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“it’s in our DNA” Church of Kingdom Influence Core Values.

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1 “it’s in our DNA” Church of Kingdom Influence Core Values

2 “it’s in our DNA” A CHURCH OF KINGDOM INFLUENCE Lifestreams is a regional Church with the ability to bring Kingdom influence to the City of South Perth, to Western Australia, to the nation of Australia and to the World. We aspire to be a Church so healthy and full of the Holy Spirit that we will grow spiritually and numerically.

3 “it’s in our DNA” All the Sphere’s…

4 “it’s in our DNA” Church Plant at Karawara

5 “it’s in our DNA” 3rd Lifestreams Christian Church Kalimantan

6 “it’s in our DNA” Leadership of Myanamar

7 “it’s in our DNA” Church Plant at Karawara 3rd Lifestreams Christian Church Kalimantan Leadership of Myanamar Alisha’s – Ministry in Thailand with UNoH

8 “it’s in our DNA” Let’s Pray…

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