Tupala, Associate Dean of Health and Public Safety, Northeast Wisconsin Technical College Financial Return?


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