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Disaster Recovery Planning Because It’s Time! Copyright Columbia University and Bentley College, 2003. This work is the intellectual property of the author.

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Presentation on theme: "Disaster Recovery Planning Because It’s Time! Copyright Columbia University and Bentley College, 2003. This work is the intellectual property of the author."— Presentation transcript:

1 Disaster Recovery Planning Because It’s Time! Copyright Columbia University and Bentley College, 2003. This work is the intellectual property of the author. Permission is granted for this material to be shared for non-commercial, educational purposes, provided that this copyright statement appears on the reproduced materials and notice is given that the copying is by permission of the author. To disseminate otherwise or to republish requires written permission from the author.

2 Disaster Recovery Planning: Because It’s Time Leslie Maltz Deputy VP, I.T. Planning and Standards Columbia University Gwen Kreager Manager, Technology Deployment and Integration Bentley College

3 Disaster Recovery Planning: Because It’s Time Pre 9/11  Disasters were really operational emergencies  Power failures  Floods  Fires  Blizzards

4 Disaster Recovery Planning: Because It’s Time On 9/11  No dial tones  Limited transportation  Internet and I2 remained working  Web  Email  VoIP

5 Disaster Recovery Planning: Because It’s Time On 9/11  Think on our feet  Instinctive responses  Fear and anxiety  Creativity substituted for plans

6 Disaster Recovery Planning: Because It’s Time Post 9/11 Time for a plan!  Who should be involved?  Centralized IT (Admin and Academic), Distributed (Schools)  How do we decide what to include in a plan?

7 Disaster Recovery Planning: Because It’s Time Risks  NYC urban campus  Highly visible  Highly populated  Vulnerable to natural and manmade emergencies and disasters

8 Disaster Recovery Planning: Because It’s Time Prepare for the Plan  Emphasis on preparedness  Pre-think Who will need to do what How to contact people Who will be in charge Training, documentation, resources

9 Disaster Recovery Planning: Because It’s Time Prepare for the Plan, cont’d.  Have Command Centers ready to use  Identify critical IT resources and applications  Prioritize order for restoration

10 Disaster Recovery Planning: Because It’s Time 12 Step Process 1. Identify applications 2. Determine criticality 3. Identify resources needed to recover 4. Identify priorities and dependencies 5. Users review and revise priorities 6. Identify contacts and means for communication

11 Disaster Recovery Planning: Because It’s Time 12 Step Process, cont’d. 7. Complete operational documentation 8. Compile all documentation – CD and paper 9. Establish and stock IT Command Centers 10. Train Duty Managers 11. Test plans (drills) 12. Revise and update

12 Disaster Recovery Planning: Because It’s Time How to Begin Infrastructure Planning  Define a disaster in the context of your institution  Plan for Applications and Server replacement  Get a handle on what needs to be replaced in the context of your institution  Plan for Network Redundancy

13 Disaster Recovery Planning: Because It’s Time Identify key I.T. specific vulnerabilities  Loss of (or damage to) building housing computer room  Loss of building housing central network hub, cutting off access to rest of campus  Loss of building housing internet connection  Damage to administrative or web servers …and maintain focus!

14 Disaster Recovery Planning: Because It’s Time Bentley’s 3 Levels of Disaster  Level 1  Destruction of building housing main computer room  Level 2  Destruction of building housing core network hub  Damage to cable plant at critical location  Level 3  Damage to individual wiring closet  Damage to individual server

15 Disaster Recovery Planning: Because It’s Time Server Replacement  Start with an up-to-date inventory  Applications  Custodial agreements  Backup schedules and tape storage  Maintenance agreements  Divide into functional groups  Establish three priority categories  Critical  Important  Non-critical  Obtain consensus from all divisions

16 Disaster Recovery Planning: Because It’s Time Bentley’s Priority A Server Replacement Plan  Options evaluated and discarded  Hot site contract coverage  Cold site contract coverage, with or without mobile trailers  Selected method is a mixture of solutions developed in house  Use of data mirroring  Consolidation of servers where applicable  Purchase of redundant servers

17 Disaster Recovery Planning: Because It’s Time Plan for Network Redundancy  Requires a complete, up-to-date survey of equipment and wiring  Key points of failure must be identified  Consequences of network failure points communicated so administration can reach consensus on course of action

18 Disaster Recovery Planning: Because It’s Time Bentley’s Plan for Network Redundancy  Separate redundant network hubs  Pre-install necessary fiber optic cabling  Establish redundant network link for selected buildings or parts of campus

19 Disaster Recovery Planning: Because It’s Time IT Command Centers IT Command Centers  Locations (more than one)  Resources available  Staffing  Procedures  Drills

20 Disaster Recovery Planning: Because It’s Time Locations  Multiple locations  Away from normal activities  Varying distances

21 Disaster Recovery Planning: Because It’s Time Resources Available  Communications  Documentation on CD and Paper  Equipment  Digital Camera  Food and Water

22 Disaster Recovery Planning: Because It’s Time Communications  Rolm phones and POTS lines  Network connections  VoIP  Local 2-way Radios  Cell Phones  Portable Radio and Cable TV

23 Disaster Recovery Planning: Because It’s Time Documentation  Emergency Application Templates (ERATs) for each critical application  Resources needed for recovery: Equipment, Data, People, Timing  Contact Information  Staff-campus, home, cell, email(s)  Vendors  Users and Administrators

24 Disaster Recovery Planning: Because It’s Time Equipment  Laptops  Printers  UPS  Digital Camera  Flashlights/batteries

25 Disaster Recovery Planning: Because It’s Time Staffing  Duty Managers  Primary and Secondary  Training  Monthly Staffing Rotation and Inspection of Inventory  Drills

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