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Breaking the Taboo French Experience: One step forward, two steps backwards! Hans-Fredrik Gadelius Hôpital Nord Marseille Médecins du Monde CSAPA Nord.

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Presentation on theme: "Breaking the Taboo French Experience: One step forward, two steps backwards! Hans-Fredrik Gadelius Hôpital Nord Marseille Médecins du Monde CSAPA Nord."— Presentation transcript:

1 Breaking the Taboo French Experience: One step forward, two steps backwards! Hans-Fredrik Gadelius Hôpital Nord Marseille Médecins du Monde CSAPA Nord Nouvelle Aube


3 The origins of a taboo Thomas SZASZ och hans syndabock Pharmacratie Civilization of performance… and profit! Drug War:1970, Nixon and UN Back to France: Loi 70 The Big Schizophrenia: Users and drug care vs politics, population and medias

4 Drug’s In France Alcohol: 20 of PIB, 10 M Abuse and addiction, Taboo on drunk ladies…Traditional and Ritual Marijuana: 10 M Users, depenalisation ? Opiates: 220.000, 110.000 BHD, 20.000 MTD; Heroine : the big fear! From delinquency to disease… Cocaine: Better image, free base, crack Magic shroom’s, designer drugs, misuse

5 Skadereduction I Frankrike 73: Methadone / the dealers in white 80-90 AIDS 87: decriminalisation of syringes 89 :PES 92 :ASUD 94 :Methadone centers 95 :Methadone on prescription 96 : BHD on prescription, by GP’s 01:Methadone bus 05:Harm reduction is a public health policie



8 But Big schizo strikes back Globally public security prevails on public health No real national debate on drugs EX: Safe injection site debate… Still fearing the medicalization of a normal human activity Harm reduction is still fragile

9 Conclusion Step by step or revolution? Stucked in medicalisation: twisting pleasure and desease. Policies on morality, economics, case reports or facts? Global report on drugs, UN Stop drug war!?! « Nice people take drugs! », Vienna 2011


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