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1 Contents Chapter Discover Yourself Section 1.1 You Are Unique

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1 1 Contents Chapter Discover Yourself Section 1.1 You Are Unique
Section 1.2 Grooming and Personal Care

2 1 Section 1.1 You Are Unique Chapter Learn About Children
Many parts of your life come together to make you a unique person. 2

3 Content Vocabulary Academic Vocabulary heredity culture self-concept
self-esteem constructive criticism self-actualization adolescence respect potential

4 Heredity and Environment
Every person is unique. Factors that influence who you are include: family. heredity. environment. roles. culture. experiences. heredity The passing on of traits, or characteristics and qualities, from parents to their children. culture Ways of thinking, acting, dressing, and speaking shared by a group of people.

5 What Makes Me Unique? Personality is the combination of: attitudes.
interests. behaviors. other traits that make you who you are. You can strengthen your self-concept in many ways.

6 What Makes Me Unique? Hearing negative messages can lead to low self-esteem. Accepting constructive criticism helps improve your self-esteem. self-esteem A sense of confidence and self-worth. constructive criticism Helpful advice meant to help one grow and improve.

7 What Makes Me Unique? You show responsibility when you: obey rules.
help others. keep promises. carry out tasks. When your needs are met, you feel good about yourself. Abraham Maslow’s Hierarchy of Human Needs suggests that needs are met in stages.

8 What Makes Me Unique? Describe the five stages in Maslow’s Hierarchy of Human Needs. Stage Description Physical: Need to satisfy basic needs of hunger, thirst, sleep, and shelter Stage 1 Stage 2 Safety: Need to be secure from danger Stage 3 Belonging: Need to love and be loved, need to belong Stage 4 Feeling Recognized: Need to achieve, need to be recognized Stage 5 Reaching Potential: Need for self-actualization

9 Emotional Changes Understand your emotions to help you better understand yourself. It is important to deal with emotions in a healthy way, especially during adolescence.

10 Physical Changes Rapid physical changes occur during adolescence.
A positive self-concept helps you adjust to the changes. self-concept A mental picture of oneself.

11 Section 1.2 Grooming and Personal Care
To look your best, it is important to practice good grooming skills and present a positive attitude.

12 Content Vocabulary Academic Vocabulary grooming hygiene acne
dermatologist cavity durability opinion

13 Personal Grooming It is important to be clean and well-groomed.
Grooming should include caring for your: skin. hair. hands. feet. teeth. clothing. grooming The things one does to care for one’s physical appearance.

14 First Impressions You make a good first impression with a positive attitude. People tend to form judgments about others on first meetings. First impressions are not always accurate.

15 First Impressions Your appearance can affect the way people react to you. People will be drawn to you because you have traits they admire. What are some traits that you admire and look for in other people?

16 Chapter Summary Section 1.1 You Are Unique
During your teen years you start to become your own person. You experience emotional and physical changes, and you develop your own values. Family, friends, and culture influence who you are. Your personality shows in your appearance and your actions. A positive self-concept helps you cope with life. You are responsible for your own behavior and actions. 16

17 Grooming and Personal Care
Chapter Summary Section 1.2 Grooming and Personal Care Taking care of your physical appearance contributes to the way other people see you. Grooming and personal care includes caring for your skin, hair, hands, feet, and teeth. When you are clean, you are more likely to be healthy. Being well-groomed can help you make a good impression when you meet people for the first time. A good attitude can affect the impression you make. 17

18 Review Do you remember the vocabulary terms from this chapter? Use the following slides to check your knowledge of the definitions. The slides in this section include both English and Spanish terms and definitions. Start

19 heredity herencia The passing on of traits, or characteristics and qualities, from parents to their children. La transmisión de rasgos o características y cualidades de los padres a sus hijos. Show Definition

20 culture cultura Ways of thinking, acting, dressing, and speaking shared by a group of people. Manera de pensar, actuar, vestirse, y hablar que comparte un grupo de personas. Show Definition

21 A mental picture of oneself. Imagen mental de sí mismo.
self-concept concepto de sí mismo A mental picture of oneself. Imagen mental de sí mismo. Show Definition

22 A sense of confidence and self-worth.
self-esteem autoestima A sense of confidence and self-worth. Sentido o sensación de seguridad y autovaloración. Show Definition

23 constructive criticism crítica constructiva
Helpful advice meant to help one grow and improve. Consejo útil para ayudar a alguien a crecer y a mejorar. Show Definition

24 Reaching one’s full potential. Potencial completo de uno.
self-actualization autorrealización Reaching one’s full potential. Potencial completo de uno. Show Definition

25 The period of great growth and change between childhood and adulthood.
adolescence adolescencia The period of great growth and change between childhood and adulthood. Periodo de gran crecimiento y cambio entre la niñez y la edad adulta. Show Definition

26 The things one does to care for one’s physical appearance.
grooming cuidar la apariencia The things one does to care for one’s physical appearance. Lo que uno hace para el cuidado de la apariencia física. Show Definition

27 hygiene higiene Keeping oneself clean. Mantenerse limpio.
Show Definition

28 acne acné A common skin condition that occurs when pores are clogged with oil, dead skin cells, and bacteria. Condición común de la piel que ocurre cuando los poros están obstruidos con aceite, células muertas y bacterias. Show Definition

29 A doctor who treats skin disorders.
dermatologist dermatólogo A doctor who treats skin disorders. Médico que trata las enfermedades de la piel. Show Definition

30 An area of decay in a tooth. Parte de un diente en descomposición.
cavity caries An area of decay in a tooth. Parte de un diente en descomposición. Show Definition

31 respect respetar Value; high or special regard.
Valorar; considerar especial. Show Definition

32 potential potencial Best chance for success; existing in possibility; capable of development into actuality. Mejor oportunidad para lograr el éxito; que existe la posibilidad; que es posible que se manifieste en la realidad. Show Definition

33 Ability to exist for a long time without significant damage or wear.
durability durabilidad Ability to exist for a long time without significant damage or wear. Capacidad de existir por un largo tiempo sin grandes daños o desgaste. Show Definition

34 A view or judgment formed in the mind about a particular matter.
opinion opinión A view or judgment formed in the mind about a particular matter. Un punto de vista o juicio formado mentalmente acerca de un asunto concreto. Show Definition

35 End of Chapter 1 Discover Yourself

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