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Working together to help young people achieve their potential

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1 Working together to help young people achieve their potential

2 2 Benefits for Young People The case for employer engagement in education has never been more compelling This generation of young people faces an increasingly global economy, a vast and often bewildering range of career choices and increases in higher education costs mean high financial penalties for bad choices Pupils in state schools want to hear more from employers about jobs and careers but 42% don’t get that chance. It can make a real difference to their perceptions of what jobs are available and inspire them to consider options that they had previously never thought about The greatest impact can be experienced by those young people whose families have weakest access to relevant sources of career insights (such as the two million children who live in workless households) Research It’s who you meet: why employer contacts at school make a difference to the employment prospects of young adults - shows a significant link between young people’s experience of the world of work whilst at school and the chances of them becoming NEET (not in education, employment or training) as young adults 26.1% of young people who could recall no contact with employers whilst at school went on to become NEET This reduced significantly to 4.3% for those who had taken part in four or more activities involving employers National Careers Council – ‘An Aspirational Nation: Creating a culture change in careers provision’ – calls for more careers insights for young people, and highlights how employers could support schools and colleges and give young people insights into the world of work ‘Employers should encourage their employees to volunteer to go into schools and colleges to give students insights into different careers, enthuse them about the world of work and provide access to active experience of work, in particular to help address mismatches in young people’s career aspirations’.

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4 What is Inspiring the Future?  Inspiring the Future is a FREE service whereby employees from all sectors and professions from Apprentices to CEOs pledge one hour a year to volunteer to go into state schools and colleges to talk about their jobs, careers, and the education routes they took  It is a FREE service endorsed by Government (with cross-party support), the UK’s main teacher and employer representative organisations and many leading employers  It makes a difference to young people. Good quality research shows that who you meet as a teenager shapes the success with which young people go into adult life  Teachers overwhelmingly want young people to hear more from people in the workplace 4

5 We have signed up nearly 15,000 volunteers from 3,500 different organisations and our growth is steadily rising Over 5,500 teachers from more than 3,000 schools and colleges have already signed up, and we will have recently soft launched our Primary Futures campaign to primary schools Over 34,000 messages have been sent from volunteers to teachers with over 28,000 since Sept 13 5 School Teacher Cumulative Line Graph Volunteer Cumulative Line Graph

6 Benefits for Employers  Free secure service that makes it easy to engage with state schools and colleges by matching employee volunteers  Communicating with young people offers excellent personal development opportunities for employees  An effective means of supporting corporate social responsibility and long-term recruitment objectives  A gateway to working with schools and colleges, across a wide range of activities that support learning and progression  Free reports for employers through dedicated registration links "I just thought I would drop you a note about the careers fair today. It was a great event where young people were given the opportunity to explore ALL the different options open to them when they leave school. The young people I met were really engaged and I really enjoyed assisting them on widening their horizons". Volunteer PwC 6

7 If you already have an employee volunteering scheme Many larger employers already have well developed employee volunteering programmes and Inspiring the Future is designed to fit in easily with existing schemes. Equally if you are an employer which wants to start a volunteering scheme this is an easy and free way of doing so. Include Inspiring the Future in your volunteering scheme If you employ more than 250 people we can give you a dedicated link to send to your staff From this we can provide you with a simple report on numbers signed up etc. Organisations can choose to ask their staff to volunteer near their work address or particular target areas, or nearer home to volunteer in their communities. Assistants can sign up on behalf of senior staff using their email address to field requests from schools Guidance for volunteers and employers’ responsibilities Online general guidance will be provided by Inspiring the Future, to both volunteers and registered schools and colleges. It is the responsibility of teaching staff to contact volunteers through the site and invite them to take part in activities. Training, CRB checks or further guidance for certain activities may be required at the discretion of the school/college or broker, and this will be communicated to volunteers. DBS checks are not required for career insight talks as a teacher will always be present We can offer training for staff and advice on how to run an employee volunteering scheme focused on education. Please get in touch if you would like to discuss this further. 7

8 8 "The applicants really enjoyed the session and it was great to have help from such an enthusiastic and knowledgeable volunteer. In fact, 2 out of the 6 applicants who attended the session on 17 th January, have since secured an Apprenticeship position which is brilliant". Northampton College Benefits for Schools and Colleges Nearly 15,000 diverse volunteers waiting for teachers to invite them to talk to their pupils about their jobs, and the routes they took to get there, or even CV and interview insights at the click of a button How does it work When teaching staff log on to the system, they get a list of all those people registered in their area who can speak to young people about different specialisms and activities, and it’s a simple process to send a message through the system to get in touch SpecialismsActivities ApprenticeshipsCareer Insights Design and ManufacturingHelp with CVs Enterprise/EntrepreneursMock Interviews Maths – Using it at work Numeracy relating to careers (Primary) Science and Technology Reading relating to careers (Primary) Languages – French, German, Italian, Spanish, Russian, Mandarin, Japanese, Urdu, Arabic Being contacted about becoming a school governor

9 9 "We need to give our children and young people a vision of the opportunities available to them, so that they understand the value of learning and in doing so raise aspirations. It is never too soon to start this. We also need better connections between schools and the communities and businesses they work with. Working with charity the Education and Employers Taskforce helps achieve both goals at once. We value working with other organisations on projects that give children the best start in life". Russell Hobby, NAHT General Secretary Inspiring the Future: Primary Futures Essentially this is a primary school project working under the banner of 'Inspiring the Future' to develop effective, innovative approaches which will allow schools to easily engage volunteers to work in schools with primary aged children and is run in partnership with the NAHT When teaching staff log on to the system, they get a list of all those people registered in their area and it’s a simple process to send a message through the system to get in touch When volunteers sign up, they are asked if they would mind being approached by local primary schools to talk about their current job and why reading and numeracy in their primary school days were so important in achieving their current status.

10 10 Types of Events – Schools/Colleges use ITF for Careers Networking Careers FairTalk


12 12 Signing up is quick and easy

13 13 Signing up is quick and easy Add different specialisms Tell schools a little bit about your job and qualifications Select different activities you could help with Add different locations where you can volunteer in

14 Example of volunteer profile that a teacher will view

15 Inspiring the Future: Inspiring Women Campaign

16 Inspiring the Future is running a campaign called Inspiring Women to get more women into schools and colleges, talking to girls to broaden their horizons and raise aspirations. The campaign aims to sign-up 15,000 inspirational women by the end of 2014, and already 7,000 have signed up since October 2013. Sign up to and volunteer in your area – where you live or where you work and help us to recruit more women from all sectors at all levels – from Apprentices to CEOs, by asking your colleagues, employees and networks to sign Follow the Inspiring Women blog for news, stories and features about the

17 Inspiring the Future: Designed & Made Week (30 th June – 4 th July) Designed & Made week focuses on careers in design and manufacturing and we hope that this will encourage far more young people to embrace careers in this sector. Throughout the week people who design and make: from airplanes and ceramics, to mobile apps and websites or whatever requires good design and craftsmanship will be visiting schools and colleges across the country talking to young people. The campaign links to Miriam González Durántez’s Inspiring the Future: Inspiring Women campaign We want to put the spotlight on women working in design and manufacturing and a number of highly successful women will be visiting schools across the country that week. Inspiring the Future: Inspiring Languages Already there are hundreds of volunteers who use languages in their jobs who've offered to go into schools to talk to pupils from lawyers to engineers and psychologists, from a range of organisations. Languages include French, German, Spanish, Arabic, Italian, Mandarin, Japanese, Urdu, and many more. Inspiring Languages Week is promoted jointly by charity the Education and Employers Taskforce, the British Council, the British Academy, Speak to the Future, Routes into Languages and many other organisations

18 Examples of job titles on Inspiring the Future 18 Adventure Journalist Aerospace Engineer Airline CaptainArchitectAssistant Private Secretary to the Prime Minister Assistant Private Secretary to Leader of the House of Lords BarristerBridge Designer Carpenter Chief Executive Consultant Neurosurgeon Consulting Psychiatrist in Addictions Demolition Consultant DentistDetective SergeantDiplomatic Service Officer Director of Political & Social Research Director of Strategy & Public Relations EconomistEditorElectrical Engineer EntrepreneurExecutive ChefExecutive Creative Director Film Publicity Manager Freelance Wildlife & Documentary Cameraman GP Head of Digital Communicati ons HydrogeologistIllustratorInvestment Banker Manufacturing Manager Materials EngineerMember of Parliament Ocean Rower Osteopath PhotographerPolitical Correspondent Principle Design Engineer PublisherResearch ScientistSenior Broadcast Journalist SolicitorSound Recordist Speech and Language Therapist Technical Evangelist TechnologistTravel WriterVice PresidentAdministration Assistant Advance ApprenticeApprentice Engineer Apprentice IT Consultant Cabin Crew Court ClerkCustomer Advisor FirefighterInternJunior Software Developer Nursing StudentPAPrison Officer Secretary Staff NurseStore TrainerStudent Paramedic Technician Apprentice Ticket ClerkTrainee ManagerCatering Manager ContractorSystems Engineer

19 19 Example of some of the Employers and Professional bodies signed up

20 Key Contacts For any queries please contact: 20 DepartmentNameJob TitleEmail AddressTelephone Number Inspiring the Future Director Phil PyattDirector – Inspiring the Future phil.pyatt@educationandemployers.org0203 206 0454 Employer EngagementOliver HallamBusiness Development Manager oliver.hallam@educationandemployers.org0203 206 0507 Inspiring Women Campaign Gabriella OakleyInspiring Women Engagement Manager gabriella.oakley@educationandemployers.org07703 734840 Schools TeamCharlotte Lightman Schools Liaison Manager charlotte.lightman@educationandemployers.org0203 206 0510 PR & CommunicationsCarol GloverPR & Communications Manager carol.glover@educationandemployers.org07939 061 850 General Enquiriesenquiries@inspiringthefuture.org0203 206 0510

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