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AGAP Advancing Global Awareness Possibilities

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Presentation on theme: "AGAP Advancing Global Awareness Possibilities"— Presentation transcript:

1 aGAP Advancing Global Awareness Possibilities

2 Today we embark on a new journey. Along the way, we will be faced with new challenges and opportunities. Welcome to a New Day! BCS Moodle Edmodo ePals Weebly...

3 How might one’s identity be both shaped by and shape natural, human, built, and economic environments? How may we use aSTEM to fill aGAP?

4 Natural : September - October Human : November - December Built : January - February Economic : March - April All: May Schedule

5 ● Early in the Project: 1.Brainstorm Ideas & Team Name 2.Develop a Team Plan 3.Make a Timeline 4.Do Research ● During the Project: 1.Clarify Math Content & Practices 2.Discuss, Debate, Decide 3.Constructions 4.Logs Suggested Plan for EACH 9-Weeks

6 1.Create Portfolio of BEST WORK 1.Share Solutions for Peer Review 1.Use Technology to Showcase Evidence 1.Prepare & Deliver Presentations ●End of Project:

7 1.Scientific Evidence 2.Technology Evidence 3.Engineering Design Evidence 4.Math Content & Practices Evidence GETC: graph, equation, table, context **Use of Infographs Encouraged ** Four Products for Each 9 Weeks

8 ● Resource Manager ● Facilitator ● Recorder / Reporter ● Task Manager Team Roles ● Artist / Architect ● Scientist ● Technologist ● Engineer ----------------------- ● Mathematician

9 MP 1&6September - October MP 2-3November - December MP 4-5January - February MP 7-8March – April All --- May Mathematical Practices

10 1.Need or Problem 2.Research 3.Develop Possible Solutions 4.Select Best Solution 5.Construct a Prototype 6.Test & Evaluate 7.Communicate the Solutions 8.Redesign Engineering Design Process

11 Collaboration - Scientific Research - Technology Use - Engineering Design - Math Content - Math Practices - Presentation - Rubrics

12 ????????????????????????????????????????????????????? ????????????????????????????????????????????????????? ????????????????????????????????????????????????????? ????????????????????????????????????????????????????? ????????????????????? ? Any Questions

13 Math Content: Functions & Geometry PBL1 - Natural Environments

14 ● Brainstorm Ideas; ● ClarifyTeam Focus; ● Decide on Roles ● Create Team Name (Be Relevant, Clear & Concise) ● Develop a Team Plan ● Make a Timeline ● Do Research ● Document Discussion and Decisions in Team Edmodo Starting NOW!

15 PBL1- Math 1 Modules / Outcomes

16 PBL1- Math 2 Honors Modules / Outcomes

17 30 – 45 minutes three to five times per week Homework Expectations Tip: Don’t Get Behind!!!!!! * Parents should NOT hear that you have no HW * Schedule Project Work in Your Agendas

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