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2014-04-03 DISTRIBUTION A.: Approved for public release; distribution unlimited. SMDC #3139. DTRA #NT-13-612 1 Breakthroughs in Applying Systems Engineering.

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Presentation on theme: "2014-04-03 DISTRIBUTION A.: Approved for public release; distribution unlimited. SMDC #3139. DTRA #NT-13-612 1 Breakthroughs in Applying Systems Engineering."— Presentation transcript:

1 2014-04-03 DISTRIBUTION A.: Approved for public release; distribution unlimited. SMDC #3139. DTRA #NT-13-612 1 Breakthroughs in Applying Systems Engineering to Technology Development for International Council on Systems Engineering (INCOSE) Systems Engineering Conference in DC (SEDC) Ms. Melanie Klinner US Army Space and Missile Defense Command/ Army Forces Strategic Command Mr. Jeffrey Craver Defense Acquisition University Mr. Mike Ellis Senior Systems Engineer (Formerly with Intrepid)

2 2014-04-03 DISTRIBUTION A.: Approved for public release; distribution unlimited. SMDC #3139. DTRA #NT-13-612 Overview Describe the problem space of managing the maturation of technology for transition from the perspective of the Program Manager, User, and the Technologist Provide an overview of the Technology Program Management Model (TPMM) solution set in terms of Processes, Systems Engineering, and Transition Management Describe the Breakthrough in terms of the Systems Engineering Module (SEM) that provides online implementation of TPMM Describe how the SEM exists within an S&T Enterprise and for the Management of Technology Programs/Portfolio’s/Project’s Describe how the DTRA TPMM Project has applied the model to improve current processes and add-value to the enterprise Provide the Way Forward and the extension of the TPMM process into the Technology Development Domain from Basic Research to Program Management. 2

3 2014-04-03 DISTRIBUTION A.: Approved for public release; distribution unlimited. SMDC #3139. DTRA #NT-13-612 The Problem 3 Fact: There are diminishing resources and belt tightening ongoing in DoD Unfortunate Reality: Warfighter Needs are increasing at a significant rate in an attempt to outpace an Asymmetric Threat

4 2014-04-03 DISTRIBUTION A.: Approved for public release; distribution unlimited. SMDC #3139. DTRA #NT-13-612 Faced With this Reality, What Needs to Be Done? If we can't get adequate funding,  We need to make smarter choices in what to fund. If we can't build things faster,  We need to build them more efficiently with less re-work. If we can't afford the full set of performance,  We should focus on the highest priority needs. If we can't afford to fail,  We must effectively identify and manage the risk. Culture Change: Adopt a Stage-Gate Process in the Development Phase and Incorporate a Systems Engineering-Based Criteria Set for Assessing Technology Maturity 4

5 2014-04-03 DISTRIBUTION A.: Approved for public release; distribution unlimited. SMDC #3139. DTRA #NT-13-612 Consistency in Technology Development Planning  Requirements definition and plans for maturity advancement are not developed consistently or effectively.  No common set of tools and standards to gauge technology maturity. Improve the rate for Transitioning of Technologies  Transition not always considered as a part of Technology Development  Limited Customer/User identification/involvement 5 Establish “a management methodology that balances the portfolio by Incorporating Discipline and Rigor through the use of clear, well-defined and Measurable Metrics!” J. Heusmann DTRA-J9 (7 May 09) Technology Development Challenges

6 2014-04-03 DISTRIBUTION A.: Approved for public release; distribution unlimited. SMDC #3139. DTRA #NT-13-612 USER Threat Driven Soldier-Proof Fieldable Meets Mission Needs DOTMLPFDOTMLPF I’m governed by the JCIDS Hey Buddy - I OWN The Requirements! I Want it All!! I Want it Cheap! I Want it Now! Gotta be small, lightweight, and 99.99% reliable PM Value Added Capability Probability of Success Acquisition Strategy Budget (LLC/POM) Schedule - WBS The System “ approach” My prime can do that!! Your next chance for funding is 5 years down the road – stud! I NEED a REQUIRMENT (CDD)! You forgot about the “illities”!!! I am governed by DoD 5000.02 S&T If you “Push” long enough – they will come! You don’t understand - This project is different from everyone else S&T does not require a process – I have been doing it for years Customer role is to integrate Technical “break- through” Performance Goals Risk Cost Estimate. Program Plan Build a prototype Perspectives 6 Budget???

7 2014-04-03 DISTRIBUTION A.: Approved for public release; distribution unlimited. SMDC #3139. DTRA #NT-13-612 TPMM Collaboration The TPMM Collaboration was formed to improve and expand the TPMM methodology and jointly develop a tool-based process intent on reducing the risk to technology development. DTRA DAU USASMDC 7

8 2014-04-03 DISTRIBUTION A.: Approved for public release; distribution unlimited. SMDC #3139. DTRA #NT-13-612 8 Minimize the Risk in Misalignment

9 2014-04-03 DISTRIBUTION A.: Approved for public release; distribution unlimited. SMDC #3139. DTRA #NT-13-612 9 SMDC/DAU/DTRA Collaboration Project Breakthroughs A paradigm shift in Project and Portfolio Management has begun with the use of a SharePoint capability to : Plan Execute Communicate progress Assess technical maturity Manage risk A significant advance in the consistent SE product set (SE artifacts, metrics, Exit Criteria, & online SEM reports). Revolutionary changes to cultural norms evident by Increasing interest from (Senior-DoD) early-adopters to a software tool that can overcome resistance from the S&T community to apply SE principles. Enterprise Adoption facilitated by the pervasiveness of SharePoint throughout the DoD which allows for easy adoption and simplified IA requirement. DAU has recommended TPMM as a Systems Engineering best practice since 2008. DTRA Process Improvement effort has been recognized by AT&L Value Engineering Achievement Award. Best Practice

10 2014-04-03 DISTRIBUTION A.: Approved for public release; distribution unlimited. SMDC #3139. DTRA #NT-13-612 Recipient of a USD(AT&L) 2012 Value Engineering Achievement Award 10 TPMM-based SharePoint Solution Application: Systems Engineering Module (SEM)

11 2014-04-03 DISTRIBUTION A.: Approved for public release; distribution unlimited. SMDC #3139. DTRA #NT-13-612 A TRL-Based, Stage Gate Model Designed for Technology Development and Transition Functions Performed by TPMM 11 Legend: TTA = Technology Transition Agreement TDS = Technology Development Strategy Program Definition oIdentify Activities to consider oIdentify Deliverable Documents oProvide guidance for Tailoring oEmploy “Best Practice” Tools oIdentify and Mitigate Risk Transition Management oTechnology Transition oTechnology Transfer oTechnology Marketing Maturity Assessments oEstablishes Entry/Exit Criteria oProvides a Framework for Technology Maturity Assessments (TMA)

12 2014-04-03 DISTRIBUTION A.: Approved for public release; distribution unlimited. SMDC #3139. DTRA #NT-13-612 12 Systems Engineering in TPMM Systems Engineering principles are embodied in the activities and associated documentation in each stage of maturity development Lab Test Strategy IDD Updated Technology Development Strategy (TDS) Preliminary System Spec Updated TTA - Technology Transition Agreement (Intent) Update Tech Requirements Functionality Analysis Operational Prototype Validation Final TTA (Commitment) TDS/Acq Strategy Roadmap Final System Spec Manufacturing Plan Initial “-ilities” Plan Design Codes Exit Criteria Relevant Environment Test Design Risk Mitigation Strategy Brassboard Relevant Environment Test Results Interface Spec System Configuration formally controlled and documented “-ilities” Documented Breadboard Laboratory Test Results CTE Identification Integration & Qualification Decomposition & Design

13 2014-04-03 DISTRIBUTION A.: Approved for public release; distribution unlimited. SMDC #3139. DTRA #NT-13-612 Tech Program Events Gates/TDP’s [With Sample Entry/Exit Criteria] 13

14 2014-04-03 DISTRIBUTION A.: Approved for public release; distribution unlimited. SMDC #3139. DTRA #NT-13-612 14 Systems Engineering Module (SEM)

15 2014-04-03 DISTRIBUTION A.: Approved for public release; distribution unlimited. SMDC #3139. DTRA #NT-13-612 15 Staff Meeting Review Graphic

16 2014-04-03 DISTRIBUTION A.: Approved for public release; distribution unlimited. SMDC #3139. DTRA #NT-13-612 16 TPMM Capabilities for Decision Support

17 2014-04-03 DISTRIBUTION A.: Approved for public release; distribution unlimited. SMDC #3139. DTRA #NT-13-612 Way-Ahead Use Systems Engineering-Based (TPMM) process to change the culture: Balance Technology Portfolio’s so that Priorities are aligned to Mission Strategy and Customer Needs are clearly identified and understood Improve Project Management Performance in the areas of requirements traceability, system engineering rigor, transition focus, maturity assessment, and in planning/execution/reporting Exchange “informational” calendar-driven Project Technical Reviews with “decisional” event-driven Reviews where technical progress is examined "as-needed" in accordance with a Project’s Lifecycle Plan. Increase Successful Transition of Technology by engaging Early Systems Engineering and aligning with Acquisition Authorities. Promote consistency in technical interpretation of TRL Maturity levels throughout the DoD S&T Enterprise and with Program Managers. Extend SE-Based practices for use in SBIR and IRAD Programs by tailoring the TPMM as applicable to that purpose. 17

18 2014-04-03 DISTRIBUTION A.: Approved for public release; distribution unlimited. SMDC #3139. DTRA #NT-13-612 US Government Personnel can request a link to the TPMM Web Site at: Contact/Consultation Information Mr. Jeffrey Craver Defense Acquisition University South Region Huntsville, AL E-mail: Ms. Melanie Klinner USASMDC/ARSTRAT TPMM Product Manager Technical Center/Cyberspace Technology Division Redstone Arsenal, Huntsville, AL E-Mail: Mr. Mike Ellis Systems Engineering Consultant (Formerly with Intrepid) E-mail: Mr. Alan Barclay TPMM Industry Project Manager Intrepid E-mail: 18

19 2014-04-03 DISTRIBUTION A.: Approved for public release; distribution unlimited. SMDC #3139. DTRA #NT-13-612 BACKUP 19

20 2014-04-03 DISTRIBUTION A.: Approved for public release; distribution unlimited. SMDC #3139. DTRA #NT-13-612 20 TPMM Capabilities for Decision Support

21 2014-04-03 DISTRIBUTION A.: Approved for public release; distribution unlimited. SMDC #3139. DTRA #NT-13-612 21 Project Planning For Execution

22 2014-04-03 DISTRIBUTION A.: Approved for public release; distribution unlimited. SMDC #3139. DTRA #NT-13-612 22 Prepare and Execute TRL Checklists

23 2014-04-03 DISTRIBUTION A.: Approved for public release; distribution unlimited. SMDC #3139. DTRA #NT-13-612 23 TPMM Capability Applicability Matrix

24 2014-04-03 DISTRIBUTION A.: Approved for public release; distribution unlimited. SMDC #3139. DTRA #NT-13-612 24 Automatically Produce Project Quad

25 2014-04-03 DISTRIBUTION A.: Approved for public release; distribution unlimited. SMDC #3139. DTRA #NT-13-612 25 Risk Drill-Down from Project Quad

26 2014-04-03 DISTRIBUTION A.: Approved for public release; distribution unlimited. SMDC #3139. DTRA #NT-13-612 26 TPMM Capability Applicability Matrix

27 2014-04-03 DISTRIBUTION A.: Approved for public release; distribution unlimited. SMDC #3139. DTRA #NT-13-612 27 Portfolio Reports/Views Collaboration: Type Innovation: Type Performer:

28 2014-04-03 DISTRIBUTION A.: Approved for public release; distribution unlimited. SMDC #3139. DTRA #NT-13-612 28 TPMM Capability Applicability Matrix

29 2014-04-03 DISTRIBUTION A.: Approved for public release; distribution unlimited. SMDC #3139. DTRA #NT-13-612 29 Portfolio Matrix Analysis

30 2014-04-03 DISTRIBUTION A.: Approved for public release; distribution unlimited. SMDC #3139. DTRA #NT-13-612 30 TPMM Capability Applicability Matrix

31 2014-04-03 DISTRIBUTION A.: Approved for public release; distribution unlimited. SMDC #3139. DTRA #NT-13-612 31 Capability Needs Coverage Matrix TECH PORTFOLIO PROJECTREQUIREMENTS/CAPABILITY NEEDS Gaps NOT Covered Gaps Potentially Duplicated Gaps Partially Covered

32 2014-04-03 DISTRIBUTION A.: Approved for public release; distribution unlimited. SMDC #3139. DTRA #NT-13-612 32 TPMM Capability Applicability Matrix

33 2014-04-03 DISTRIBUTION A.: Approved for public release; distribution unlimited. SMDC #3139. DTRA #NT-13-612 33 Staff Meeting Review Graphic

34 2014-04-03 DISTRIBUTION A.: Approved for public release; distribution unlimited. SMDC #3139. DTRA #NT-13-612 34 TPMM Capability Applicability Matrix

35 2014-04-03 DISTRIBUTION A.: Approved for public release; distribution unlimited. SMDC #3139. DTRA #NT-13-612 35 Project Gate Review Manager

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