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 Our project and Our efforts - it is our first step towards better future.  We created awareness among the groups which we targeted.  We firmly believe.

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Presentation on theme: " Our project and Our efforts - it is our first step towards better future.  We created awareness among the groups which we targeted.  We firmly believe."— Presentation transcript:


2  Our project and Our efforts - it is our first step towards better future.  We created awareness among the groups which we targeted.  We firmly believe in timely ‘Action’.  Our action was initiated at the grass root levels.  We made the people realize the importance of environment preservation.  We involved them, took their suggestions and worked on the proposed theme.  Our project and Our efforts - it is our first step towards better future.  We created awareness among the groups which we targeted.  We firmly believe in timely ‘Action’.  Our action was initiated at the grass root levels.  We made the people realize the importance of environment preservation.  We involved them, took their suggestions and worked on the proposed theme.  Our project and Our efforts:-  first step towards clean & green earth for the coming generation.  Created awareness among the groups which we targeted.  We firmly believe in timely ‘Action’.  Our action was initiated at the grassroots level.  Importance of environment preservation.  Involved them, took suggestions and worked on the proposed theme.  Our project and Our efforts:-  first step towards clean & green earth for the coming generation.  Created awareness among the groups which we targeted.  We firmly believe in timely ‘Action’.  Our action was initiated at the grassroots level.  Importance of environment preservation.  Involved them, took suggestions and worked on the proposed theme.


4 Chernobyl - 9999Bhopal - 1984 Ankleshwar - 2008


6 The Other Side---- Bharuch Enviro Infrastructure Ltd ISO 14001 & OHSAS 18001 certified CHWTSDF at Ankleshwar 06 th July 2010 BEIL has set up common hazardous waste treatment. Storage and disposal facility with secured landfill site. Common incineration system, bio-gas plant and other infrastructure. Central and state government provided assistance.

7 Secured Facilities in BEIL Monsoon Coverage BEIL Ankleshwar 7 Construction of Clay Liner Evaporative Cooler Inspection Space of 1 meter

8 natural ways to control pollution AEPS… natural ways to control pollution … Distribute trees to various industries. Take care of trees up to 4 to 5 years. Plant a right tree at right place. Objective of AEPS is to put all its energy and resources to provide quality life.





13 Sustainable Developmen t Industrial Ecology Design for Environment Cleaner Production Reuse, recycle, recover Treatment Disposal Sustainable Developmen t Industrial Ecology Design for Environment Cleaner Production Reuse, recycle, recover Treatment Disposal

14  Visited Industries: Asian Paints, BASF, Cadila Pharma, WOCKHARDT, Glenmark, BEIL ……  Planted TREES.  Interacted : more than 120 employees.  Praised our efforts and promised to ACT.  Distributed Carbon Foot Print chart.  Created awareness through presentation and interactive sessions.  Visited Industries: Asian Paints, BASF, Cadila Pharma, WOCKHARDT, Glenmark, BEIL ……  Planted TREES.  Interacted : more than 120 employees.  Praised our efforts and promised to ACT.  Distributed Carbon Foot Print chart.  Created awareness through presentation and interactive sessions.



17 OUR LOCAL ACTIONs:- o We visited two nearby villages Bhadkodra & Kondh. o We performed drama, street show at different schools like Lions school, National High school, Sanskardeep and Gurukul Vidyalaya etc. o We visited Disaster Management. o We interacted with Ladies clubs and housing societies. o We conducted C ycle Rally in Ankleshwar. o We distributed P aper Bags among the shopkeepers. OUR LOCAL ACTIONs:- o We visited two nearby villages Bhadkodra & Kondh. o We performed drama, street show at different schools like Lions school, National High school, Sanskardeep and Gurukul Vidyalaya etc. o We visited Disaster Management. o We interacted with Ladies clubs and housing societies. o We conducted C ycle Rally in Ankleshwar. o We distributed P aper Bags among the shopkeepers.

18 KONDH Bhadkodra SANSKAR DEEP NATIONAL SLOGAN COMP. CYCLE RALLY Disaster Management Problems Faced..


20 Kgs. of CO 2 /year

21  In VILLAGES :- The main problem was to convince the people.  90% People are very well aware.  But the implementation is not possible because of certain habits, laziness and practical facts.  The people expect everything from the govt.  Somewhere we found the govt’s unwillingness to make a change.  INDUSTRIES : - Few industries were ready but they raised questions for the Govt’s. support.  The industries demanded for proper Methodology, Monitoring, Validation.  They demanded for certain things – done Mandatory by the Govt.  In VILLAGES :- The main problem was to convince the people.  90% People are very well aware.  But the implementation is not possible because of certain habits, laziness and practical facts.  The people expect everything from the govt.  Somewhere we found the govt’s unwillingness to make a change.  INDUSTRIES : - Few industries were ready but they raised questions for the Govt’s. support.  The industries demanded for proper Methodology, Monitoring, Validation.  They demanded for certain things – done Mandatory by the Govt.

22 o Convinced villagers to restart the gobar - gas plant at kondh. o We have changed our life style to lower down the carbon emission in the house. o The most important outcome Shree Gattu Vidyalaya has banned two wheelers in the school. o It’s difficult to get immediate results but some how we managed to get it. gobar - gas plant at kondh


24  Shop With a Reusable Bag.  Lower The Brightness of Your Computer Screen.  Wash Clothes In Cold Water.  Reduce the Amount of Time You Drive.  Plant Trees.  Manage house waste.  Give living plants than flowers.  Be a Vegetarian.  Bring down water and electric bill.  Use library.  Shop With a Reusable Bag.  Lower The Brightness of Your Computer Screen.  Wash Clothes In Cold Water.  Reduce the Amount of Time You Drive.  Plant Trees.  Manage house waste.  Give living plants than flowers.  Be a Vegetarian.  Bring down water and electric bill.  Use library.


26 Team Work Leadership Environment. Awareness Personality Development  Working together works.  Leadership is action not position.  Don’t command but follow the nature..  Confidence.  Conviction.  Determination.  Implementation.  Alone we cannot Together we can

27  We live in separate nations but ultimately we are ‘one people - one planet’.  Through timely action and implementation, today‘s generation must become a Hero generation.  Our aim is to raise awareness level and get ordinary people to take part.  Shree Gattu Vidyalaya is also doing their level best to save environment.  Think Green, Act Green, Live Green.  We are the Youth and We can change it…  Arise, awake and stop not till the goal is achieved.  We live in separate nations but ultimately we are ‘one people - one planet’.  Through timely action and implementation, today‘s generation must become a Hero generation.  Our aim is to raise awareness level and get ordinary people to take part.  Shree Gattu Vidyalaya is also doing their level best to save environment.  Think Green, Act Green, Live Green.  We are the Youth and We can change it…  Arise, awake and stop not till the goal is achieved.

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