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NIMBY concerns and renewable energy nulcear plant at Cattenom, France Danish wind farm near Copenhagen.

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Presentation on theme: "NIMBY concerns and renewable energy nulcear plant at Cattenom, France Danish wind farm near Copenhagen."— Presentation transcript:

1 NIMBY concerns and renewable energy nulcear plant at Cattenom, France Danish wind farm near Copenhagen

2 All offshore wind farms plagued by NIMBY concerns


4 Cape Wind: to be or not to be?

5 view from Craigville…

6 view from Nantucket

7 Cape Wind -project of Cape Wind Associates proposed in 2000 -130 turbines at 3.6MW each -hub height = 95m -blade diameter = 111m -total farm capacity = 454MW -electricity for 420,000 homes (75% of Cape’s needs)


9 PROS - 50% of Cape electricity currently generated by Canal Power Plant, which burns natural gas and crude oil - avoid future oil spills 1976 spill 7.7 million gallons, 2003 spill 98,000 gallons -clean, carbon-free source of electricity -excellent wind resources in Nantucket Sound SUPPORTED BY Massachusetts Audubon Society (but need more study) 81% of Mass residents; 61% of Cape Cod residents current MA governor; legislature environmental groups; organized labor (jobs)

10 CONS - impacts on tourism, fishing, and shipping non-zero - bad precedent for federal control of public lands for corporate profit OPPOSED BY group of residents who own seaside property (Kennedy compound within view of the wind farm) fisherman Indian tribes

11 Permitting history 2001: Cape Wind applies to Army Corp of Engineers for permit ACE produces Environmental Impact Statement, which underwent extensive review 2005: federal Energy Bill transfers permitting authority to Minerals Management Service (MMS), Dept. of Interior Apr 2006: Sen. Kennedy inserts language into a Coast Guard bill to allow MA governor (Romney, opposed to Cape Wind) to veto the project; bill never goes anywhere Jan. 2008: MMS Environment Impact Statement released; approval granted, Cape Wind pursues final financing May 2009: MA Energy Facilities Siting Board grants permit late 2009 to present: 2 Cape Indian tribes holding up construction with claim to add Nantucket sound to list of historical sites Apr 14, 2010: Interior Secretary Ken Salazar predicted to rule on Cape Wind permit

12 What about solar? -California court rules against homeowner who had unauthorized solar panels on his roof (Nov, 2009) -Sen. Diane Feinstein proposes a bill to make CA sections of Mojave desert a national monument (Dec 2009)

13 Background: -in 2004, conservancy group orchestrated sale of private lands to government for discounted rate -2005: Energy Policy Act, Bush declares most federal lands open to energy projects that do not involve mining; permitting runs through the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) -2010: 14 solar and 5 wind projects proposed for Mojave Permits will be evaluated over the next 2 years… "If we cannot put solar power plants in the Mojave desert, I don't know where the hell we can put it," --Gov. Schwarzenegger

14 Yucca Mountain: Nuclear Waste NIMBY -billions of dollars go into researching possibility of storing nuclear waste at Yucca Mountain, Nevada -Bush administration supports using Yucca Mtn. -Obama administration opposes Yucca Mtn. waste facility Nevada residents

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