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LIFE HISTORY STRATEGY. Life History Strategy A suite of traits that improve an individual's chances of surviving and reproducing in a particular environment.

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Presentation on theme: "LIFE HISTORY STRATEGY. Life History Strategy A suite of traits that improve an individual's chances of surviving and reproducing in a particular environment."— Presentation transcript:


2 Life History Strategy A suite of traits that improve an individual's chances of surviving and reproducing in a particular environment

3 1.Energy commited to one function is not available for others. 2.Every evolutionary ‘choice’ has costs and benefits 3.Every organism represents a compromise of a number of evolutionary ‘choices’ COST/BENEFIT ANALYSIS

4 Macarthur and Wilson (‘70’s) - Theory of Island Biogeography r strategists K strategists Equilibrium -slower colonizing, slow growth Opportunistic -rapidly colonizing, fast growth

5 r - selectedK - selected Climate Mortality Population Size Community Characteristics Lifespan Individual Attributes Allocation of Energy Attributes of r and K - selected organisms

6 r - selectedK - selected ClimateVariable, unpredictibleConsistent, predictible Mortality Population Size Community Characteristics Lifespan Individual Attributes Allocation of Energy Attributes of r and K - selected organisms

7 r - selectedK - selected ClimateVariable, unpredictibleConsistent, predictible Mortality Density independent, uncertain adult survival Density dependent, uncertain juvenile survival Population Size Community Characteristics Lifespan Individual Attributes Allocation of Energy Attributes of r and K - selected organisms

8 r - selectedK - selected ClimateVariable, unpredictibleConsistent, predictible Mortality Density independent, uncertain adult survival Density dependent, uncertain juvenile survival Population SizeVariable, below KConsistent Community Characteristics Lifespan Individual Attributes Allocation of Energy Attributes of r and K - selected organisms

9 r - selectedK - selected ClimateVariable, unpredictibleConsistent, predictible Mortality Density independent, uncertain adult survival Density dependent, uncertain juvenile survival Population SizeVariable, below KConsistent Community CharacteristicsFew species, recolonization More species, no recolonization Lifespan Individual Attributes Allocation of Energy Attributes of r and K - selected organisms

10 r - selectedK - selected ClimateVariable, unpredictibleConsistent, predictible Mortality Density independent, uncertain adult survival Density dependent, uncertain juvenile survival Population SizeVariable, below KConsistent Community CharacteristicsFew species, recolonization More species, no recolonization LifespanShortLong Individual Attributes Allocation of Energy Attributes of r and K - selected organisms

11 r - selectedK - selected ClimateVariable, unpredictibleConsistent, predictible Mortality Density independent, uncertain adult survival Density dependent, uncertain juvenile survival Population SizeVariable, below KConsistent Community CharacteristicsFew species, recolonization More species, no recolonization LifespanShortLong Individual Attributes Rapid development, early reproduction, high rate of increase, small body size Slow development, late reproduction, low rate of increase, larger body size Allocation of Energy Attributes of r and K - selected organisms

12 r - selectedK - selected ClimateVariable, unpredictibleConsistent, predictible Mortality Density independent, uncertain adult survival Density dependent, uncertain juvenile survival Population SizeVariable, below KConsistent Community CharacteristicsFew species, recolonization More species, no recolonization LifespanShortLong Individual Attributes Rapid development, early reproduction, high rate of increase, small body size Slow development, late reproduction, low rate of increase, larger body size Allocation of EnergyGreater % to reproduction Greater % to growth and maintenance Attributes of r and K - selected organisms

13 r - selectedK - selected ClimateVariable, unpredictibleConsistent, predictible Mortality Density independent, uncertain adult survival Density dependent, uncertain juvenile survival Population SizeVariable, below KConsistent Community Characteristics Few species, recolonization More species, no recolonization LifespanShortLong Individual Attributes Rapid development, early reproduction, high rate of increase, small body size Slow development, late reproduction, low rate of increase, larger body size Allocation of Energy Greater % to reproduction Greater % to growth and maintenance Attributes of r and K - selected organisms Productivity

14 r - selectedK - selected ClimateVariable, unpredictibleConsistent, predictible Mortality Density independent, uncertain adult survival Density dependent, uncertain juvenile survival Population SizeVariable, below KConsistent Community Characteristics Few species, recolonization More species, no recolonization LifespanShortLong Individual Attributes Rapid development, early reproduction, high rate of increase, small body size Slow development, late reproduction, low rate of increase, larger body size Allocation of Energy Greater % to reproduction Greater % to growth and maintenance Attributes of r and K - selected organisms ProductivityEfficiency

15 r-strategistK-strategist r - K continuum

16 r-strategistK-strategist Frequent disturbanceLess frequent disturbance r - K continuum

17 Death recruitment Aclonal Life History Sexual reproduction

18 Death recruitment Clonal Life History Fission Sexual reproduction

19 Fertilization Patterns 1. External (no copulation)

20 Fertilization Patterns 1. External (no copulation) Problems Gamete output Synchrony Gamete dispersal Gamete dilution

21 Fertilization Patterns 1. External (no copulation) Problems Gamete output Synchrony Gamete dispersal Gamete dilution % success Distance between individuals 0.5 m 100

22 Fertilization Patterns 1. External (no copulation) Allee Effect Reproductive rate Number or Density

23 Fertilization Patterns 2. Internal (no copulation) For oyster spawning video: 2002Session/oyster.html

24 Fertilization Patterns 2. Internal (copulation)

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