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Addiction and the Family International: The story so far... Laura Nice Development Officer.

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Presentation on theme: "Addiction and the Family International: The story so far... Laura Nice Development Officer."— Presentation transcript:

1 Addiction and the Family International: The story so far... Laura Nice Development Officer

2 The Challenges 1.What do we want to achieve? 2.How can we achieve this? 3.Setting up our organisation 4.What’s in a name? 5.Creating an international website 6.The future

3 What do we want to achieve? Provide information FM-centred research Raise awareness of FMs & FM models Influence policy Addiction & the Family International Network Evidence-based practice Our Aims:

4 Strategic Vision

5 How can we achieve our aims? Through which organisation type? Research Network – University affiliation Business – Limited Company Charity – Un/registered, Trust, CIC, Social Enterprise International Non-Governmental Organisation Other alliance models – e.g. Kettil Bruun Society, PreVail Unincorporated Association No change

6 Final Criteria Clear structure Manageable time demands Low set up & running costs Suitable for an income under £5k Future Proof Able to process money, apply for funding Free from other interests/restrictions Compatible with our aims

7 Setting up our Small Charity The most suitable at present… but lots still to discuss: – Constitution – Charitable purposes – Trustees – Membership? – Future funding?

8 What’s in a name? What do we want to convey? Future proof? (e.g. other addictions, other charities) Can we use the word ‘Addiction’? Will international members find us?

9 Welcome to AFIN! Key words: Family + Addiction + International = Addiction and the Family International Network (AFIN)

10 Future Challenges Creating a network that people actually use: “Once our network and relationships were established, people spoke with each other separately… and then there was no longer a need for the network!”. Dr Berny Sèbe Postcolonial Birmingham Research Network

11 Future Challenges Creating an international community with a virtual hub i.e. our website! – How to make it easy to use – Ways to communicate online – Documents online - permissions – Membership area – Family Members area in the future Website goes live: September 2013! Website goes live: September 2013!

12 Working in different ways “Relying on a large group of people based in different countries, without offering them the incentive of pay can be challenging!” Useful to have a policy from the start “not to overwhelm people” with communication “In terms of getting things done, there really is no substitute to getting a group of smart people together in a room, who are passionate about their subject and letting them go for it!” Nadine Wathern Preventing Violence Across the Lifespan Research Network (PreVAiL)

13 Find out more or join AFIN! Laura Nice AFIN Development Officer Email:

14 Any Questions?

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