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Igniting 21st century learning ® ® © One-to-One Institute 1 Teaching & Learning in a One-to-One Environment 1.

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Presentation on theme: "Igniting 21st century learning ® ® © One-to-One Institute 1 Teaching & Learning in a One-to-One Environment 1."— Presentation transcript:

1 Igniting 21st century learning ® ® © One-to-One Institute 1 Teaching & Learning in a One-to-One Environment 1

2 Igniting 21st century learning ® ® © One-to-One Institute Welcome! Day 1 PD Planned Agenda 1.Introduction to the BTOP Grant 2.Hopes and Fears Activity 3.Big Picture/Philosophical Ideas 4.Getting Started with One to One Computing 2

3 BTOP Welcome and Introduction Barb Light, EUPISD BTOP Project Director

4 Welcome to BTOP! Introductions: ◦ Name, what you teach ◦ When was the first time you remember using technology in a classroom setting and what did you do?

5 A Federal Grant Program American Recovery and Reinvestment Act funds ($10 billion) National Telecommunications and Information Administration ($4.8 billion of the $10 billion) Broadband Technology Opportunities Program (BTOP) Our category is sustainable broadband adoption: Anywhere, anytime computing

6 How much money do we get? 3.165 million federal cash award 1.275 million match ◦ $ 760,000 cash ◦ District match of $50.00/student/year (includes device, tech support, software, community awareness) ◦ $ 515,000 in-kind (district tech personnel time and use of school facilities, for example)

7 What is Broadband? ”Data transmission technology that provides two-way data transmission to and from the Internet with advertised speeds of at least 768 kilobits per second (kbps) downstream and at least 200 kbps upstream to end users.” Source: Connect Michigan Website So basically it’s high speed internet.

8 What are the objectives? Increase broadband adoption ◦ School to home education is one vector ◦ Community awareness is the other vector  Economic development  Educational opportunities  Medical services and information * A3 is NetLingo for anyplace, anytime, anywhere.

9 Why Us? We are an underserved area for broadband Previous educational technology initiatives in this region – WE ARE READY!!! Visionary thinking from the ISD This is NOT Freedom to Learn, but we used the lessons we learned from FTL to write this grant.

10 The Devices!! Dell Latitude 2110 netbooks for all 7-12 grade students ◦ 3 year warranty including accidental breakage ◦ Anti-theft protection ◦ Custom high resolution screen This February/early March, hopefully! For educational and personal use by students Students take the netbooks home, including over the summer

11 To the CLOUD!

12 The cloud is a way to have access to your tech tools and files from ANY internet connected device. The EUPISD cloud will be for all students K – 12 and staff, too. The cloud can, and eventually will, be different for different groups of students. The cloud will be refined over the 3 years of the grant. Right now it is pretty basic, but it will grow. Cloud

13 What do teachers get? Professional development ◦ At least 2 days this year on technology integration and best practice teaching using technology

14 Community Impact Community meetings ◦ Four evening training sessions per district Technicians available to assist with broadband connections in home Four new positions at the ISD ◦ Project director Barb Light ◦ Computer techs Kathy Fountain, Ryan Gazley ◦ Instructional technologist Suzy Belonga

15 Quiz 1. What is broadband? ◦ High speed internet 2. What is the federal purpose of the grant? ◦ To increase broadband subscribership and use 3. What is the difference between a netbook and a laptop? ◦ Netbooks are smaller 4. What is the cloud for BTOP? ◦ A way to access your own individualized internet tools and files from any internet connected device

16 Please do the following: Take the pre-BTOP survey which is on the BTOP Day 1 Training page of the EUPISD website. EUPISD Website ◦ Click on the PROGRAMS tab ◦ Click on BTOP ◦ Click on TAKE THE BTOP SURVEY HERE!

17 Igniting 21st century learning ® ® © One-to-One Institute Resources for this training EUPISD Website Click on programs Click on BTOP Click on Training Day 1 17

18 Igniting 21st century learning ® ® © One-to-One Institute Our Partnership with the One to One Institute One to one means one computer to one student Michigan’s One to One Institute is a global leader in implementing one to one initiatives such as BTOP They are providing materials for our first two days of training 18

19 Igniting 21st century learning ® ® © One-to-One Institute 19 Digital Coach Expectations Adjust content to meet your unique requirements Get daily feedback to monitor and adjust throughout sessions Respond to all questions, comments, and issues Provide resources and ongoing support

20 Igniting 21st century learning ® ® © One-to-One Institute Hopes and Fears Activity Hope Dream Wish Fear Dread Realistically Expect Need to Know 20 Please list your BTOP hopes and fears for a group discussion activity.

21 Igniting 21st century learning ® ® © One-to-One Institute Big Picture Foundational Ideas What do your students want you to teach them? How do your students want to be taught? How do your students learn best? What does perfect education look like from the student perspective? As a group list at least 10 things that make education effective. 21

22 Igniting 21st century learning ® ® © One-to-One Institute Now… …as a group cross off all the things you have no control over. …talk at your table about how one to one computing can help you do some of the things left on your list. Perhaps your conversations included some… 22

23 Igniting 21st century learning ® ® © One-to-One Institute 23 Best Practices of Effective Schools What works?

24 Igniting 21st century learning ® ® © One-to-One Institute 24

25 Igniting 21st century learning ® ® © One-to-One Institute 25 Best Practices Strong Leadership Curriculum and Instruction High Standards and Expectations Parent & Community Involvement Professional Development AssessmentSharing

26 Igniting 21st century learning ® ® © One-to-One Institute 26

27 Igniting 21st century learning ® ® © One-to-One Institute Bloom’s Taxonomy of Higher Order Thinking Skills  Creating ↑Evaluating ↑Analyzing ↑Applying ↑Understanding ↑Remembering

28 Igniting 21st century learning ® ® © One-to-One Institute 28

29 Igniting 21st century learning ® ® © One-to-One Institute Partnership for 21 st Century Skills 29

30 Igniting 21st century learning ® ® © One-to-One Institute 21 st Century Skills What do you think your students need to be successful in their future? Think, pair, share The Global Achievement Gap by Tony WagnerThe Global Achievement Gap by Tony Wagner Explanation of the Seven Skills 30

31 2006 Workforce Readiness Report Center for Public Education “The 21 st Century Education” Tony Wagner’s Survival Skills for 21 st Century Workers

32 Tony Wagner’s Survival Skills for 21 st Century Workers: 1.) Critical Thinking and Problem Solving Think broadly & deeply Surround yourself with people that have different opinions Asking good questions Thinking on their feet Being an effective team member trying to solve problem or task Rob Gordon: more stress on “cadets’ ability to think adaptively & flexibly, as well as critically” (Wagner, p.22). 32 2.) Collaboration Lead by influence Global, virtual, working across boundaries like distance, time, skills & Teacher, principal, and professor Speaker nationally & internationally Well known author The first Innovation Education Fellow at the Technology & Entrepreneurship Center at Harvard

33 Wagner’s Survival Skills (cont.) 3.) Agility and Adaptability Flexible Able to change Use variety of tools to solve new problems More than 1 “right” answer “ energy or aptitude displayed in initiation of action : enterprise” “readiness to engage in daring or difficult action : initiative” 4.) Initiative and Entrepreneurialism “An achievement orientation & a drive for results” (Wagner, p.33) Lead by influence not commands

34 Wagner’s Survival Skills (cont.) 5.) Oral and Written Communication Voice! Rob Gordon (Iraq in 2004): soldiers needed to understand, interpret, and communicate what they were seeing in combat Ability to create focus, energy, passion (Wagner, p. 35-36). intelligent opinion clear thoughts analyze & reason 6.) Accessing and Analyzing Information Effective web search: easy access to overwhelming amounts of information Find and reason the critical aspects Discover new challenges & opportunities

35 Final Survival Skill “The use of the Internet and other digital technology has transformed both what young people learn today and how they learn.” (Wagner, 2008, p.178) 7.) Curiosity and Imagination New & effective ways to solve problems Develop new/improved products and services “Out of the box” solutions Engage others Question face value Distinctive products make companies more competitive

36 Igniting 21st century learning ® ® © One-to-One Institute 36 STATE CONTENT STANDARDS Teacher Job Description (nonlinguistic representation):

37 Igniting 21st century learning ® ® © One-to-One Institute 37

38 Igniting 21st century learning ® ® © One-to-One Institute Engagement is the key You can deliver the material perfectly, but if you don’t engage the students, you fail as a teacher. One to one computing is a great engager. 38

39 Igniting 21st century learning ® ® © One-to-One Institute How? Differentiate – Moodle, Compass Provide learner control Real world information Current information Activity Organization New tools Color Give everyone a voice 39

40 Igniting 21st century learning ® ® © One-to-One Institute The Power of the Internet in Education A few rhetorical questions: Do you know everything? Can you answer every question every student asks you? Where do you go for information? 40

41 Igniting 21st century learning ® ® © One-to-One Institute 41 A Little Fun, A Little Learning

42 Igniting 21st century learning ® ® © One-to-One Institute 42 A Little Fun, A Little Learning

43 Igniting 21st century learning ® ® © One-to-One Institute A Little Fun, A Little Learning Star Wars Sound of MusicStar WarsSound of Music How would it feel to be the first person to start the dance or to be Princess Leia or Darth Vader? What gender are most of the dancers? Why do you think that is? Describe the thoughts that would go through your mind if you were watching one of these live. What type of person comes up with and plans this kind of stuff? Compare and contrast the two video clips. If you were describing one of these to a blind person, what would you say? Is any of your explanation your opinion rather than fact? 43

44 Igniting 21st century learning ® ® © One-to-One Institute Academic Expectations College Freshman Political Science PortfolioCollege Freshman Political Science Portfolio 8 th Grade Earth Science Wiki8 th Grade Earth Science Wiki College Freshman Business Class ProjectCollege Freshman Business Class Project Excepted from the Michigan Educational Tech Standards: ( Every high school student will: 9-12.CI.2. create a web page 9-12.TC.6. participate in a virtual environment as a strategy to build 21st century learning skills 44

45 Igniting 21st century learning ® ® © One-to-One Institute Getting Started with One to One Computing One to one = one netbook to one student Think of the netbook as a tool much like a textbook, pencil, beaker, map, or calculator Focus on teaching the curriculum and embed explanations on how to use the netbook into your teaching of your curriculum 45

46 Igniting 21st century learning TM © One-to-One Institute & Intel Which is better? Today, kids, we are going to learn the basics of how to use Excel spreadsheets. Before we do our lab, we need to spend a day learning Excel. So, open Excel by clicking on… A great tool for keeping track of data for your lab is Excel. Excel is found under the Microsoft Office menu. Have your group use it to set up a data table. If you need help, let me know and I’ll be glad to show you how it works. 46

47 Igniting 21st century learning ® ® © One-to-One Institute What does an OTO classroom look like? Like this room? Can be paperless Can be without textbooks Collaborative and noisy Teacher helping students (more coaching, less large group teaching) Direct instruction is still used, but can be more targeted as in who needs what information

48 Igniting 21st century learning ® ® © One-to-One Institute You have 5 minutes to write a paragraph (on any topic.) Now make a copy your paragraph below the original. Now use a Thesaurus on your computer and replace at least 5 words in your paragraph Is the revised paragraph better than the first? Why or why not? 48

49 Igniting 21st century learning ® ® © One-to-One Institute Where do I start?? How can you encourage students to replace their current tools with technology? –Typing papers –Paperless classroom –Note taking on the computers –Projects Find a great website to use with your students –What makes a website “great” for educational use? Build an activity to use that website –Brainstorm activities 49

50 Igniting 21st century learning ® ® © One-to-One Institute Extras If Time Allows: Plan your day 1 lesson Go through the copyright info Check out the teacher resources page on the BTOP website 50

51 Igniting 21st century learning TM © One-to-One Institute & Intel Future Trainings Day 2 Web 2.0 tools (wikis, blogs, social networks, podcasts, etc.) Building one to one lessons Deployment details? Beyond Moodle Compass MCREL Advanced Web 2.0 tools? 21 Things Content specific tools? 51

52 Igniting 21st century learning ® ® © One-to-One Institute Putting in the extra effort to make this work: At 211 degrees, water is hot. At 212 degrees, it boils. And with boiling water, comes steam. And with steam, you can power a train. ~S.L. Parker 52

53 Igniting 21st century learning ® ® © One-to-One Institute 53

54 Igniting 21st century learning ® ® © One-to-One Institute YouTube Video Links Used in the Presentation: Cloud Computing – ature=related ature=related 212 Degrees – ynext=1&list=PL21721E0D79DDF7FF&index=5 ynext=1&list=PL21721E0D79DDF7FF&index=5 A Vision of K-12 Students Today – Star Wars Subway Car – Sound of Music – 54

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