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What has been done and what still needs to be done to skill South Africans for SIPs and through SIPs 2 September 2014 Skills for and through SIPs Highlights.

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Presentation on theme: "What has been done and what still needs to be done to skill South Africans for SIPs and through SIPs 2 September 2014 Skills for and through SIPs Highlights."— Presentation transcript:

1 What has been done and what still needs to be done to skill South Africans for SIPs and through SIPs 2 September 2014 Skills for and through SIPs Highlights of the report of the Departments of Economic Development and Higher Education & Training (presented at the CESA conference of 11 th November 2014)

2 The SIPs projects SIPs 1 - 9SIPs 10 - 18 SIP 1: Unlocking the Northern Mineral Belt with Waterberg as the Catalyst SIP 10: Electricity transmission and distribution for all SIP 2: Durban- Free State– Gauteng Logistics and Industrial Corridor SIP 11: Agri-logistics and rural infrastructure SIP 3: South Eastern node & corridor developmentSIP 12: Revitalisation of public hospitals and other health facilities SIP 4: Unlocking economic opportunities in the NW Province SIP 13: National school build programme SIP 5: Saldanha-Northern Cape Development CorridorSIP 14: Higher Education infrastructure SIP 6: Integrated Municipal Infrastructure ProjectSIP 15: Expanding access to communication technology SIP 7: Integrated Urban Space and Public Transport Programme SIP 16: SKA and Meerkat SIP 8: Green energy in support of the South African economy SIP 17: Regional integration for African cooperation and development SIP 9: Electricity generation in support of socio-economic development SIP 18: Bulk water supply and distribution

3 Developing skills profiles – identifying sectors  Agriculture, Forestry & Fisheries  Justice  Basic Education  Manufacturing  Commercial and Office Buildings  Mining  Communication  Other (e.g. Public Works)  Correctional services  Ports, rail, pipelines  Crime prevention (SAPS)  Public Transport  Energy  Roads  Health  Social Services  Higher Education & Training  Tourism  Human Settlements  Water & Sanitation

4 Typical skills prototype per sector

5 Model outputs – demand per sip

6 Model outputs – national demand

7 Developing skills profiles – defining scarcity  Adequate supply  Shortage (0-20%)  Significant shortage (20-50%)  Critical shortage (50-99%)  Absolute scarcity (100%) i.e. not available

8 8 500 Materials Engineer Surveyor (including land and eng. surveyors) 450 Grader Operator 450 Programme / Project Manager 350 Electronic Eng Technician 300 Welders 220 Top 6 scarce skills after first assessment (2013)

9 Professionals and associate professionals The occupations Built environment professionalsConstruction professionals  Draughtsperson  Construction project manager  GISc practitioner, technologist, technician  Construction manager  Landscape architect, technologist, technician  Construction health and safety agent, manager and officer  Land and engineering surveyor  Quantity surveyor  Planner

10 Professionals and associate professionals The occupations (cont) EngineersScientists  Aeronautical engineer, technologist, technician  ICT  Chemical engineer, technologist, technician  Forestry  Civil engineer, technologist, technician  Physicist  Electrical engineer, technologist, technician  Astronomer  Environmental engineer, technologist, technician  Industrial engineer, technologist, technician  Materials engineer, technologist, technician  Mechanical engineer, technologist, technician  Mining engineer, technologist, technician

11 The skills pipeline School Career guidance and subject choices Quality of education and achieving grades required for occupation Theory Funding, throughput – enhancing delivery Access, new qualifications Practical Availability Equipment, simulators, instructors Workplace Enough workplaces to offer meaningful, structured experience Coaching, mentoring, funding Assessment Passing a trade test, professional registration, licensing, completing a learnership or QCTO Award etc Expertise Immigration, secondment, retirees Specialisation

12 Professionals and associate professionals Schooling  Common challenges  High symbols in maths, science and literacy required  Limited pool from whom to chose and a challenge i.r.o. transformation  Limited awareness  Solutions  Address Basic Education challenges  Work with National Career Advice Portal to improve information on careers, attend career days and give career talks on radio in all 11 languages

13 Professionals and associate professionals Theory  Common challenges  Low throughput and inadequate numbers entering industry  Inadequate numbers enrolling or inadequate number of institutions  New qualifications required  Solutions  Modernise and increase amount of equipment and expand facilities  Reduce high student to lecturer ratios – attract, develop more lecturing staff by making scholarships available, funding Chairs, subvention, increasing salaries etc  Increase support staff  Increase tutoring, use of e-learning and range of student support  Increase number of bursaries available  Develop new qualifications where required  Greater % of DHET subsidy should reach the departments developing professionals

14 Professionals and associate professionals Workplace-based learning  Common challenges  Limited opportunities in the workplace  Poorly structured training  Solutions  Develop structured programmes including mentorship and coaching  Recognise candidate training as a learning pathway  SETAs to fund training during the candidacy phase  Encourage SETAs to work with VAs to manage programmes  Public sector to use Gazette 36760 to ensure their staff adequately training

15 Professionals and associate professionals Assessment  Common challenges  Small Councils have insufficient capacity to establish robust review system  Costly to establish new professions  Not all professions recognised on OFO  RPL not in place in all Councils  Solutions  Offer seed funding and subsidise review process to establish new Councils and new professions  Link Councils with the OFO committee to make recommendations  Fund the development of RPL systems where required

16 Professionals and associate professionals Expertise  Common challenges  Insufficient expert/experienced capacity  Solutions  Companies to support CPD  Encourage postgraduate studies  Support secondments  Employ retired professionals  Harness international specialists where necessary

17 Professionals and associate professionals Employment and related issues  Common challenges  Identification of Work  Labour legislation  Building a Capable State  Solutions  Finalise Identification of Work and regulations for BEPs  Ensure changes in legislation do not reduce training opportunities  Create an enabling environment in the public sector recognising the value of professional judgement in all activities such as HR, supply chain, finance etc  Develop career pathing and grow own staff

18 Skills Standard - overview  Collaborative effort – ECSA, cidb, DPW, DHET  Standard provides for structured workplace training towards the attainment of national outcomes leading to:  Occupational qualifications  Trade qualifications  University of technology diploma (P1 and P2)  Candidacy for professional registration

19 Contributions from government’s side  Universities  Block grants and earmarked grants (for special purposes)  Colleges  SETAs, mandatory and discretionary (~ R 900m already committed)  National Skills Fund  Government departments

20 Possible contributions from the private sector  The private sector is invited to join government in supporting learning opportunities in support of the SIPs – there are multiple opportunities to do so  Career guidance opportunities – volunteers please  Bursaries  Funding for higher education institutions – chairs, investment funds, part-time lecturers etc  Workplace training opportunities for graduates and public sector staff using cidb standard  Second staff to public sector structures for fill strategic vacant posts  See report for more detail – on portal plus discussion forum

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