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Published byWilson Randall Modified over 10 years ago
ELENA and AD Status ELENA project status and plans Status of the AD target consolidation (M. Calviani) Consolidation project for AD. What is done in 2011 and plans/activities for 2012 (T. Eriksson, F. Butin) Emphasis is put in the ELENA Project and what it implies for the AD consolidation, in particular for the activities during LS1. IEFC Workshop/ S. Maury 8th of March 2012
Steering committee ELENA Project Structure IEFC Workshop/ S. Maury 8th of March 2012 S. Maury, project leader C. Carli, deputy project leader Beam physics and Performance Committee (G. Tranquille, P. Belochitskii) P. Belochitskii (Machine Physics& Parameters) T. Eriksson (Integration, Commissioning & Operation) G. Tranquille (E-cooler & Diagnostics) H. Breuker (User interface & Safety) Integration and Installation Committee (C. Carli, T. Eriksson) Work Packages Installation and planning: N. Gilbert Integration, production, Validation: F. Butin S. Pasinelli (Software definition& Integration) AD Consolidation T. Eriksson W. Oelert (External institutions Contact) F. Butin (Integration, production, Validation) W. Bartmann (Beam Transfer)
Project Communication Official WEB site Documentations EDMS: Projects->ELENA Conferences INDICO: Projects->ELENA Contact Email: 8th of March 2012 IEFC Workshop/ S. Maury
ELENA – Motivation Further deceleration of p-bars coming from the AD to 100 keV Very low energy for synchrotrons Operation at 100 keV challenging due to very low magnetic fields (493 G in Bends) Electron cooling to reduction emittances – compensate the adiabatic blow-up due to deceleration Expected gain for experiments About two orders of magnitude more intensity inside experiments with thick degraders About one order of magnitude more intensity for ASACUSA Several experiments operated in parallel Sketch of ELENA magnetic cycle Expected duration around 10 s to 15 s IEFC Workshop/ S. Maury 4 8th of March 2012
ELENA – Present Layout in AD Hall IEFC Workshop/ S. Maury 5 8th of March 2012 New experimental area
ELENA – present estimate for parameter Parameters to be revised and refined for Technical Design Report (TDR) IEFC Workshop/ S. Maury 6 8th of March 2012 Momentum range100 - 13.7 MeV/c Energy range5.3 - 0.1 MeV Circumference C30.4 m Tunes horizontal/vertical~1.34 / ~2.45 Electron cooling100 keV and ~650 keV Intensity of injected beam3 × 10 7 Intensity of ejected beam1.8 × 10 7 Efficiency60 % Number of extracted bunches1 to 4 Transverse emittances (95%) at ejection at 100 keV 4 / 4 m ∆p/p after cooling, [95%]10 −4 Bunch length L b at 100 keV1.3 m (300 ns) Required (dynamic) vacuum, Torr3 × 10 −12 Torr
ELENA – possible limitations, questions Lattice : will be finalized soon, Integration of element started. Stray fields (Measurement in AD Hall and comparison with those in LEIR foreseen in March) Deflection due to ~0.5 G earth magnetic field at 100 keV (beam rigidity 457 Gm): > 1 mrad/m Careful investigations on stray fields to be expected … good closed orbit control Ratio between magnet gap and curvature radius not (that) small (about 0.1): correct modeling of magnet entrance/exit Instabilities Possibly despite low intensity with small emittances (momentum spread) and energy Mechanisms cooling/provoking blow-up and beam loss Cooling times and equilibrium parameters (with cooling and blow-up mechanisms) (Started) IBS, scattering on gas molecules, heating by electron cooler (Started, conclusion next week) => equilibrium with cooling, blow-up after cooling until ejection Transfer lines Electrostatic lines : cheap and magnetic shielding simpler (Decided at the meeting on the 25 th of January) New layout for the present and new experimental areas (under study) H - (or p) source for commissioning (going forward with Julich) Motivation: ELENA commissioning in parallel to AD run, H - with same mass and charge Life-time (gas stripping) probably o.k., start commissioning at low energy IEFC Workshop/ S. Maury 7 8th of March 2012
IEFC Workshop/ S. Maury 8th of March 2012 Contributions from outside Institutes
Status of the external Contributions Univ. Tokyo and MPQ-MPI: - 2 MCHF - 7 FTE (identified, electrostatic transfer lines and devices) Cockcroft Institute & Univ’s : - Costing of the order of 500 kGBP has been applied by U Liverpool, - A proposal has been submitted for work : this would cover 2 Postdocs, some PhD students and equipment; the overall funding requested is about 1 M€; a decision is expected until June. Denmark: - Applied for the money for dipoles and quadrupoles (Danfysik) and in addition it is foreseen to apply for a postdoc position for ELENA, if we can identify a good candidate before the August deadline. The decision not before October. IKP-FZ Julich: - Several aspects of the source have been discussed and should be clarified in further discussions (meeting on the 26 th of March). Substantial development work is required to make such a source operational for ELENA commissioning. This development and design work required is part of the contribution of Juelich to ELENA construction. Univ. Brescia: - 50 kEuros (will be transferred soon) Berkeley: - DOE does not agreed to support the engineering work needed for the contributions to ELENA (discussion not abandoned yet !) CEA-IRFU Saclay-SIGMAPHI: only prototypes are interesting for them ??? IEFC Workshop/ S. Maury 8th of March 2012
New Building(Draft) IEFC Workshop/ S. Maury 8th of March 2012 530 m2 AD hall extension needed for end 2013
Latest News In the ELENA feasibility study the new extraction line and experimental area were considered as an option. The Gbar experiment has been discussed at the SPSC in October 2011 and recommended for approval in January 2012. In case of approval, room for this experiment (and new to come) should be created A new building is proposed (and will be a multipurpose) This was optional in the costing of ELENA in the feasibility study and need additional ressources (Presented at the 24th of February IEFC and then to the RB) IEFC Workshop/ S. Maury 8th of March 2012
Possible Layout IEFC Workshop/ S. Maury 8th of March 2012 Sketch: O. Choisnet / JM. Lacroix Gbar ?
Solution : New building proposal IEFC Workshop/ S. Maury 8th of March 2012 570 m2 AD hall extension Sketch: A. Kosmicki
Conclusions for the new building First proposal of the new building discussed in 2010 The site is identified The pre-project and cost estimates are ready No technical issues identified RP gave green light wrt operation of TT2 line and possible re-use of TT7 line with neutrinos P. Collier’s message about the last RB: The RB agrees that there is a good physics case but the DG stated that he could not approve GBAR until he had a chance to examine all requests that are coming in for new resources. He plans to take the matter up in the Enlarged directorate as soon as possible. In any case the approval (and therefore granting of the resources) will have to wait until after the next council meeting in March. In the meantime he recognized the urgency or the decision concerning the preparation the AD annex building. He has therefore given the go ahead for the MS to be prepared and sent out. IEFC Workshop/ S. Maury 8th of March 2012
New building schedule Boundary condition: Re-start AD in 05/2014(?), with kickers in their new location Building approval in 03/2012 MS/CfT process 04/2012 – 01/2013 (10 months) CE works in 01/2013 – 10/2013 (10 months) EL/CV/ kickers etc: 11/2013 – 04/2014 Schedule is tight but feasible IEFC Workshop/ S. Maury 8th of March 2012
Main integration challenge IEFC Workshop/ S. Maury 8th of March 2012 Fit ELENA ring and experimental areas in here !
New building details IEFC Workshop/ S. Maury 8th of March 2012 Complete CE project by A. Kosmicki and L. Lopez on EDMS# 1176220 Sketch: A. Kosmicki
IEFC Workshop/ S. Maury 8th of March 2012 Magnetic horns test bench (10 x 7 m2) Workshop (5 x 10 m2) Offloading area (8x2.3 m2) Storage (5 x 9 m2) Storage (7x4 m2) Storage (14x2 m2) Storage (7x2 m2) Kickers 12.7 x 14.7 m2 Test bench 7 x 10 m2 Preliminary Not optimized yet
New Building(Draft) The new building will be multipurpose: - Short storage for existing and future experiments - Magnetic horn test bench - AD and ELENA kickers - Workshop for the experiments This will give space for ELENA machine and for existing/new antiproton experiments. IEFC Workshop/ S. Maury 8th of March 2012
Preliminary milestones Ring optics and layout: April/2012 Transfer lines: Mai/2012 TDR: October/2012 (Review of the project) Manpower/budget profiles and schedule: March/2012 (will be finalized next week) Magnets design: December/2012 AD Hall preparations: 01/2013-03/2014 ELENA Installation: 01/2014-03/2015 ELENA commissioning: from 04/2015 p or H- or no source: 12/2011 (Discussions going forward with Julich) Design of the new building: 10/2011-03/2012 (Discussions started) Delivery of the new building: 10/2013 Moving the kicker platform: 11/2013-03/2014 AD Start-up: 05/2014 (?) IEFC Workshop/ S. Maury 8th of March 2012
During 2012, 2013 and 2014 IEFC Workshop/ S. Maury 8th of March 2012
Since then… IEFC Workshop/ S. Maury 8th of March 2012 Stage 1 of new control rooms installed, Stage 2 planned for summer 2012
WC Tech AEGIS + ACE Stairs ATRAP WC Connections with stage 3 ELENA Stairs Cafet Meeting room Existing Coming next (Sept 12) Stage 2 of new control rooms project Courtesy: O. Choisnet
AD Target Consolidation The target zone is the source of the antiprotons for the AD/ELENA physics program!! The AD-target area is an old installation, not consolidated since 1987 Most control equipment were conceived as prototypes and therefore for most of them spares are not available Only few problems occurred during 12 years of AD operation Area is well designed Current repetition rate is ~100 s instead of designed 2.4 s Very reduced maintenance over the years – complete loss of expertise: Every issue could be a big problem! In order to ensure long-term AD operation a significant consolidation activity – to start in LS1 – is needed As agreed during the IEFC 4 th November, a thorough investigation activity is presently being carried out (2011/2012 winter shutdown) Joined activity between EN/CV, EN/HE, R. Brown (EN/MEF), BE/OP, DGS/RP, coordinated by EN/STI IEFC Workshop/ S. Maury 8th of March 2012
Documentation An effort is needed from several groups to re-establish a complete and up-to-date documentation of all components of AD-target area (missing up-to-now) Heavy task, as most of the people which built the installation are not at CERN anymore A safety file? EDMS node created under “Project”, “Accelerators” and already populated Modification of target position interlock for LS1 FLUKA simulations (systematics in pbar optimization, energy deposition, mechanical positioning sensitivity, etc) … Document describing the current status of the target area will be produced by June 2012 by all the concerned groups, coordinated by EN/STI IEFC Workshop/ S. Maury 8th of March 2012
AD Target Consolidation The target area is very radioactive and presents several contamination risks: Local maintenance and operation should be kept to a minimum Due to the unknowns related to remote operation, presently these activities have to be locally performed (not really ALARA …) Medium to long-term solutions should enhance the remote handling and inspection capabilities: Consolidation needed on target/horn chariot movement controls (for most degree of freedom we are presently “blind”) Camera and microphones needed for remote control operation (ASAP) IEFC Workshop/ S. Maury 8th of March 2012
Target Area Equipment The focussing horn is indispensable for AD physics run: Only annual visual inspections is performed: no manpower to really revive a thorough follow-up The present horn will NOT last for the next 20 years… A renovated horn test bench (previously in b. 174) is part of the new AD proposed building (TE/ABT) Spare horns available, but mechanical/electrical status is unknown In case of equipment (target/horn/magnets/quad) failures: The old service vehicle is out of order: a complete replacement of all the hydraulic and the control electronic will be performed Short-term solution a new device is needed (200/350kCHF) to avoid that any unforeseen failure stops the AD physics for several weeks/months… Target spares available IEFC Workshop/ S. Maury 8th of March 2012
Surface Buildings and Tunnel Building 232 (AD-target support): Partially used as radioactive storage area: a campaign has been launched to remove “hot” equipments Will be used for non-radioactive storage of target area equipment (previously in b. 174) and for training on the spare chariots General civil engineering consolidation needed! Building 195 (cooling station, horns, etc.): Delicate installations (target cooling, horn powering…): it is proposed to install a controlled access system Building 196 (ventilation system): Severe water intrusions (building made of blocks), water condensation during the winter period water flowing in the target area with risks of water activation General consolidation needed! TT6 tunnel (service equipments): Severe water intrusions with the source not identified, humid and slippery environment with 3 H contamination… Refurbishment and simplifications of service equipment needed for long-term operation (water drain tank, compressed air filters for horn/stripline cooling) Future access system (under technical definition) should simplify access (avoid target area) IEFC Workshop/ S. Maury 8th of March 2012
Target Consolidation during LS1: 2013-2014 Target/horn mechanical systems extended maintenance (not possible during short shutdowns) Renovation and simplification of: Target/horn control systems: to be carefully planned and discussed as will lead to significant cumulated dose to teams C&V control systems Complete renovation of machine-related interlocks system Horn test bench and horns consolidation (?) Complete and detailed list to be defined by June 2012 IEFC Workshop/ S. Maury 8th of March 2012
Target Consolidation after LS1 Simplification of the target/horn chariot system (new mechanical structure) Acquisition of a robot capable of performing most simple tasks of standard maintenance (inspection, cleaning of the horn…) Review the water cooling circuit of the target, collimator and the other elements of the target area (requested from RP) Impossible in LS1 due to lack of resource s IEFC Workshop/ S. Maury 8th of March 2012
Target Area IEFC Workshop/ S. Maury 8th of March 2012 AD target area – February 2012 Focussing quadrupoles Target Horn Target chariot Horn chariot
IEFC Workshop/ S. Maury 8th of March 2012 AD Consolidation ” 2.4 MCHF budget (=1/3) allocated Only main items with high RS and long lead time to be done Breakdowns will be treated with emergency measures –With ELENA, “2016 closedown” now looks more like “>2030.
AD Consolidation : Magnets, ring and transfer lines Completed: Ring main B partially re-shimmed (after coil movement measurements) Ring (B+Q) water hoses/filters renewal DR.QFC54: spare coil located Ongoing: Ring BHN spare coils: order placed, delivery 2013 (to complete spare parts inventory) N.B: missing spare coils for the other main magnets were located after the consolidation plan was finalized. => budget requirements reduced Orbit correctors 2904/2917: New design, order placed, delivery 03/2012 To be added in view of prolonged AD lifespan (ELENA): Overhaul of ring main bending and quad magnets: removal/disassembly of one unit for assessment, re-shimming?, build complete spare unit? (LS1) 7020/7030 quads: new magnets, redesign? (no spares available) IEFC Workshop/ S. Maury 8th of March 2012
AD Consolidation: Power converters Completed: DR.Q-TRIM1 upgrade, in operation DR.Q-TRIM3 upgrade to be commissioned 03/2012 E-cooler correction dipoles renewal, in operation Dogleg pulsed converters: renewal of capacitors Ongoing: Dogleg pulsed converters: 4 new converters (new design) to be commissioned 03/2012 DR.Q-TRIM2,4 and 5 upgrade in LS1 Main B/Q + BTI247 magnetic component spares: delivery in 2012 To be added in view of prolonged AD lifespan (ELENA): Study to be published by TE/EPC (tech + budget requests) Other: Ejection line consolidation abandoned due to new e-static ELENA lines Stochastic cooling main converters will be rebuilt by BE/RF IEFC Workshop/ S. Maury 8th of March 2012
AD Consolidation: Stochastic cooling Completed: Ongoing: Electronics for system parameter (delay, attenuator) control: replacement of obsolete equipment/controls interface with PLC-based system. To be commissioned 03/2012 u-wave amplifier power supplies: replacement of the existing large units with 48 individual supplies + renewed PLC-based controls. Call for tender & purchase in 2012, installation in 2013 N.B. support will change from TE/EPC to BE/RF Pickup/kicker movement: Update of obsolete system with modern digital servo motor controller. To be done during LS1 p/u & kicker vacuum tanks: return from GSI in 2012 => To be used for tests of new p/u & kicker movement system components. Can we also use these as spares ? To be added in view of prolonged AD lifespan (ELENA): Renewal of u-wave amplifiers: needs evaluation, cost ~ 2 MCHF IEFC Workshop/ S. Maury 8th of March 2012
AD Consolidation: Electron cooling Completed: HV-supply: Renewal of Faraday cage, HT transformer, converters, interlock system, safety, electronics/controls interface: operational since 2010 Ongoing: To be added in view of prolonged AD lifespan (ELENA): Build a completely new modern cooler ~ 2.5 MCHF (after LS1) Existing cooler: >30 years old We have no spare magnets; very long down time if failure, significant cost for new spares Performance issues (?) e- bpm:s not operational Contains unused equipment IEFC Workshop/ S. Maury 8th of March 2012
AD Consolidation: Vacuum Completed: NEG pump improvement in electron cooler: operational Pressure gauge power supplies/controls: New system installed in 2012 Ongoing: Ion pump power supplies/controls: planning to be revised To be added in view of prolonged AD lifespan (ELENA): As proposed by TE/VSC: (will be discussed on Friday) Cryo system renovation bakeout system upgrade general controls upgrade Ion pump HV feedthrough improvement (heating system) IEFC Workshop/ S. Maury 8th of March 2012
AD Consolidation: Beam transfer Completed: Kicker Oil system consolidation (?) Magnetic Horn pulser: Electronics/controls interface/interlock system renewed (PLC-based) - operational Trigger generation system consolidated – operational Spare units for capacitor charger re-activated (but still 25 years old) Ongoing: To be added in view of prolonged AD lifespan (ELENA): Revision of the kicker vacuum tanks: Structural improvements (vacuum leaks) – to be defined Kicker Electronics/controls renewal: included in the ELENA planning since the platform needs to be displaced Magnetic Horn: replacement of the Mercury ignitrons with solid state switches, renewal of the capacitor chargers, build new test stand (B174 dismantled)- to be defined IEFC Workshop/ S. Maury 8th of March 2012
AD Consolidation: RF Completed: C10: renewal of bias power supply and final tube filament heater, procurement of spares for filament transformer Ongoing: C10: renewal of 1kW drivers. 2 units are delivered to CERN. 1 unit is operational and under evaluation/improvements due to initial problems C02 tuning system and HT-supply renewal: to be started. Equipment needs to be displaced for ELENA – has to be done in LS1 To be added in view of prolonged AD lifespan (ELENA): C10 final stage tubes: tests of existing spare units during LS1. Do we have enough good spares ? If not, new systems need to be constructed. Cost unknown, but > 1 MCHF C10 electronics/controls renewal C10 low-level upgrade (?) Beam control: migration to standard DSP-based system. IEFC Workshop/ S. Maury 8th of March 2012
AD Consolidation: Instrumentation Completed: Renewal of control room signal analyzers Ongoing: Replacement of ejection line MWPC:s by GEM-detectors. Several units already in operation, all units will be installed for the 2012 run. Upgrade of MTV:s to CCD-cameras. Works well with low-intensity beams. To be added in view of prolonged AD lifespan: Planning to be defined Schottky analysis (longitudinal): integrate ageing DSP equipment into new LL beam control system Orbit system: renewal => study new solutions e.g. individual ADC:s BBQ-tune measurement => study new solutions BCT (TFA6006 and 5302) renewal: mechanical redesign BCT (all) electronics/software update DCCT (TRA4207) electronics Other; SQUID studies etc. IEFC Workshop/ S. Maury 8th of March 2012
AD Consolidation: Controls/software Completed: Ongoing: Front-end upgrade (ACCOR) in planning stage, implementation not before LS1 GM => FESA: partly done (scrapers, horn etc.) but much remains To be added in view of prolonged AD lifespan (ELENA): Cycle generation/timing (including dependent routines and AP:s): similar systems for AD and ELENA. => LS1 INCA => LS1 ABS => YASP (LS1) c => JAVA: a few AP:s remain (LS1) IEFC Workshop/ S. Maury 8th of March 2012
Conclusion With the ELENA Project approved, antiproton physics will continue for the next 15 to 20 years and open the door to the new physics era To ensure a long life to ELENA physics all upstream machines should be consolidated (AD, TA, PS) The new multipurpose building will give space for ELENA machine in order to start its construction in 2014 and for new antiproton experiments in the future. IEFC Workshop/ S. Maury 8th of March 2012
IEFC Workshop/ S. Maury 43 8th of March 2012 Thanks for your attention
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