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Economy Development and TVET in Korea
Technical Vocational Education & Training(TVET)
1. HRD KOREA Established in 1982
A Specialized HRD Organization under MOEL Employees : 1,177 Organization : 1headquarter, 13Bureaus, 39Teams 15 overseas EPS Centers Budgets : US $ 1 billion Main Mission - National Competency Standard(NCS) - Korean Dual System - National Qualification Testing - Lifelong Competency Development - Employment Permit System(EPS) This is the organization chart of HRD Korea. Main functions of HRD Korea are International Cooperation, National Qualification Management, Lifelong Competency Development, and Global Employment Service. As a substructure of international HRD cooperation, SIVAT has total 23 staffs. SIVAT is a building with 5 stories above ground and one underground level and From the third floor to fifth floor, there are 63 dormitory rooms and it accommodates up to 111 trainees at a time. Laboratories for electricity, electronics, and computer are located in 1st and 2nd floor. General workshop building for welding, air-conditioning and refrigerator, automotive maintenance is over there, as you can see it. The Center offers various types of lecture rooms, training rooms, a dormitory, a laundry room, a gym, and singing rooms for providing pleasant accommodations and an educational environment. As of 2011, over 5,000 government personnel and trainees from 100 countries visited SIVAT to learn about the vocational training programs and HRD systems of Korea.
Providing information
2. Global Institute For Transferring Skills GIFTS Established in March, to the HRD Korea Main Roles - Skills Promotion - Transferring Advanced Skills - Skills Competitions/ Domestic / International - International Cooperation - World skills Korea Current Issues - Knowledge sharing project with WB - UNESCO BEAR project - GIZ / ILO project, ASEAN+3 Senminar - APEC Instructors(TOT) - Projects with Libya, Tanzania, Cameroon, Uganda, Nicaragua etc. Providing information
3. Glance of GIFTS
Economic Growth
2.Outcome of Economic Development(Export)
State-led Industrialization
3.Aligning HRD with Labor Demand Efficient supply of industrial workforce based on labor demand State-led Industrialization Democratization 1987~1997 Globalization 1997~present 1961~1973 1973~1980 1980~1987 Economy Light Industrialization Export Promotion Policy initiated Heavy & Chemical Industrialization Economic Stabilization Economic Liberalization Economic Slowdown Industrial Restructuring after Economic Crisis IT-centered Industrial Upgrading Education & HRD Statist Educational System Expansion of Primary Education Expansion of Middle school Education Expansion of Vocational Training Expansion of College Education Educational Reform of Statist Educational System Autonomy & Diversity Universalization of College Education Educational Globalization Graduate School Education (BK21) National HRD University-Industry Partnership
TVET System
Outcomes and Future Tasks of Vocational Training in Korea
Outline of Evolution of TVET System 1960s 1970s 1980s 1990s 2000s EDP The 1st and 2nd The 3rd and 4th 5th 6th Eco. + Social Dev. 5yr Plan for New Economy 5 yr Plan Contd’ GNP per Capita 79 254 1,645 6,147 10,841 24,044 Tertiary Industries Employment Structure Secondary Industries Primary Industries Industrial Strategy Agrarian society Light industry Heavy industry State-of-the-art technology IT, BT, NT CT, ET,ST Workers manual Craftsman Engineer Technician with multiple skills Technologist HRD System Incomplete Government-led Obligatory Vocational Training System Private-led (Government supported) Funding System None Subsidy Obli-gatory V.T.S Levy-exemption Levy-grant (Employment Insurance) -15-
Manpower Demand Scientist Engineer Technologist Technician
Industrial Needs Level Skilled Worker Technician Technologist Engineer Scientist Grd.Sch Univ. Tech.H-Sch Polytechnic 9000 8000 7000 6000 5000 4000 3000 2000 1000 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
TVET Policy Beginning in the 1970s 1
Government lead Technical Vocational Training Compulsory TVET (’76): large companies were asked by Gov’t to supply mono-skilled workforce Skill Craftsman According to Economic 5 yr plan many craftsman required The government founded public training institutions to train workers, while laying the obligation on employers to train and educate their employees. These initiates gave a strong backing to the fast growth of the national economy.
TVET Policy Growth in the 1980s 2
Focus in training shifted from mono-skilled to multi-skilled and multi-functional workforce Increased support for training facilities, and others at workplace With the changes in the economic and industrial structure since 1980, different needs for vocational training had been brought about. As the industrial structure shifted from labor-intensive to technology intensive one and from mass production to mass consumption, there was a growing demand for multi functional and high skilled workers. 1982 Established Korea Manpower Agency Now renamed HRD Service of Korea
TVET Policy Transition in the 1990s 3
Compulsory Vocational Training → EI Training (’95) Compulsory training/ training levies → EI contributions/training subsidies Production workers in manufacturing → All workers in all industries Large-scale training for the unemployed during the financial crisis In response to the chaining trends in the industrial structure, such as strong showing of the service sector, the government brought in employment insurance system. Also the government program in the EI to extend the support coverage to training to all industrial sectors and workers.
TVET Policy 4 Innovation in the 2000s
Closer business-school links to produce professional workforce Life-long skills development system Special supports to disadvantaged workers (SMEs, non-regular, disabled, woman …etc.) TVET should be conducted in a network type system based on part nership under Human Resource Development(HRD) is tailored to the local reality and decentralized approach can contribute to a balanced growth among different regions. 2006 Korea Polytechnics System Launching
Contents of TVET Skills Development Opportunities for Unemployed and Low education 1) Training for the unemployed - Training for the unemployed with work experience - Training for the unemployed without work experience 2) Employment promotion training - Training for the local unemployed 3) Basic training for workforce - Training for priority sectors - Training to foster technicians 4) Vocational training for the disadvantaged - Persons with Needs for Rehabilitation - Disadvantaged Self-Employed Person
Contents of TVET Promoting Skills development in Companies
1) Employee Training - Basic training for to-be employees and upgrade training for incumbent employees - Subsidy for employees training on paid leave - Subsidy for employees enrollment in training course - Loan for skills development expenses 2) Vocational Training for SMEs - Consortium for vocational training at SME - Subsidy for organized study at SMEs (‘Learning Organization’) - Subsidy for better performance in SME core work
Success factors 1) Successful strategy policy of TVET and strong enforcement by the government. 2) Efficiency management of international loan(IBRD) for TVET The Korea government established several vocational training institutes to exploit IBRD loan * Intercontinental Bank for Reconstruction and Development(IBRD) = World Bank. 3) Establishment of special training center for vocational training instructors According to economic development, Korea government tried to expand number of VTIs’ very rapidly. Qualified vocational training instructors are dispatched to every VTI as an excellent instructor. 4) To provide long term overseas training programs for instructors Korea government had dispatched couple of hundreds instructors to Germany and advanced country more than one year. Most of well trained instructors had to work at VTIs’ without evadable chance. Training costs are covered by Korea and Germany government by scholarship programs.
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