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Surgical Technology Chuck Gillette MS, ATC, CSFA, CST.

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1 Surgical Technology Chuck Gillette MS, ATC, CSFA, CST

2 Surgical Technologist Members of operating room teams that work under the supervision of a surgeon, registered nurses, or other surgical personnel to ensure the operating room or environment is safe, that equipment functions properly, and that the operative procedure is conducted under conditions that maximize patient safety. They possess expertise in the theory and application of sterile and aseptic technique and combine the knowledge of human anatomy, surgical procedures, and implementation tools and technologies to facilitate a physician's performance. Their duties include setting up surgical instruments and equipment, ensuring the equipment works properly, preparing sterile drapes, and sterile solutions.

3 General -> Specialized instruments

4 Other responsibilities Preoperative responsibilities washing, shaving, disinfecting incision sites, transporting patients to the operating room, positioning them on the operating table, and covering them with sterile surgical drapes. Intraoperative responsibilities Pass instruments and other sterile supplies to surgeons and surgeon assistants. Other duties include holding retractors, cutting sutures, and helping count sponges, needles, supplies, and instruments. Postoperative They also help prepare, care for, and dispose of specimens. help apply dressings and help transport the patient to the recovery room.

5 First Assistant  Allied health professionals who aid in the exposure, hemostasis, closure, and other intraoperative technical functions that help the surgeon carry out a safe operation with optimal results for the patient. They also perform preoperative and postoperative duties to better facilitate proper patient care. The surgical assistant performs these functions during the operation under the direction and supervision of the surgeon and in accordance with hospital policy and appropriate laws and regulations.  A Surgical First Assistant is usually the surgical assistant with the highest level of expertise and training. While first assistants are expected to perform different tasks at different medical locations, they are generally trained and certified to perform and be proficient in the following tasks among others  Cauterizing wounds and vessels  Packing sponges in body  Positioning patient to maintain circulation and access for surgeon  Placing clamps and sutures  Closing skin with adhesives, sutures or staples etc.  Applying direct pressure on veins and tissue  Performing or aiding in patient suction, drainage and irrigation  Hemostasis: The stopping of excess bleeding and blood flow  Immobilizing patients on the operating table  Other responsibilities as directed by physician Association of Surgical Assistants

6 Specialty Surgery  General surgery*  Pediatric surgery*  Laparoscopic surgery*  Neurosurgery*  Obstetric surgery*  Cardiac surgery*  Thoracic surgery (chest)*  Vascular surgery*  Trauma surgery*  Ophthalmic surgery  Urinary / Genital surgery*  Craniofacial surgery  Oral surgery  Ear, nose and throat surgery  Pediatric surgery*  Geriatric surgery*  Automated / robotic surgery*  Hand surgery*  Orthopedic surgery*  Plastic surgery*  Reconstructive surgery*

7 Surgical team  Anesthesia provider  Circulator - RN  Surgeon  Assistant – PA, NP, CFSA  Surgical Technician

8 Things to know  Blue = Sterile – do not touch stay at least two feet away  Eat before you go to observe  Wear PPEs

9 Orthopedic Surgery  ACL reconstruction  BTB – patella tendon  Hamstring  Quadriceps tendon  Allograft  Achilles tendon  Semitendinosus  Anterior tibialis All Inside Filp Cutter and TightRope

10 Total Joint Surgery  Not actually replacing the whole joint  Essentially resurfacing the bones

11 Education  B.S. – Physical Education/Athletic Training – Castleton State College  M.S.- Sports Administration – UW-La Crosse  Technical Diploma – Western Technical College  On the job training.

12 Questions “Minor surgery is surgery that happens to someone else” -Author Unknown

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