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Presentation on theme: " Come Discover Classroom Earth! Today’s Agenda Grueling Quiz What do you want to know about Global Explorers and Educational Travel?"— Presentation transcript:


2 Come Discover Classroom Earth! Today’s Agenda Grueling Quiz What do you want to know about Global Explorers and Educational Travel? Why International Travel? Linking Culture, Science, Service and Leadership Why Global Explorers? How to Make it a Reality Questions and Answers

3 Grueling Quiz - Question #1 What continent has the most countries represented in the United Nations? A. Asia B. Europe C. Africa D. South America

4 Grueling Quiz - Question #2 The largest pyramid ever built was constructed in Egypt. A. True B. False Cholula Pyramid in Mexico – Base is 450m X 450 M

5 Grueling Quiz - Question #3 What of the following countries is the most densely populated? A. Japan B. Netherlands C. Rwanda D. Singapore 6,489 People / km 2

6 Grueling Quiz - Question #4 In what country would you find the airport with the highest elevation of any international airport in the world? A. Switzerland B. Bolivia C. Nepal D. Ethiopia La Paz Airport - 13,313 ft

7 Grueling Quiz - Question #5 Big Money QuestionStakes Are High…What is the Capital…Of…Paraguay? Asunción!

8 Who is Global Explorers? We are a nonprofit organization located in Fort Collins, CO driven by our passion for sharing the most educational and life- changing travel experiences available to students of all abilities.

9 Why Travel? Reflect – put things in perspective

10 Why Travel? Discover new cultures

11 Why Travel? Explore new ecosystems

12 Why Travel? Be inspired to make a difference

13 Why Travel? Conquer new challenges and overcome adversity

14 Why Travel? Make new friends

15 Why Travel? Have FUN!!!

16 Come Discover Classroom Earth! Cross-disciplinary approach Attach a personal global experience AND… A personal local reaction Knowledge > Attitude > Behavior! Linking Culture, Science, Service and Leadership through Educational Travel

17 Come Discover Classroom Earth! Despair Empowerment Knowledge of the Issue Define Issue Understanding Appreciation Personal Local Response Personal Global Response Developed from research by Harry Boyte, Institute for Democracy,

18 What Works in Service Learning?* Curriculum Integration Ongoing Cognitively Challenging Reflection Youth Voice Respect for Diversity Meaningful Service Duration Monitoring & Evaluation *Billig, Shelley. 2007. Unpacking what works in service- learning. A report of the National Youth Leadership Council: Growing to Greatness 2007.

19 Why Global Explorers?

20 What’s Different About Global Explorers? Community-oriented, mission-driven nonprofit organization We start with EDUCATION as the main goal Unique and comprehensive 3-phase program Dedicated to community, conservation and sustainability We live our values We give back to every community we visit, as well as to our local communities We are there to support you every step of the way We develop long-lasting bonds and relationships with our partners and our participants Nationally respected programs have been featured on ABC Nightline, ABC World News Tonight, CBS Sunday Morning and the Travel Channel

21 International Field Workshop Follow-Up Service Preparatory Curriculum Global Explorers 3-Phase Program

22 Texas A&M Program Evaluation *From An Evaluation of Global Explorers: A Preliminary Report by Mat Duerden - Texas A&M University, 2008

23 Texas A&M Program Evaluation *From An Evaluation of Global Explorers: A Preliminary Report by Mat Duerden - Texas A&M University, 2008

24 Texas A&M Program Evaluation *From An Evaluation of Global Explorers: A Preliminary Report by Mat Duerden - Texas A&M University, 2008

25 Texas A&M Program Evaluation *From An Evaluation of Global Explorers: A Preliminary Report by Mat Duerden - Texas A&M University, 2008

26 Valuable Lessons for Life… My plan was to go to college, get a very practical degree and make a lot of money. Before that trip and that moment on Jane’s beach the rest of the world was just an afterthought in my life’s plan. However, as I sat on the beach that fifty years ago Dr. Jane Goodall first stepped foot on and then went on to do so much good for the world, my thinking changed. My plan changed on that trip, on that day, and in that moment. I was not going to come back home and forget all that I had seen. I came back inspired and motivated to make a difference.

27 Valuable Lessons for Life… Project Goals $10,000 (USD) = Long-term tree nurseries in the five regions of Tanzania Plant at least 3,000 trees in North America

28 Valuable Lessons for Life… Preparation – Curriculum Integration Leadership – Ongoing Cognitively Challenging Reflection Respect for Diversity Meaningful Service Youth Voice & Duration

29 Our Group Destinations Amazon Adventure: Peru

30 Our Group Destinations Arctic Exploration: Canada

31 Our Group Destinations Baja Journey: Mexico

32 Our Group Destinations Sustainable Tropics: Costa Rica

33 Our Group Destinations Machu Picchu & Sacred Valley: Peru

34 Our Group Destinations African Discovery: Tanzania

35 Our Group Destinations The Mayan Yucatan: Mexico

36 Leading the Way Lead: Step outside your comfort zone and learn to use adversity as an advantage and explore your leadership skills. Learn: Explore new cultures, understand global conservation issues, engage in community service and step up to become a responsible global citizen. Live: Experience the joy of travel and discover the power that you have to make a difference in the world. Individual enrollment programs for students with and without disabilities

37 Leading the Way Erik Weihenmayer 14 to 21-year-old students Blind/ VI and Sighted 6-9 month long commitment Social Awareness Campaign / Educating Others Travel Channel, CBS Sunday Morning, NBC

38 LTW 2009 Expeditions Iztaccíhuatl : Mexico November 6-14, 2009

39 LTW 2009 Expeditions Rim to River : Arizona July 7-21, 2010

40 LTW in a nutshell September- December Enrollment and Registration Team Selected and Notified January- April Conference Calls Preparatory Curriculum Training Retreat in Colorado with Erik Weihenmayer May-July 1-3 Field Workshop July- September Follow Up Service Projects

41 What Can You Do? Get a group together and serve as a group sponsor You travel for free with 10 paying students Nominate a student for LTW (blind/ VI or sighted!) We accept nominations every fall Help us spread the word! Share the excitement of LTW with your network List Serves, School Groups, Parent Groups, Web sites, Blogs, etc. How? Visit: us on the web Email me: Call me: 877-627-1425


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