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APRIDEC MEDICAL OUTREACH GROUP. LIST OF PARTICIPANTS NONAMESPECIALITY 1Prof. F. A. Abantanga Paediatric Surgeon 2Dr Ishmael Kyei Surgical Specialist 3Dr.

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2 LIST OF PARTICIPANTS NONAMESPECIALITY 1Prof. F. A. Abantanga Paediatric Surgeon 2Dr Ishmael Kyei Surgical Specialist 3Dr Samuel Mensah Surgeon Specialist 4Dr.Kwabena AgbedinuSurgery Resident 5Dr. Michael Amoah Paediatric Surgeon 6Dr. Rex DjokotoO/G Specialist 7Dr Twumasi BaahSurgery Resident 8Dr. Isaac BoamahO/G resident 9Alice ZiyaabNutritionist 10Dr Evans Kofi AgbenoO/G Specialist 11Baba MbabillaPharmacist 12Dan AwindorPharmacist 13Dr Edwin YenliSurgical Specialist

3 LIST OF PARTICIPANTS NONAMESPECIALITY 14Juliana Agandaa Nurse 15Nimo h Emmanuel Anaesthetist 16Dr. Aubrey Tigwii Surgery Resident 17Mary Agyapong Nurse oncologist 18Vincent Owusu Nurse 19Ofori Nicholas Technologist (Haematology) 20Anthony Ofori Amanfo O/G Resident 21Tawiah Ohemeng Journalist 22Wilson Kunkuri Emma Nurse 23Prince Asenso Optician 24 Juliana Appiah Pre-op nurse 25Linus Beyuo Anaesthetist 26Dr. Douglas Arthur Surgical Specialist

4 NADOWLI DISTRICT HOSPITAL SURGERIES PERFORMED ON THE 29 TH MARCH 2013 NONAME OF PATIENTAGESEXDIAGNOSISTYPE OF OPERATION 1Gyinoo Prosper28MRight Inguino-scrotal HerniaHerniorrhaphy 2Laana umba64MLipomaExcision of soft tissue lump 3Songdong Tizaabanlara62MLeft Inguinal HerniaHerniorrhaphy 4Yendor Peter Clever7MPPVHerniotomy 5Daa-naa Konbuele5MLeft Inguinal HerniaHerniorrhaphy 6Tabanyeraa Kpagila72MLeft Inguinal HerniaHerniorrhaphy 7Yiritayen Regina40FRight Inguinal HerniaHerniorrhaphy 8Sung-iree Adjoa54FLeft Inguinal HerniaHerniorrhaphy 9Martina Yelminga33FParaumbilical HerniaHernia repair 10Iddrisu hafizatu33FUnbilical HerniaHernia repair 11David Yengbeme63M Left Inguinal Hernia/L. Vaginal Hydrocele Herniorrhaphy + Hydrocelectomy 12Kpiedu Zungwieri88FLeft inguinal HerniaHerniorrhaphy 13Kuola Cynthia48FLeft inguinal HerniaHerniorrhaphy 14Festus Bambo14MBilateral Inguino-scrotal HerniaHerniorrhaphy 15Cecilia Sinnaa50FNon Toxic Thyroid NoduleThyroidectomy 16Abobo Haruna28MRight Inguino-scrotal HeaniaHerniorrhaphy

5 NADOWLI DISTRICT HOSPITAL SURGERIES PERFORMED ON THE 29 TH MARCH 2013 (CON’T) NONAME OF PATIENTAGESEXDIAGNOSISTYPE OF OPERATION 17Ene-enga Afua66FRight Inguinal HerniaHerniorrhaphy 18Banyambo Alfred58MBilateral Vaginal hydroceleBilateral Hydrocelectomy 19Affiamah Kambio72FEpigastric HerniaHernia repair 20Kuudizien Modesta29FSimple Multinodular GoitreThyroidectomy 21Sungbiera Zinenaan60MReducible Left Inguino-scrotal HerniaHerniorrhaphy 22Signyeli Chiripe63MLeft inguino-scrotal HerniaHerniorrhaphy 23Kuubata Lawrence48MBilateral Vaginal hydroceleBilateral Hydrocelectomy 24Baanaa A38MBilateral Inguinal herniaBilateral Herniorrhaphy 25Bassah Francis57MRecurrent Inguinal Hernia ( R)Herniorrhaphy 26Naatazoliziema40MRight Inguinal HerniaHerniorrhaphy 27Martin Yerepgaba45MRight Inguino-scrotal HerniaHerniorrhaphy 28Kwame Doozie23MRight Inguinal HerniaHerniorrhaphy 29Lankono Mary53FLipoma on the backExcision 30Dari Jonas74MReducible Left Inguino-scrotal HerniaHerniorrhaphy 31Cletus Taabone36MRight Inguinal HerniaHerniorraphy 32Batona Jonas64MBilateral Vaginal hydroceleBilateral Hydrocelectomy

6 NADOWLI DISTRICT HOSPITAL SURGERIES PERFORMED ON 30 TH MARCH 2013 NONAME OF PATIENTAGESEXDIAGNOSISTYPE OF OPERATION 1Zienaa Calistus11MLeft HydroceleHydrocelectomy 2Kuuvuuro Babasoro-amaa41MHydrocele + Left Inguino-scrotal Hernia Hydrocelectomy + Herniorrhaphy 3Dapilah Baliema42MReducible Left Inguinal HerniaHerniorrhaphy 4Mioini Ama35FBilateral Inguinal HerniaBilateral Herniorraphy 5Nanlariyiri Fidelis55MLeft vaginal HhdroceleHydrocelectomy 6Yendor Abrozia74M Right Inguino-scrotal Hernia + Lump (site?)Herniorrhaphy 7Berewono Muuloma76FEuthyroid GoitreThyroidectomy 8Bepongpori Itaar65FEuthyroid GoitreThyroidectomy 9Samwine Kpepuo55MLeft Lumbar HerniaHernia Repair 10Purinpuo Mwine88MReducible Left Inguinal HerniaHerniorrhaphy 11Kambuopie Dorithy38FGalactocoeleExcision Biopsy 12Wiele Domatiera52MRight Inguinal HerniaHernia Repair 13Sumama-ang bamena65FGoitreThyroidectomy 14Maalong Augustina66FEpigastric HerniaHerniorrhaphy 15kamaadaa Ganaa45MLipoma (site not specified)Excision biopsy 16Pirabon Peter70MLeft Inguinal HerniaHerniorrhaphy 17Bababuoranba Domyuo16FMass on the neckExcision of soft tissue lump 18Issan Daniel33MRight inguino-scrotal HerniaHerniorrhaphy 19Mohammed Faiza35FSimple Multinudular ThyroidThyroidectomy 20Muulikaa James58MBilateral Vaginal HydroceleBilateral Hydrocelectomy 21Getrude Kanesuuri59FLipoma (site not specified)Excision biopsy

7 NADOWLI DISTRICT HOSPITAL SURGERIES PERFORMED ON 31 ST MARCH 2013 NONAME OF PATIENTAGESEXDIAGNOSISTYPE OF OPERATION 1Salifu Jenabu38FEuthyroid Thyroidectomy (total) 2Tenganma gyagbinaa71FBilateral Inguinal Hernia Bilateral Herniorrhaphy 3Kuukyebanbo Sabogu75FRight Inguinal Hernia Herniorrhaphy 4Naaziri Bakyeyele64MHydrocele (Testicular Tumour) Radical Orchidectomy 5Domninge Vincent56MRight Hydrocele Hydrocelectomy 6Yelku Any Felix5MRight Communicating Hydrocele High Ligation of Processus Vaginalis 7Bang-eeto Zago-nah82MRight Inguinal Hernia Herniorrhaphy 8Gansognye Mwintinbu81MRight Inguino-scrotal Hernia Herniorrhaphy 9Ajemata Yussif67FEuthyroid Goitre Thyroidectomy 10Zobori Kumbana81MStrangulated Left Inguinal Hernia Herniorrhaphy 11Tie Florence55FLeft Inguinal Hernia Herniorrhaphy 12Ahmed Nieri74FGoitre Thyriodectomy 13Ansige Sugri33MRight Inguino-scrotal Hernia Herniorrhaphy 14Eebo Bawulee74MRight Inguinal Hernia Herniorrhaphy 15Nagoayeng akou51MRight Vaginal Hydrocele Hydrocelectomy 16Seria Zakaria64M Recurrent Lipoma (site not specified) Excision biopsy 17Yendori Delibo47MLeft Hydrocele Hydrocelectomy 18Abu Abubakari31MLipoma (site not specified) Excision biopsy 19Samaa Imba Kuutere52F Rhabdomyosarcoma Excision of soft tissue lump 20Fabiana Gidoro53F Calcified Lipoma (site not specified) Excision biopsy 21Osman Abdul Rahaman44MRight Inguino-scrotal Hernia Herniorrhaphy

8 NADOWLI DISTRICT HOSPITAL SUMMARY OF TYPES OF SURGERIES PERFORMED. 29 TH – 31 ST MARCH 2013 TYPE OF OPERATIONNO. OF PATIENTSNO OF OPERATIONS Herniorrhaphy 4347 Hydrocelectomy 10 Thyroidectomy 99 Excision of soft tissue lump 88 Excision Biopsy 22 Radial Orchidectomy 11 High Ligation of Processus vaginalis 11 TOTAL 7478


10 ST JOSEPH’S HOSPITAL-JIRAPA SURGERIES PERFORMED FROM 29 TH -31 ST MARCH 2013 NONAME OF PATIENTAGESEXDIAGNOSISTYPE OF OPERATION 1Ferdinand Z. Bamwie9MLeft Undescending TestisOrchidopexy 2Osman Sambonaa79MBenign Prostatic HyperplasiaProstatectomy 3Agnes Kuukoonaw48FGoitreThyroidectomy 4Issah Dramani68MBenign Prostatic HyperplasiaProstatectomy 5Dery Ansungmwina58FGoitreThyroidectomy 6Dakere Christina34FUterine FibroidMyomectomy 7Rosina Bayor78FUterine ProlapseVaginal Hysterectomy 8Imoro Minunatu56FUterine ProlapseVaginal Hysterectomy 9Agnes Kuukoonaw48FSubmandibular TumourBiopsy 10Basoglayele Romanus10MMeatal StenosisMeatotomy 11Amina Sayibu73FGoitreThyroidectomy 12Mary Magbilin Nopuo74FUterine ProlapseVaginal Hysterectomy 13Margeret David39FUterine FibroidMyomectomy 14Diana Ziedeme8FLeft Gangrenous ArmAmputation 15Dieyelle Ziniyaani42FMass in the VaginaVaginal Hysterectomy 16Ninongson Tapuur71FUterine FibroidVaginal Hysterectomy 17 FEuthyroid Goitre No sugery, Aneasthetic Mishap- Mortality.

11 SUMMARY OF SURGERIES PERFORMED ST. JOSEPH’S HOSPITAL FROM 29 TH – 31 ST MARCH 2013 TYPE OF OPERATIONNO. OF PATIENTSNO. OF OPEARTIONS Thyriodectomy 33 Biopsy 11 Orchidectomy 11 Prostatectomy 22 Myomectomy 22 Vaginal Hysterectomy 55 Meatotomy 11 Amputation 11 Mortality 11 TOTAL 17


13 TUMU DISTRICT HOSPITAL SURGERIES PERFORMED ON 29 TH MARCH 2013 NONAME OF PATIENTAGESEXDIAGNOSISTYPE OF OPERATION 1Alidu Abudu47MLeft HydroceleHydrocelectomy 2Braimah Salamatu35FUterine FibroidMyomectomy 3Sama-Uumah Seidu37MNon-toxic GoitreRight Lobectomy 4Moro Afisah76FLipoma (forehead)Excision Biopsy 5Iddrisu Beniminiw66MLipoma (back Left Scapula)Lipomectomy 6Batong haluwie39FUterine FibroidT.A.H 7Asuma Mankatus13MDermoid cyst scalp(Lt Temporal regionExcision Biopsy 8Kupuah Mery55FRight Shoulder LipomaExcision Biopsy 9Ahmed Baah46MGranuloma of left kneeExcision Biopsy 10Adamu Alimatu43FLipoma in the backExcision Biopsy 11Ayisatu Mohammed10FLeft wrist GanglionExcision Biopsy 12Mohammed Muftawu7FLeft Vaginal Hydrocele+ Left Inguinal Hernia Hernia repair + Hydrocelectomy 13Iddrisu Alima31FRight Inguinal HerniaHerniorrhaphy 14Bayorbor mariama38FRight Thumb Ganglion (Dermoid Cyst)Excision Biopsy 15Tatibi Azumah34FRight Middle Finger GanglionExcision Biopsy 16Solomon Bachinjan60MLeft wrist GanglionExcision Biopsy 17Zakaria Bashiru24MRight Inguinal HerniaHerniorrhaphy 18Issahaku Nalwia47MRight Inguinal HerniaHerniorrhaphy 19Fati Bachany63FLeft Ear LipomaExcision Biopsy 20Jantua Tahiru60MRight Inguinal HerniaHerniorrhaphy 21Amidu Dramani47MRight Posterior Auricular CsytExcision Biopsy 22Babugu Alhaji Zeidu90MRight Scrotal Tomour+Left Vaginal Hydrocele Excision Biopsy + Left Hydrocelectomy 23Hawawu Sulemana42FNeck LipomaExcision Biopsy 24Jantua Tahiru63MHuge Right Sliding HerniaHerniorrhaphy

14 TUMU DISTRICT HOSPITAL SURGERIES PERFORMED ON 30 TH MARCH 2013 NONAME OF PATIENTAGESEXDIAGNOSISTYPE OF OPERATION 1Sarawe K. Adamu12MUmbilical HerniaHernia Repair 2Jiah Enoch9MRight Inguinal HerniaHerniotomy 3Bimata Asuru45FRight Shoulder LipomaBiopsy 4Bukari Mohammed53MCa ProstateOpen Biopsy 5Sulemana Tanjia58MRecurrent Right Inguinal HerniaHerniorrhaphy 6Luriwie Nasima10 mthFSynechia of Labia MinoraSeparation of Labia Minora 7Bontoh N. Edmund66MLeft Thigh LipomaExcision Biopsy 8Abass Iddrisu3MLeft Intraclavicular Dermoid CystExcision Biopsy 9Haruna Memunatu46FInclusion Cyst of Right ScapulaExcision Biopsy 10Issahaku Julia47FSimple Multinodular GoitreLeft Lobectomy + Ismuthsectomy 11Yussif Ibrahim33MRight Communicating HydroceleHydrocelectomy 12Sulemani Mariama42FNon-toxic Multinodular GoitreRight Lobectomy 13Iddisa Latifa22FLeft Thigh LipomaExcision Biopsy 14Moro Alijata72FMultinodular GoitreTotal Thyriodectomy 15Ibrahim Zinabu34FEpigastric HerniaHernia Repair 16Abubakar Salah31FMissed AbortionEvacuation of Uterus 17Dimne Kutuku37FIncomplete AbortionEvacuation of Uterus 18Haruna Mamunah46FPelvic Organ ProlapseMajor pelvic floor repair 19Rachia Balaali21F1°PPH 2° multiple genital tearsRepair 20Muniru Asalamu20MNecrotic ulcer Rt LegWound Debridement

15 TUMU DISTRICT HOSPITAL SURGERIES PERFORMED ON 31 ST MARCH 2013 NONAME OF PATIENTAGESEXDIAGNOSISTYPE OF OPERATION 1Moro Issa8MLeft HydroceleHydrocelectomy 2Mori Bapulun72MLipoma-Rt Elbow & Posterial aspect of the neckExcison Biopsy 3Alidu Niamatu13FFetal DistressEmergency C/S 4Borsu Siata67FMulti nodular Goitre (Euthyroid)Total Thyroidectomy 5Abubakari Salamatu75FLipoma - Left AxillaExcison Biopsy 6Mimuni Bawie79MMultiple LipomasExcison Biopsy 7Sala Betong48F Rectocystocele + 1° Anterior & Posterior UV prolapseColparrhaphy + Colpo-suspension 8 Abudu Sharif 13M Encysted Hydrocele RT Cord Division + High Ligation of processus vaginalis 9Beka Issifu Zenabu46FMultinodal FibroidTAH 10Seidu Gbene77MRight Inguinal HerniaHerniorrhaphy 11Bommie Fuodima19MBurst AbdomenLaparotomy 12Abdalai Fuodima33FUmbilical HerniaRepair 13Issaka Forllah45MLeft HydroceleHydrocelectomy 14Issahaka Abiba72FLipoma - Left ArmExcison Biopsy 15Sumani Duwiejua48MLeft Inguinal HerniaHerniorrhaphy 16Dankonah Sulemana44MLeft Inguinal HerniaHerniorrhaphy 17Amidu Marijata52FUterine Prolapse TVH + Anterior Colporrhaphy + Perineorrhaphy 18Diminu Tawiah27FRetained PlacentaManual Removal

16 SUMMARY OF SURGERIES PERFORMED AT TUMU DISTRICT HOSPITAL FROM THE 29 TH – 31 ST MARCH 2013 TYPE OF OPERATIONNO. OF PATIENTSNO OF OPERTAIONS Herniorrahpy 13 Hydrocelectomy 46 Excision Biopsy 22 Lipomectomy 11 Myomectomy 11 Lobectomy of the thyroid gland 33 TAH 22 Open Biopsy 12 Thyroidectomy 22 Wound Debridement 11 Separation of Labia Minora 11 Major Pelvic Floor Repair 11 Laparotomy 11 High Ligation of Processus Vaginalis 11 Caesarean section 11 Manual Removal of Placenta 11 Colparrhapy + Colpo-suspension 11 Evacuation of Uterus 22 Major repair 22 TVH+ Anterior Colparrhaphy + Perineorrhaphy 11 TOTAL 6265


18 TUMU DISTRICT HOSPITAL OPTOMETRY DATA ON 29 TH MARCH 2013 NONAME OF PATIENTAGESEXDIAGNOSISREMARKS 1Fuseini Imoro42MRefractive error / PterigiumR 0.00, L 0.00 Add 1.5 2Alidu Ramatu42FAllergic ConjunctivitisTreatment given 3Musah Ajishetu60FRefractive error / PterigiumRefraction, treatment 4Alidu Gariba76MRefractive ErrorRefraction 5Ballu Monica42FRefractive ErrorRefraction 6Tornia Meri43FRefractive Errorrefraction 7Kokoro Edward47MRefraction Error / AllergyRefraction 8Yawson Yebeni55MRefractive ErrorRefraction 9Mahama Karima76MRefractive ErrorRefraction 10Mohammed Shaiban5MAllergic ConjunctivitisTreatment given 11Mohammed Mu-al1MAllergic ConjunctivitisTreatment given 12musah Issahaku69MLens ChangesTreatment given 13Kpigse Safianu17MAllergic ConjunctivitisTreatment given 14Bayini L. Abdulai62MRefractive ErrorRefraction 15Salia Sakinatu32FGlaucomaTreatment given 16Fatuo Lukman5MAllergic ConjunctivitisTreatment given 17Babugu James61MRefractive ErrorRefraction 18Fedilis Awiah20MAllergic ConjunctivitisTreatment given

19 TUMU DISTRICT HOSPITAL OPTOMETRY DATA ON 29 TH MARCH 2013 (CON’T) NONAME OF PATIENTAGESEXDIAGNOSISREMARKS 1Seidu B. Bawah80MMature CataractBooked for surgery 2Fatehu Blandina48FAllergic ConjunctivitisTreatment given 3Dimah Sumani70MRefractive ErrorRefraction 4Iddrisu Bachana78MRefractive ErrorRefraction 5Ali Nyimadi52MCornea ScarsTreatment given 6Dery Anastasia77FConjunctivitisTreatment given 7Seidu Misebawu4MAllergic ConjunctivitisTreatment given 8Adams Sahad14MAllergic ConjunctivitisTreatment given 9Zare Hellen47FAllergic ConjunctivitisTreatment given 10Saratu Jedu20FDry EyesTreatment given 11Amalie Vuuchie15FRefractive ErrorRefraction/Treatment 12Seitu Asuma60FRight Mature CataractBooked for surgery 13Kwabina Mubariki13MSevere Allergic ConjunctivitisTreatment given 14Sinto Safatu20FDry EyesTreatment given 15Shaibu Kerima8FSevere Vernal ConjunctivitisTreatment given 16Waliu Kamakla14MRefractive ErrorRefraction 17Kanton Hanna73FLens ChangesRefraction 18Abdulai Samata FTrichiasisTreatment given

20 TUMU DISTRICT HOSPITAL OPTOMETRY DATA ON 30 TH MARCH 2013 NONAME OF PATIENTAGESEXDIAGNOSISREMARKS 1Nankatre Fustie22MRefractive ErrorRefraction 2Babia Adballah27MConjunctivitis / PterigiumTreatment given 3Lokoi Afia41FRefractive ErrorRefraction 4Issahaku Asibi72FRefractive ErrorRefraction 5Issahaku Rufia20FRefractive ErrorRefraction 6Muzamil Braima3MAllergic ConjunctivitisTreatment given 7Suleman Safia31FAllergic ConjunctivitisTreatment given 8Yahaya Gbentie53MLens ChangesTreatment given 9Sule Gabina58MRefractive ErrorRefraction 10Salifu Fati54FRefractive ErrorRefraction 11Yakubu B. Alima56FGlaucomaTreatment given 12Goyiri Abiba75FLens ChangesTreatment given 13Salamatu Gben22FRefractive ErrorRefraction 14Kyrie Hagbene40FLens ChangesTreatment given 15Salifu Batiu52MMacula ScarsTreatment given 16Salia Amina60FBand KeratopathyTreatment given 17Issahaku Tia49MConjunctivitisTreatment given 18John I. Musah56MRefractive ErrorRefraction

21 TUMU DISTRICT HOSPITAL OPTOMETRY DATA ON THE 31 ST MARCH 2013 NONAME OF PATIENTAGESEXDIAGNOSISREMARKS 1Chakiyuo Halu75FOptic Nerve AtrophyEducation given 2Iddrisu fati45FRefractive ErrorRefraction 3Huzeima Zimbila5MSevere AllergyTreatment given 4Abdulai Dima58MRefractive ErrorRefraction 5Salifu Fati73FAllergy / Refractive ErrorRefraction 6Zolko-ere Grace45FTraumatic ConjunctivitisTreatment given 7Alhassan Sharifa5FSevere AllergyTreatment given 8Rafatu Alidu49FAllergic ConjunctivitisTreatment given 9Ra-uf Sinto41MOptic NeuritisReferred 10Iman salifu72MRefractive ErrorRefraction 11Ali Dinwia77MRefractive ErrorRefraction 12Bullu-G Ramatu25FAllergic ConjunctivitisTreatment given 13Sumaila Hakolu47FLens ChangesTreatment given 14Ben Rashida10FAllergic ConjunctivitisTreatment given 15Mahamudu Huseini78MRight Matured CataractBooked for surgery 16Iddi Dawuda81MRefractive ErrorRefraction 17Baayang Salifu77MMature catarractBooked for surgery 18Amidu Salifu48MLeft Mature CatarractBooked for surgery 19Mubariki kadiya25FDry EyesTreatment given 20Abu Adisah71FLens ChangesTreatment given 21Tomi Alhassan88MOcular painTreatment given

22 SUMMARY OF OPTOMETRY ACTIVITY AT TUMU DISTRICT HOSPITAL FROM 29 TH – 31 ST MARCH 2013 NODIAGNOSISNO OF PATIENTS 1Allergic Conjuctivitis 15 2Conjuctivitis 2 3Cornea scars 1 4Dry Eyes 3 5Glaucoma 2 6Lens changes 7 7Mature Cataract 5 8Refractive Errors 24 9Refractive Errors /Allergy 2 10Refractive Errors /Pterigium 2 11Severe Allergic Conjuctivitis 3 12Severe Vernal Conjuctivitis 1 13Trichiasis 1 14Conjuctivitis/Pterigium 1 15Macula Scars 1 16Band Keratopathy 1 17Ocular Pain 1 18Optic Nerve Atrophy 1 19Optic Neuritis 1 20Traumatic Conjuctivitis 1 TOTAL 75


24 TUMU DISTRICT HOSPITAL HEALTH EDUCATION DATA ON THE 29 TH MARCH 2013 ACTIVITYNO. OF PERSONS Education on CA of the breast140 Screening of clients for various conditions54 Findings: Lump in breast1 CA both breasts1 Nurses trained (OPD)2

25 NADOWLI DISTRICT HOSPITAL HEALTH EDUCATION DATA – 30 TH MARCH 2013 ACTIVITYNO.OF PERSONS OPD Education on CA of the breast/prostate cancer68 Screening of clients for various conditions32 Findings: Right axillary lymphadenopathy1 Midwives trained ( workers at ANC)3 Children's ward Education on nutrition/Breast Cancer15 Nadowli Mosque Education on nutrition/Prostate cancer/Breast cancer19 Nadowli New Life Assemblies of God Church Education on nutrition/Breast cancer150

26 JIRAPA TOWNSHIP HEALTH EDUCATION DATA – 31 ST MARCH 2013 ACTIVITYNO. OF PERSONS Jirapa Assemblies of God Church Education on breast cancer/prostate cancer267 Jirapa Roman Catholic Church Education on breast cancer93 Screening of clients for various conditions92 Findings: Lump in breast3 Accessory breast1 Axillary lymph node enlargement1 Goitre2 Midwife trained 1

27 SUMMARY HEALTH EDUCATION ACTIVITIES FROM 29 TH MARCH – 31 ST MARCH 2013 ACTIVITYNUMBER Education of clients 716 Screening of clients 178 Detection of medical/surgical conditions in clients 10 No Abnormality Detected 168 Training of Nurses 6


29 SUMMARY OF OUTREACH ACTIVITY UPPER WEST REGION MARCH 2013 AREA SURGERIESOPTICALS EDUCATION DIET & CANCER SCEENINGDETECTION TRAINING (NURSES) Tumu District Hospital62751045422 Nadowli District Hospital7402523233 St Joseph's Hospital1603609251 TOTAL 15275716178106


31 CONTRIBUTIONS APRIDEC wishes to specially appreciate the under-listed Institutions and individuals for their enormous kindness towards us and the financial support;  Jirapa District – GHC 1,000.00  Tumu District – GHC 1,000.00  Regional Health – GHC 300.00  Tumu Chief – A Big Cow We extend our deepest condolences to the family of the woman who passed away in Jirapa Hospital during the process of administering anaesthesia. Words cannot adequately express our sorry at this loss. We say, God richly bless you all abundantly for your contribution towards the provision of specialist healthcare services to the vulnerable in our communities. We hope this cooperation with the Regional Directorate of Health Services under the leadership of the Regional Director of Health Service will last for a very long time. THANK YOU.

32 APPRECIATION APRIDEC Medical Outreach Group (AMOG) wishes to show their appreciation to the following for their enormous contribution and support for a successful outreach programme.  The Regional Minister, Upper West Region  The Regional Director of Health Services, Regional Health Directorate  The District Director of Health Services, Nadowli District  The District Director of Health Services, Jirapa District  The Acting Medical Superintendent, Nadowli District Hospital, Nadowli  The Administrator, Nadowli District Hospital  The Medical Superintendent, St. Joseph’s Hospital, Jirapa  The Administrator, St. Joseph’s Hospital, Jirapa  The District Director of Health Service, Tumu District  The Medical Superintendent, Tumu District Hospital  The staff of Nadowli District Hospital, St. Joseph’s Hospital, Jirapa and Tumu District Hospital  The Chief and people of Tumu Traditional Council  The Operational Manager of BOST, Kumasi  To all who contributed in diverse ways to make our trip and stay successful in the Upper West Region. I hope to come again when invited..

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