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Heating Homes with High-Efficiency Wood-Burning Fireplaces Kim Kepchar, NFI* Certified (Master Hearth Specialist) Jonathan Schnyer, NFI* Certified (Wood-Burning.

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Presentation on theme: "Heating Homes with High-Efficiency Wood-Burning Fireplaces Kim Kepchar, NFI* Certified (Master Hearth Specialist) Jonathan Schnyer, NFI* Certified (Wood-Burning."— Presentation transcript:

1 Heating Homes with High-Efficiency Wood-Burning Fireplaces Kim Kepchar, NFI* Certified (Master Hearth Specialist) Jonathan Schnyer, NFI* Certified (Wood-Burning Specialist) *For 25 years, the independent non-profit Hearth, Patio and Barbecue Education Foundation (HPBEF) has offered certifications for professionals in the hearth industry. In 2001, the HPBEF formed the National Fireplace Institute® as the national certification agency for the industry. A comprehensive review process was conducted with the help of industry installers, technical experts, and hearth business owners to determine what industry professionals need to know.

2 Code Changes for Masonry Fireplaces To gasket or not to gasket: ICC Residential Code Changes N1102.4.2 (402.4.3) Fireplaces. (2009) New wood-burning fireplaces shall have gasketed doors and outdoor combustion air. R402.4.2 Fireplaces. (2012) New wood-burning fireplaces shall have tight- fitting flue dampers and outdoor combustion air.

3 Fireplace and Woodstove Myths Outside air kits improve open fireplace performance. Tile, rock or other noncombustible material on a wall acts as a heat shield, reducing the clearance requirement to combustibles. Tile, stone or other noncombustible material is sufficient floor protection for a wood stove or hearth.

4 Fireplace Myths Continued Clearances are clearances, and they don’t vary between make, model and type. A masonry chimney is safer than a high- temperature factory-built chimney system.

5 Costs and benefits: Masonry Versus High Efficiency Costs and disadvantages – Masonry fireplace chimney, foundation, hearth: $12,000-$20,000. Requires footer. Significant heat loss while in use. – High-efficiency fireplace system, framed chase: $9,500-$20,000. Shorter lifespan than masonry fireplaces. Benefits and advantages – Masonry fireplaces: aesthetics, ambiance, adds value to house. – High-efficiency systems: aesthetics, ambiance, cost savings, back- up heat source, little heat loss. Assumes 20’ chimney, 60” wide by 24” deep.

6 Benefits of heating with wood Sustainable Environmentally friendly Cost savings over most heating systems Works without electricity Aesthetically pleasing NOTHING heats like wood!

7 High-Efficiency Fireplace Planning Start early Supplementary or primary heat source? Venting plan Appliance location Forced air circulation? Other heat system? Gravity and fan-driven vent kits Electricity Hearth extension Mantel, surround and facade

8 Efficiency and aesthetics are not mutually exclusive. BIS Ultima Clean Face with Louvers 2.0 Ft 3 firebox, heating capacity 1500 ft. 2 86.6% efficient, 3.7 grams per hour emissions

9 Questions? 933 2 nd St. SE in the IX Building in Downtown Charlottesville 434-760-8659

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